The Astrology Of The Grandiose, Self-Important Personality

I wrote this in 2009. The Jupiter Neptune conjunction was in full swing.  People really thought they were elite and special.

Saturn in Sagittarius brought High Flying People Down To Earth. Saturn in Capricorn is keeping them there.

Here’s the original piece:

Here’s another type we’ve never discussed on this blog probably because they don’t show up around here much, if at all. They don’t show up in my life outside this blog either, except by accident or some hook or crook.

There are astrologers like this I will encounter via the Astro Dispatch. I’m talking about self-important types who for whatever reason consider themselves a cut above…and I mean they want you to bow.

They come right out and tell me just who the hell it is I’m talking to. They tell me how they ought to be addressed. I record their every inflection. Their manner says, “Do you know who I am, you little pittance of a fool?”

I never answer that since I know they’re going to tell me who they are anyway. They never fail me on this count. They go on to list their accomplishments which always seem ridiculous because I think being human comes first, never mind I know some pretty seriously accomplished folk who would never in a million years act like this.

In the end they stomp off having told me and put me in my place, when in fact I am in the same place I was before I encountered them.

What do you think the astrology of someone like this might be? The first thing that occurs is the ego but really I think it’s a Saturn problem. It’s as if the person has an image of themselves. They feel they’ve earned it and if you don’t subscribe, or if you’ve never read their 800 page book, they fire you. It does not occur to them, you may have written a 900 page book. This is the interesting part to me. I just think it’s funny like like some yelling at me for having my lipstick on crooked when theirs is smeared and of a horrible color.

I never bow. I bow to people, but not people like this. So what happens is they stand there after their speech waiting for me to start kissing their ass. I look at them like I think they are a puzzle and they have no choice but to look back at me and see that I am a puzzle and voila! Maybe there is equality after all. 😉

Grandiose people? What do you know about them?

77 thoughts on “The Astrology Of The Grandiose, Self-Important Personality”

  1. I had to deal with someone like that at my last place of employment. Very stuck up, very much treated everyone like they were inept and couldn’t do anything right. Very much like “Do you know who I am? You need to treat me like royalty”.

    The only person on the planet I ever went “Uh…..” when speaking to, because I knew what I COULDN’T say and I knew what I WANTED To say – and they were the same things.

  2. The first thing that occurs is the ego but really I think it’s a Saturn problem. It’s as if the person has an image of themselves, I am sure they feel they’ve earned it and if you don’t subscribe, or if you just merely have never read their 800 page book, they fire you. It does not seem to occur to them, you may have written a 900 page book which is the interesting part to me.

    There are some people like that out there in the neopagan movement, one of whom I suspect is a Libra (being that this individual’s attempts at trolling are both half-assed and passive aggressive. Unfortunately I may never see his chart).

  3. I knew someone like that – when I met him & stuck my hand out to shake his hand, he just looked at it in a condescending way.

    I busted out laughing. Couldn’t help it.


    He’s known around town for being an a-hole, I’ve found out.

    Oddly, I’ve met a lot of “famous” people in the music business because of my husband’s job or from when I was waiting on them when I was in school. 99.9% of them were pretty uninflated.

  4. I worked with a lady like this and it was a total nightmare. She claimed to be an astrologer and psychic, but really she was a compulsive liar. Even an amateur like me was able to call her out on her lies and lack of astrological knowledge. For instance she would argue with me that since I’m a Leo I’m automatically jealous of all Taurus’, no ifs, ands, or buts about it (that’s just one of many of her astrological judgements.) We used to get phone calls at our salon of people asking for “the owner -her name here-” because she would go around town lying to people that she was the owner. Not only that but she was a serious power-tripper, tyrant type. I had a hard time dealing with working with her because I honestly never met a person like her in my life, I didn’t even know people like this really existed. Very naive of me I guess. I don’t know anything else about her chart but she was a Gemini.

  5. “She claimed to be an astrologer and psychic, but really she was a compulsive liar.”

    For some reason, that line really cracked me up.

  6. I actually had two people that fit this description a couple of nights ago. They came to me seeking information but they were so busy telling me what they knew, they never let me complete the thought. I just thought they were narcissistic crazy people but maybe it was saturn.
    Funny thing is that when someone needs info like that, i usually get on it right away and try my best to shine. I never started and don’t intend to call them back either.

    I did see someone on the astro dispatch who was a ‘timing expert’. Apparently you could have you micromanage your life and avert horror by taking her ‘advice’. She was very pompous but great entertainment value in her bombast.

  7. I think it’s an insecurity thing, and that could be many signs. People like this don’t feel as good as they act, usually.

    1. Totally agree with you, sonah22.

      In my opinion the inflated ego is one of the many defenses used from quite early on to avoid a deep sense of shame and protect the full activation of an intense and unconsciously quite frightening narcissistic wound.

      I avoid them if I can. Some can be dangerous and some can be annoying.

      Some have nice aspects in their personalities and contribute greatly to society. I then give them the benefit of the doubt yet in general the inflated ego and constant bragging and airs become boring in my experience – too bad!

  8. “People like this don’t feel as good as they act, usually.”

    Well they sure don’t feel good about the other person either. Say! I we have a clue. Maybe it’s the unhappy person rather than self esteem?

  9. “I did see someone on the astro dispatch who was a ‘timing expert’. Apparently you could have you micromanage your life and avert horror by taking her ‘advice’.”

    Please let me know if you see anything on the AD you think should not be. I am working to raise the standard over there… less fluff and selling, more substance and all help and input is appreciated.

  10. People like this don’t feel as good as they act, usually.

    I’m skeptical about that, especially due to research in the past decade or so about bullies and bullying. The problem most often was usually too much, not too little self-esteem. With some exceptions, I think most people who act like this really do think that they’re all that, and trying to make these people feel better about themselves will only encourage them.

  11. Had exactly this experience last week with an academic. Really surprised me. And it was awful.

    I’ve met others like this and instantly, my gut is in knots and I just want far away from them. If a person can’t be themselves but hide behind degrees and image, that is just really uncomfortable I think. And not fun to be around.

    I like that standing and looking at them technique. lol I did hang up on a couple of them who were in my life in the past. They were ::shocked:: They honestly had no idea how pompous they were.

    Maybe it is unhappy more than self esteem. Makes sense thinking back to those I’ve encountered.

  12. Who lives with them I wonder. People who understand they’re spectacular?

    Probably a mix of people with low self-esteem who feel a need to be validated, and other toxic people in general-or at least people to validate their viewpoints outside the home, climb up that social ladder, that kind of thing (everyone needs like-minded people for their social cliques, I guess).

  13. I don’t know much about them, but I just started a new job and encountered one! He’s fascinating. I hear the “wanting to memorize” thing. I just want to stare at him!!!

    Carrie, academics are the worst egomaniacs ever! It’s all they have – few get any money or recognition, so for many, pride is their reward.

  14. I know Donald Trump is a Gemini, but that all I know about him. Do you think these types are classic Narcissits??? I totally shut down around these types, I turn off kinda like the cold shoulder. I give the blank stare as I fantasize about punching this arrogant mf’er in the face,lol. It is all I can do to get throw the dribble they are talking about.

    1. Donald Trump may come across as arrogant but did you know that a family was broke down in their car and he stopped to help them?

      I get sick and tired of people putting Trump down.

        1. That is interesting, Elsa. People get Donald Trump all wrong. He has a public and private persona. Privately he is a very generous and kind person. Publicly, he is a warrior and a showman and he takes no prisoners. You can really see his Mars in Leo conjunct the Ascendant and Moon in Sagittarius.

          I love how he has exposed all of these self-important people in the government and the media for what they are and in the most audacious way.

  15. “Do you know who I am you little pittance of a fool?”

    “No, but do “YOU” know who “I” am? You don’t???”
    I learned this reply from an smart old lady, it’s pretty effective in case they ask you 🙂

  16. Ohh, I used to know a woman who was like that. I had the misfortune of expressing an opinion that was different than hers once and she told me, “If you were ever an artist, you’d…” agree with her. Funny, I went to college as an art major and performed in several bands, but she didn’t know that because she didn’t bother to know anything about me. I decided to just avoid her. I found out a few months ago that she committed suicide in a really awful, painful way. I always tell myself that people who are that unpleasant are really unhappy, but I didn’t fully believe it until now.

  17. Avatar

    It’s funny; all I see of this is me. Maybe another girl I know too, but mostly parts of me at one point. Saturn = control, but also fear & insecurities. I’m sure a lot of us have acted this way at one point in our lives. Especially under times of stress. It’s not an excuse for horrible behavior, but it’s an explanation.

    Who else out there can admit this?

    *dissects & peers at own shadow*

  18. I rarely encounter people like this..but when I do I have to squelch the urge to smack ’em. There are people in this world who can’t function without making other people feel small. Thank God they’re a rare breed (and I don’t mean that as the compliment it usually is).

  19. Circle, I think there’s a difference. I could write reams about my own – what is the word? Selfishness? Arrogance? Control-freak-ishness?
    These are one thing. But viciousness is another, you know?

  20. I think it is an 8th House Saturn in Leo thing, but I encounter people like this all the time. So much that when I read this post and had to scratch my head: “You mean these numb nuts aren’t everywhere?”
    Thinking of astrology, I can only think of my own…what is it about me that ‘attracts’ and the 8th House thing is what I come up with…it’s trine 12th House Neptune and I also know a stupidly huge amount of people with drug addictions so. Huh. Weird. Thank god I am not an addict and I have Sun/Saturn from keeping me as boring as some grand-stander.

  21. Amethyst…that is horrible. I think I can understand. That some people are so friggin miserable. Oooouch.

    I gotta admit…I do bow to these people. Weirdly enough I am okay with it sometimes (not all the time). Sorry, I do have a pretty feisty Mars, but it’s in aspect to Neptune. Sometimes I just have to pretend I’m on a bad dinner date, and I pretend I’m usin’ the can but instead bolt for the door.

  22. This is my worst nightmare and I have always felt honour bound to take these people down until I realised that was just my ego competing with theirs! Now I just feel sorry for people like that because as Elsa pointed out – the voice of the soldier in an old post:

    ‘They’re a legend in their own head.’

    I still think that is brilliant!

  23. The way I look at it is that the personality is egotistical, so it’s on the surface. Feeling arrogant about things like wealth, beauty, even intelligence, is usually a sign of some emptiness inside or some mental disorder like histrionic personality disorder or something, so I feel sorry for these people. As for bullies, I wonder about the need for control-like Pluto squares or something-I think they’re suffering also. That’s just what I’ve experienced thus far. I worked at Whole Foods for a few years, and it was interesting-the “arrogant” customers were the most pathetic. But of course, they get their way because they pay for it.

  24. For me it was a Leo thing! I agree with Bella, once you take your own ego out of it, it is far easier to disengage. In my case, a woman who claimed to be a professional astrologer got a little peeved when I started studying astrology. Then she decided to create a fictitious identity on an online forum I frequented (which she didn’t even know about until I told her) and basically go out of her way to make negative comments on anything I posted. I knew it was her when she put up her own natal chart on another forum thread for advice on her marriage.

  25. You are describing my boss aren’t you?

    Don’t know why I put up with it.. oh, yes I do.. my Saturn in Pisces, ha ha

  26. Avatar

    maureen –
    Hmmm. I think I see your point. It’s not about the super-Saturn-ness. It’s about the terrible “pulling rank/entitlement” tactics these folks haven intent to do to the other person. Destroying another person ego on purpose just to make yourself feel better. Is that what you mean?

  27. Avatar

    Hmmm let’s reword that: [It’s about the intent to do harm to other person. And, using tactics of pulling rank/entitlement to do that.]

  28. I know exactly these types of persons. met them few times. I never bow and I don’t get into ego games either. But, I like to let them know, in some subtle (or not so subtle) way, that I’m not impressed at all. Not being subordinate, worshiper or someone who is showing any interest in their “greatness” they usually just skip me on their way.
    reading this blog, my first association was Lady Catherine de Bourgh, from Pride and Prejudice. right on the spot.. that kind of character.

  29. I think it’s sad if people do that do you know who I am thing..cos clearly they don’t… and ironically it’s usually people who’re struggling for some kind of applause. Me, I’m lucky.. cos my grandbabies make me feel like a REAL star.Maybe that’s Saturn too…oops.. backs away, blushing..

  30. Circle.. yeah. I’ve been thinking about this, I have Saturn in Capricorn and struggle with the “who, me?” syndrome when it comes to feeling like I am on an equal playing field. Even when I’m in a position to lord it over others, it’s a line I just can’t cross. On the other hand, when I encounter this type of thing in other people, I feel smug inside 🙂

  31. Sorry AmyS, my comment wasn’t too clear: I think my own 8th House Saturn in Leo is why this human-type pops up in my life so much. What I was getting at was my own astrology with why I’ve met so much of the grandiose type.
    I actually like Leos very much and having Saturn in the sign believe I have a lot to learn from them. I hope this clarifies.

  32. Sorry, I’m kind of over-sensitive than I like to admit in some places, and after some further reflection, I can see myself going places I shouldn’t if I was actually megalomaniacal.

  33. I think Saturn is involved definitely, but also Neptune and Jupiter. Jupiter for the grandiosity, but Neptune for the self-delusion. And I have met SO many of these types in spiritual and artistic circles, which speaks to me of Neptune.

  34. OH, my GOD.

    (I wouldn’t weed out the Leos so quickly, GTO. Insecurity comes in all shapes and sizes and signs.)

    OK. So, in one of Elsa’s other posts, I’d stated that someone sorta chewed my ass on Saturday, except it turned out that that person’s ass was far more chewed out than mine…

    This post is exactly the challenge I’m facing right now. Doing a few projects for an a-hole, essentially, who made it clear on Saturday who I was “working for”. I swear to you, she picked at me until she thought she penetrated my self-esteem side. And I sure as hell didn’t let her have that.

    I later found out from a colleague that she endured a break-up. From a brief courtship. Well, whoop-dee-doo, the worlds ending and no one’s ever been through worse circumstances without taking it out on others.

    I’m willing to sacrifice this project, and so resign, this week because this is not the first time she’s been nasty. I’ve just been giving her the benefit of the doubt. She reminds me of a doctor who picks at what she, from high above on her throne, deems a problem on you even if you didn’t ask for help or advice.

    WRONG. And no thank you. There will be other projects for me to work on.

  35. I used to work in a bookstore in the 1980’s that a lot of celebrities visited and I recall two individuals who were very full of themselves. I won’t name names but one was a Pisces and the other was an Aries. Unfortunately, no idea on their moon, ASC, Saturn etc. I suspect arrogance and false pride knows no boundaries.

  36. Sorry Deb. It’s that Leo / pride thing that seems to go hand in hand in my experiences. Hope that doesn’t bother you too much. It’s rare, but whenever I meet someone who absolutely positively must show they wear the big pants, there’s leo in there somewhere. I do have some good Leo acquaintances… with others, it’s the pride that makes them insufferable.

  37. Who lives with them I wonder. People who understand they’re spectacular?

    Hilarious…probably people that are too scared to challenge the bull or maybe those too who are also just as delusional…that’s been my experience with individuals of this sort. I mean I can’t see any sane person tolertaing that crap day after day. It has got to be annoying listening to people self-promote to others as if the others even care

  38. GTO: Nuh-uh. Doesn’t bother me too much. Doesn’t bother me at all :). It’s just that I’ve met some individuals like this with earth, air and water signs all over the place just as much as fire signs.

    I think the woman I dealt with is an Aries. But I’ve worked with a Pisces and Virgo and Aquarius in the past who possessed this sort of demeanor. SUCKED.

  39. Gah. I just met one in a word game. He insulted everyone in the room for not being challenging enough. (Because he’s so ‘smart.’) It’s true he was good at it. He was best in the room, but he was an asshole for treating everyone so poorly.

  40. I have seen a number of different placements attributing to feelings of grandiosity /self importance, some may be more extreme than others, but nonetheless feelings of being superior than others is there-

    1. one person in my friend group- with pluto square Asc, Cancer Asc, sun in 3rd house, Taurus Moon conjunct NN in 11th, Jupiter conjunct SN in 5th, moon opp Jupiter possibly- Too much “I, me, myself” and behaves as if he is destined to impact other people’s lives in a great way. With sun in the 3rd house, the notion of grandiosity is reflected in communication.

    2. Another person- Moon square Jupiter, moon in 1st house, Jupiter conjunct SN in 10th, Jupiter conjunct Uranus in 10th – Not an extreme case, but has a sense of being special (if not grandiose), buoyant emotions, little occupied with himself, self-praising

    3. One girl friend- Sun in aries in 1st opp pluto in 7th. Self promoting to the core. with venus in 12th, low self esteem further adds compensatory behavior.

    4. Another girl friend- Sun conjunct moon in Taurus in 1st house- again self-occupied/self-praising

    I have usually seen this in hard aspects of Jupiter.

  41. Avatar

    If you want to limit your exposure to grandiose special snowflakes give male lead singers and lead guitarist a wide berth. I’m not kidding.

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