Client Testimonial – Uncanny

J.B writes:

“It’s uncanny. You can come to Elsa in pieces and she will glue you back together.

I had a 30 minute consult with her this morning.  I began the call in tears and ended the call laughing and feeling stronger.
Elsa’s mind and her astrology are so damn sharp. She can sum up complex situations FAST. She helps you shift your perspective FAST.

I am not exaggerating when I say that Elsa was born to do this work! Thank you, Elsa.


Thanks, J.B.

3 thoughts on “Client Testimonial – Uncanny”

  1. This is so great, JB! That was almost exactly my experience the last call I had with you, Elsa. Thought I was going to break down crying and ended up smiling, laughing and feeling stronger after I hung up with you. 🙂

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