Astrology and Diet – The Taurus / Scorpio Opposition Diet

Dreamsareality asks regarding the soldier’s eating habits:

Has he tried the low-carbs diet or Carb-addicts diet? Lotsa food!

Sounds like he’s active enough to burn it all off – and that’s great, but what fun is it to eat and not be full??

Actually, the solider doesn’t have a lick of fat on him anywhere and he never has. He is on the Taurus Sun opposite Scorpio Moon diet which means on Taurus days he eats like a glutton and I mean, he eats and eats and eats, then the Scorpio kicks in and he doesn’t eat so much as a scrap for a day or more…

“Eat!” I say.

“P, I said I’m not hungry so quit asking me if I want some food. If I want some food, I’ll let you know.”

ha ha ha.

You can see how this served him when he was in Special Forces. He could go a couple days crawling on his belly through the jungle… every once in awhile eat a bug and call it good. 😉

8 thoughts on “Astrology and Diet – The Taurus / Scorpio Opposition Diet”

  1. then the Scorpio kicks in and he doesn’t eat so much as a scrap for a day or more…

    This works when you have the sun in Scorpio and the Moon in Taurus too. Moon in Taurus likes to make big batches of good food and Scorpio sun likes to then go do something else for a day or two. That would be me, BTW.

    [‘Eating bugs sucks.’]

  2. max – I had a Scorpio Sun / Taur Moon man once and he would drink 20 cups of coffee…. eat nothing all day and then come home and gorge himself… dinner and plates of chocolate chip cookies. 🙂

  3. Hmmm now there is something I didn’t know was natural to Scorps, the eating thing. I try very hard to get at least 2 meals of some sort in a day (one of them is usually a fairly healthy cold cereal) but its difficult. I just dont feel hungry very often, which is bad bad bad for a stomach ulcer (which I have). Always better to put something on your tummy, rather than just let it eat away at its own lining. Making myself do that is another thing thoug.

  4. you could be describing my eighteen year old son. Taurus sun, leo rising,scorpio moon. He is a tall,lean, fighting machine…not a lick of fat on him….what he loves to eat he can’t get enough of…but then will also have days of not eating very much at all…this would worry me when he was younger…nutrition wise. We went on a cruise when he was younger and he ate the same pasta meal every night for the 14 night cruise…some nights he had two serves of the same dish and said it was his dessert.

  5. Denise – Notice the FIXED quality. My Taurus son eats the same thing for about 3 years at a time, then change up. ha ha ha. He has been on PB&J, Beef jerky and now it’s Ramen Noodles. 😛

  6. “Notice the FIXED quality”

    Haha gawd I’m exactly the same way… my chart is mostly mutable but I have a stellium in Taurus involving the sun… I eat the same crap for weeks at a time until it makes me want to puke just looking at it, then move on to something else for the next two or three weeks… terrible I know… but it works for me :]

  7. It sounds like the soldier and I are on the same diet! My workmates makes fun of how much I eat at my desk, but by 5 pm I’m done for the day. (Taurus Sun opposed Scorpio Uranus/MC)

  8. max – I had a Scorpio Sun / Taur Moon man once and he would drink 20 cups of coffee…. eat nothing all day and then come home and gorge himself… dinner and plates of chocolate chip cookies. 🙂

    That’s pretty close; I like my Dr. Pepper. But then I like to cook, and I eat the entire time.

    [‘And then the next day, I often eat nothing at all.’]

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