Commitment-Phobia: Marrying Uranus In The 7th House…

‘Well now we’ve got two dates and have to choose,” I told the soldier.

“How’d that happen?”

“Well I came across one but I asked other people for advice and another astrologer emailed me with a different date.  His work was compelling.”

“It doesn’t matter.  Either day you can run out the church.”

I had no answer for that.

10 thoughts on “Commitment-Phobia: Marrying Uranus In The 7th House…”

  1. AHAH! Score for making me laugh out loud.
    That photo too! And she’s holding sneakers
    PS I am a Big Fan of electionals.

  2. “Should I reserve this then?” I asked the soldier.

    “I don’t know, does it have a runway so you can run, P? Leave us standing there? Make sure it has plenty of exits so you can get out…”

  3. “Are you going to tell anyone about this?”

    “I’ll tell ’em after we’re married. No telling what will happen between now and then, you’re a big chicken, P…. don’t look at me, you know it’s true.”

  4. I was thinking he’ll have a trickier time getting you into the church (or venue), once you are in there, you may be gazelle in the headlights frozen and it will happen before you know it 😉

  5. I got cold feet marrying the love of my life. I was freaking out, saying I don’t think I can do this, and my love said to me, “You can do this. I’ll be there.” And he was right. Because he was there with me, I could do it. And I did!

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