
Patterns in relationship

Saturn Square Mars In Synastry

Hi Elsa! My Saturn squares my male friend’s Mars. His Mars is in Leo, and I find small things like him sneezing or coughing too loud really, really annoying and off-putting. We tried to date years ago but it didn’t work out because I would undermine and emasculate him, and even though he is objectively […]

What Lurks Beneath The Surface Of Your Relationship?

I had a consult with a gal, worried about what might be lurking beneath the surface in her marriage.  Her marriage was good and solid and had been long-lasting but she had these concerns. In reality there are always things “lurking beneath the surface” when people interact.  It’s not necessarily bad.  People get together to work out

What’s Wrong With Venus In Virgo?

A man sent me this: But here’s the thing – and I’ve wanted to say this forever: I’ve seen you talk about this Saturn/Venus thing for a long long time, and it’s true. Saturn is a killer. Venus can be crushed (or bolstered!) by Saturn… we’ve seen both things happen. But Venus in Virgo is

venus and mars Wengraf

What If Venus Is Badly Aspected?

Hi Elsa! You write about ‘frustrated mars’ quite frequently. How bad is a jacked up Venus, compared to that, in a chart? Thanks from India Good question, India. While a poorly aspected Venus can cause a lot of problems, I do see Mars in a different class. This is because Mars is a malefic planet. 

How Do You Act On A Date?

When you meet someone for the first time, do you, yourself show up? Or do you send hologram in there to check things out? (Neptune) Do you show up defensive? Do you interview the person, or wait for them to interview you? (Saturn)

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