11 thoughts on “Deep Down You Know (Pluto Transits)”

  1. I’ve done so much inner work and shadow work, healed my mother wound (ceres conjunct cancer asc oposite Saturn in cap, Chiron in cancer 1st house conjunct Jupiter ❤️‍🩹) these past couple years. Also, my NN is in my eighth aqua house.

    Lot more introspection but also maybe more intimate deep connection I think will happen for me when Pluto makes its way to Aquarius again. I’ll continue to work on intimacy/relational issues even if I don’t want to.

    I’ve learned to look inside a lot more and also do more day-to-day cleaning and pruning of my psychological state rather then pretend stuff is perfect or isn’t there.

    I owe it to having a Saturn in Capricorn Saturn return ~2020 with that pileup of planets including Pluto some years back, as well as some rough SR charts. I had a seemingly huge mother wound that is now much lighter and smaller and healed. I’m probably going to be a relationship expert soon! Lol.

    Like Persephone I didn’t wanna go there, I was still a girl when I was “taken” into Pluto’s realm, but I what I’ve gotten so far has been inwardly very valuable.

    1. Lots in common here. l wont write it all out, but l relate. Persephone. l know her well…and l was taken underneath too. They are a pair… Demeter and Persephone. l really took your description of healing to heart today. Thank you.

  2. The trouble with Pluto 1st house is connecting with other people’s unconscious/sunconscious. If you tell them about it, you’re commonly faced with denial and rejection, so that does place you in quite the weird realm.

  3. I know someone who did really well with a recent Pluto transit. He was the child of an abusive alcoholic father. My friend dropped out of high school as a teenager and began drinking heavily and for 10 years was following in his father’s footsteps. Fortunately he had no children.

    He’s a Virgo. Nearly all of his planets are in Virgo. I’m not sure which house they land in as I don’t have his birth time.

    When Pluto entered Capricorn of course it trined his everything. And one day he decided, ENOUGH. He stopped drinking, returned to school, got married, got a well paying job, now has a son. This is a guy we all thought would end up in prison! So Pluto can be good news I guess. He told me he finally found peace.

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    the laughing goat

    You use the word swamp and funny enough this is the word I have been using to describe my mental and emotional state for at least the last 5 years. Tr. Pluto grinding over my 12H Sun and Mercury for too long. All the creatures coming out of the woodwork for a piece of me, and I’m out there treading thick, murky waters. Brooding for sure. Definitely finding out how deep I can go, some of it not so pretty, kind of frightening at times.

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