
Advice on anything and everything under the sun!

Which House System Is Best?

Hi, Elsa, I have heard many astrologers say that “I use this particular house system, but they all work.” To me this sounds wishy washy and I am wondering if you could help me understand how they could all possibly work. For example, in one house system one has a stellium in the 12th house and […]

neptune god of sea

What Happens When Neptune Transits Opposite Venus?

Hi, Elsa. How can I handle Neptune transiting opposite natal Venus? Is it possible to keep the rose-colored glasses off in terms of relationships? Or should one channel energies into creative projects? Venus in Virgo United States Hi, Venus. I don’t think it’s possible to do what you’re asking, nor do I think it’s desirable. We


Raising Kids With Astrology

This is for parents and also for old timers around here. My son is visiting right now. Vid. He’s seventeen now. He’s in college, studying engineering. He’s getting straight A’s. If you’ve been reading me for awhile, you know it wasn’t always like this.

Am I Too Controlling With My Daughter?

C wrote me a simple note. “I worry so much that I am too controlling with my daughter”. Well, C, bless your Virgo heart. My Virgo stellium completely sympathizes, so let’s start there. If a Virgo is breathing, she is worrying… about something. We strive and strive to reconcile the opposites, in this case, Pisces,

Dealing With Tragedy, Elegantly

I’m facing a new horror. It’s not my health but it is personal. Don’t ask because I’m not telling…may never tell and certainly won’t tell now and ruin Christmas for people. I’ll tell you one thing, it’s as bad as anything I’ve ever faced. But I am doing okay because I have figured out, I’m

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