Astrology & History Of Stock Market Crashes

2008 stock crashWith Saturn squaring Uranus in Taurus it seems a near certainty the markets will suffer/enjoy a reality check and be brought down to earth. I ran through the crashes that have taken place in my lifetime. I found this:

Black Monday – October 19, 1987  Saturn conjunct Uranus

Dot-com bubble Oct 4, 2002 Saturn trine Uranus

Financial crisis of 2007-08 – Saturn opposite Uranus

Corona Crash 2020 – Saturn square Uranus

2022?  Saturn square Uranus

Saturn and Uranus are currently squared off. This aspect will peak in October of 2022.

That doesn’t mean the market will crash in October. Uranus surprises! I do see this validating what many feel is coming in the near future.

What are your thoughts on this?

9 thoughts on “Astrology & History Of Stock Market Crashes”

  1. Ray Merriman’s current weekly column touches on this. I’ve followed him for eons. You’re onto something, Elsa.

    We are now in the midst of the most intense geocosmic climate of the year in August and September. Everything cosmically is pointing to the week of September 21-28 when Saturn will make its 4th and final 45-year waning square passage to Uranus (well, within less than a degree of exactness). This will be the
    sixth time this aspect has happened in the U.S. history. Every alternate or “other time” is 90 years, and it is interesting to note that the “other times” of the early 1840s and 1930s have coincided with the most devastating stock market crashes ever (80 and 90% losses, respectively). Could it happen again this
    decade? It’s possible, but as of now, the recent decline appears to be only a normal 23-month cycle trough that ended June 16-17 with a decline of 19.7% in the DJIA. Our forecast was for 10-26%, after which a powerful rally would unfold until at least September-December 2022.

    As pointed out earlier, there are an unusual number of Uranus signatures in effect in August-September. The first was August 1. The second is taking place now as the Sun forms an opposition to Saturn and square to Uranus, August 11-14. The next one will be when Uranus turns stationary retrograde on August 24, followed by Venus in square to Uranus and opposition to Saturn, August 27-28. Both of these periods are likely to be significant in several financial markets, which will be discussed in detail in our weekly subscription reports. But also noteworthy will be the powerful, heliocentric Mercury transiting through
    Sagittarius, August 16-29, which has major implications for precious metals.

    It’s going to be wild. It’s been wild. And a whole lotta’ shakin’ is still coming up for markets, nature, weather, politics, and traveling.

  2. With the bill that just passed the House raising corporate taxes, stock buybacks, that just may be all that’s needed on the heap to send the psychological market deep down. Uranus in Taurus with the Taurus-Scorpio nodes squaring Saturn isn’t in our experience. Black Friday Oct. 28, 1929 the nodes were in Taurus-Scorpio with Mars on the South Node, no Saturn aspect. Jupiter is presently on Black Friday Uranus.

  3. I believe history repeats
    Those two planets do say whoa!! To me
    Prices do seem unrealistic on many counts where I live??

  4. Following someone that says around oct 20. I can feel it in the air…. Jupiter in Pisces has not been good for bitcoin (regressing back into on oct 28) and Jupiter increasing direct caused total crypto chaos with the Luna collapse on May 10, 2022, so dec 20 I will be wary. Something breaks oct to dec is my throwing the dart target. The fallout 2023. And I’m ready- almost.

  5. The NN is in Taurus. I think maybe the crash is unavoidable sooner or later considering they’ve been playing the speculative game for too long and covid was definitely their brake to initiate the reset. They want to invalidate paper money. they want to buy land NOW, cheap, by creating more fake crisis (see Dutch farmers protest…) to ensure that food is the means for control as paper money will be worth nothing soon down the road. that’s where they usher in the credit system? with
    NN in Taurus myself, in the 1H, I say be stubborn, but def go self sufficient where you can.

  6. Ivan understand the crashes occurring on negative aspects between Saturn and Uranus; square opposition and conjunct. But why on a trine which positive?

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