Finding a serious partner is supremely challenging at any age, in the current climate. People are divided on every level you can think of but the negative messaging is off the chain. Men are told women aren’t worth it. Women are told they’re not good enough. Take a minute to think about how undermining this is. Just this, and this alone.
Men, who are designed to make an effort, are told not to make an effort.
Women who are designed to attract, are told they don’t have what it takes.
I wish this made people as mad as it makes me. I don’t think it does. Boundaries are permeable right now. People absorb this stuff and it changes them. They’re influenced!
I know people still get together, because I work with people in relationships, every day. But I also know people who are despairing over this. Saturn in Pisces makes a person feel, they will lack forever and always, but this not real.
I’m writing this so if you’re in this situation. you can think about it. Is there someone or something feeding your fears around dating? You might want to seal the leak in your hull.
There is a lot of content out there that makes everyone of every age seem ridiculously unattractive. Most of it is staged, but it’s extremely effective, if the goal is to demoralize and demotivate a person.
If you want to be alone, fine. But if you don’t, I encourage you to keep your chin up. Let people see you. Be a person, willing to engage.
The idea that no one wants to partner anymore is a myth! Are you kidding me? If anything, people want it more than ever. Pay your bills alone, or partner and share expenses? Spend the night with your phone, or with another soul with a beating heart? There is no question, for most!
I feel people are being undone by this and years go by!
Just don’t give up hope. Retrain yourself, to look at others, straight on. Make eye contact. Say hello!
Don’t let yourself get dragged down! In fact, I’d defend against such a thing.
When I left, Frito Lay, one of the men I worked with told me, “You’ll never get a job as good as this one, again.” How’s that for undermining?
“You may never get a job this good again, if you quit, but I’m sure I will.”
See? Try it!
Are you feeling undermined in regards to partnering?