Scorpio’s Tendency To Obsess & Pick At Scabs

Scorpio dart boardScorpio, how do you know when you’re picking a scab just to pick a scab?

Your intellect understands a situation but your emotion does not track.

You continue to feel bad about something it is pointless to feel bad about.

You understand the futility of your emotion but you agonize anyway, over and over from a variety of angles.


Is there is a piece you lack?

How do you know when you are picking a scab just to be picking a scab?

24 thoughts on “Scorpio’s Tendency To Obsess & Pick At Scabs”

  1. I pick scabs both literally and figuratively. sometimes I’ll leave a scab alone long enough for it to heal but generally only because I’ve found a better scab to pick.

    why? probably the same reason I think some people cut themselves, control, self-regulation of pain that seems inevitable. but hard to know cos I’m probably unable to see the big picture.

  2. I want to know the answer to this question! My own scabpicking is worry, and is a deep-seated habit (Virgo). Futile, but compulsive.

  3. how do you know? perhaps you know when it’s a perpetual problem and you never get any closer to solving it. after a certain amount of time even the best scabs just become ugly scars. best to set a time limit for when to let it go. but that doesn’t mean I do…

  4. I agree with satori (#3). You know when, for all your time, it never produces relief. However, if you’re picking and picking and picking and new info, new viewpoints, new connections are still being made? Well, then it’s fruitful. It serves a purpose. Sorta. At least you’re gaining insight into your motivations and how everyone’s actions affected said situation and how to avoid it in the future (if you wish) and blah blah blah. *smiles*

    I think pieces can be missing for a lot of reasons. Most of the time when I find myself picking scabs, opening wounds, examining scars, it’s because I cannot for the life of me fathom why the other person/people acted like they did. So I scan and mull and flip it over and wash it off and count it’s toes, take it apart, reconfigure it, then do it all over again and again and again until something makes sense or until I can glean nothing else from it.

  5. Man, good question Elsa. I do ‘just KNOW’ there is bad-mocha puss in there that needs to get O.U.T.!!!

  6. “probably the same reason I think some people cut themselves, control, self-regulation of pain that seems inevitable.”

    i think there’s definitely a bit of a control issue in it. there something to be said for choosing when and where and how much you experience that pain.

    the missing piece could be acceptance, maybe? when my emotions get out of whack with what i know, it’s usually because i haven’t accepted the situation on some level. and i’m looking for a way to reinterpret or reinvent the facts, so they come out the way i want them to, not the way they really are.

  7. I agree with SaDiablo,who said …

    “So I scan and mull and flip it over and wash it off and count it’s toes, take it apart, reconfigure it, then do it all over again and again and again until something makes sense or until I can glean nothing else from it.’

    One could say I’ve got a lot of time on my hands … hmmm. I keep looking for ways to make sense of the whirl and hope to get at the bigger and bigger picture. It mostly works for me, and when it doesn’t I turn to GRACE…the transformER, and go to another place.

  8. Well, it seems I pick other people’s scabs (metaphorically speaking) all the time. And people will ask “how did you know to ask me that?” Just do. Don’t really know HOW so much as I can sometimes just spidey-sense it I guess.

    For myself – sorry ladies this will be rather gross but I think of ‘GA-GA-WA-WA pussy stuff’ as turds. I try to submerge them, but if they keep top floating to the surface of my mind, heart and soul? I try to examine them again, see what the mystical ‘tea leaves’ are trying to tell me. If I can’t parse anything out? I flush & sink that sucker again, only to ‘pick-the-scab’ later if it floats topside.

    Sorry, Elsa’s toilet pic this morning got me thinking about how I problem-solve.

  9. Scorpio rising, and I just love getting the pus out, literally and figuratively. Something gleeful in revealing the muck. And behind it is the hope of healing. But alas, sometimes the muck never entirely surfaces and the wounds don’t entirely heal… yet I can’t stop hoping that if I pick at it just a little bit more…

  10. Usually when I ‘pick a scab’ just to pick at it, is caused by disappointment in myself or others. Although I won’t notice it right away (i.e until the scab is fully healed) , this tends to be the situation. Once I know that picking the scab is just irritating me and picking at it is likely to make it worse and I won’t be gaining anything, I stop. I relax and discard whatever expectation I had and let time heal.

  11. “Usually when I ‘pick a scab’ just to pick at it, is caused by disappointment in myself or others.”

    Sarah, that is astute. That is what prompts me as well. And welcome by the way!

    You too, Julie in Boston. 🙂

  12. I think Scorpios feel so much sometimes that they are more comfortable picking the scab. Then at least we know that no one else is poking at it. And if someone else does poke at it, we’re desensitized. It can’t possibly hurt any more than the first fifty times we mucked with it and turned that sucker out.

  13. I have also realised that when I ‘pick a scab’ it takes the personal form of berating others. I know I am hurting somewhere. Me or mine? Then I have to stop and think about why and where it’s hurling from.

  14. We Scorpios just have to feel the pain I guess. Especially when bored and regretful which seems to be an unuslal trend now. I’m usually happy go lucky, but Saturn in Virgo has hit my uranus, pluto, part of fortune, then coming up will be moon, mercury thru Libra. After that will be sun, neptune and venus thru scorpio. Saturn is going to be hitting it all! jupiter, you’re my only hope. lol

  15. I’ve been thinking about this – I think there is something satisfactory in going thru the pain and coming out on the other side. Still here, still kicking, even after exploring what’s in there that’s causing that pus. Why? So we can help our people. “We KNOW pain baby. Here, let me walk you through to the other side. I’ve been here before. You’ll notice over here on our left XXXX, but hang on, the worst is almost over.”

  16. Dreams, that is so true! There have been many times I’ve delved deep into a wound, mucked around, and cleansed it then been able to turn around and help someone else do the exact same.
    Unfortunately, I’m learning that I’m just too damned stubborn to let anyone help me in the same way. WTF is that all about? *laughs*

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