Effects Of Saturn & Neptune Retrograde In Pisces

blue pisces fishIf you feel like you’re failing, I doubt it’s as bad as you fear.  With Saturn and Neptune are retrograde in Pisces, it’s entirely possible you’re moving through your problems at a good speed. It’s just too foggy to see your progress.

This is happening in the lives of individuals, but it’s also happening among the collective.  Specifically, veils are dropping, left and right.  It’s creating tons of confusion, as the real and the unreal, battle it out.

In many cases, it’s hard if not impossible to discern between the two.  This does not give a person a feeling of confidence.  From there, it’s a slippery slow into depression and the land of “I suck”.

Well, you don’t suck. We’ve got these planets retrograde in Pisces and traction is elusive. The way forward is to flow around or under obstacles.  This is not ideal for a good many people, but it’s what we’ve for now.

Marry that to the intense pressure people feel (Mars opposing Pluto in Capricorn) and various other sundries, like:

  • Someone actually telling you that you suck
  • Heavy, invisible burdens of all kinds
  • Vague or otherwise, hard-to-treat illness
  • Changes, more changes and other changes, if you don’t like change
  • Inflation & other money problems
  • Splits with friends, family, colleagues or whoever
  • Caregiving of all kinds
  • Many other things…

This is the climate right now. You’re probably doing way better than you realize, considering these conditions, which I expect to be sustained until these planets turn direct.

Saturn will turn direct in November.
Neptune turns direct in December.

Rather than thinking about suffering until then, try thinking you have nothing to worry about, as this is going to straighten out on it’s own!

Good luck!


3 thoughts on “Effects Of Saturn & Neptune Retrograde In Pisces”

  1. I resonate with every single thing you’ve said, including caretaking and being told ‘I suck’. 😂 I have enough wisdom to see that for what it is, but still, none of it feels great, and I am getting mighty tired.

    I also feel intuitively that getting to January will make a difference. For now I’m just showing up each day, putting in the hours, so to speak, as consciously as I can, and trying not to worry about the rest.

    Thanks for this.

  2. Thank you Elsa. It’s important to remind this things. Both retrógrada in 4th house, lots of caregiving and heavy burdens. It will pass!

  3. Oh my! Elsa, this post is meant for me, right!?? 🙂

    *Someone actually telling you that you suck – 🙁
    *Inflation & other money problems – with no income and more expenses (more of the 6th house kind of debt towards disease)
    *Caregiving of all kinds – my dog just got dxed with inoperable brain tumor – she is on diligent palliative care with prognosis poor; trying to get to a new normal but failing in taking care of self; caregiving with loads of anticipation grief and asking questions of why my dog has to go through this after her entire life of being in cage producing puppies and just a year of new life experiences with us..
    This post hit me well – i actually have no tears to spare..too dry and completely numb with things that are observed now in my life context.

    Thanks for this timely post, gives me something to work on.

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