How To Survive A Neptune Transit

Neptune tips
But my ship is learned and wise! Surely these waves cannot touch it!

On my last post, How Do Neptune and Pluto Transits Compare? Amreen writes:

It would be great to have tips and guidelines on coping with such Neptunian transits, including ways to identify that we’re deluding ourselves .

When it comes to outer planet transits, your best bet is always to lean in. Outer planets represent forces much bigger than us, and the energy is inescapable. You couldn’t thwart it if you tried. So instead your job is to find a way to work with the energy and incorporate it into your life in healthy ways. This can help blunt the effects of the transit manifesting externally.

For instance, Neptune is associated with transcendence, spirituality, music, art, and service. When you see a Neptune transit coming, this is the time to volunteer, start working in the local soup kitchen, learn to meditate, etc. And it’s all the better if you can tailor it to your own chart. If Neptune is transiting your Leo Mercury in the 10th, start writing and performing music! But if that same Mercury is in the 9th, get yourself to an ashram or yoga retreat and start to really understand other people’ spirituality.  And if that Mercury is in the 12th? Get yourself a dream journal pronto.

Another tip, however odd, is to identify an upcoming Neptune transit and build supporting structure before it hits. For instance, if Neptune is about to transit your 2nd house, try to build an airtight budget, and maybe utilize apps that will save and invest your money for you, and save as much as you can. Now, once Neptune arrives, these structures will almost certainly fail (the budget goes out the window, the app goes under, you send all your money to a fake Saudi prince, etc), but you’ll be better positioned to absorb the loss.

As to identifying ways that you’re deluding yourself, a journal is a great tool. During my own Neptune transit, when I was in that abusive relationship, there would be times that my partner would do something awful, just truly beyond the pale, and after a day or two I would find that I had completely forgotten what he did! So I started keeping a journal to help myself remember what was happening to me. I later expanded it and used it as a repository for all my Neptune confusion, and I can’t tell you what a help it was. A lot of things that seemed so real to my fogged-up mind just couldn’t hold muster in the cold light of day. That journal kept me from going even further off the rails.

And finally, when it comes to Neptune or any other outer planet transit, you have to surrender. Because look, no matter how hard you work to align yourself with that energy, you will not be able to contain it entirely. There are people out there who say that if a person is enlightened and high-minded enough, they can experience transits internally, and never have it manifest as external event or negatively impact their lives. I don’t buy it. If a person was already a master of these energies, they wouldn’t need to have the transits in the first place. At some point during a Neptune transit, you’re going to lose the thread. You’re going to be adrift and the harder you fight, the farther from shore you are.

Neptune, above all else, rules faith. That is the real secret to Neptune transits. You have to have faith. Know that, no matter how far you feel from where you were, you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. The universe is conspiring in your best interest, even if that’s invisible to you now. When the fog lifts, the world will look fresh and new, and you’ll be in a place you never thought possible. Relax, surrender, and enjoy the ride.

What are your tips for surviving Neptune?

56 thoughts on “How To Survive A Neptune Transit”

  1. Definitely Saturn. As you say, not much you can do about Neptune, he will do his thing. But what I find is if I engage in Saturnian activities it makes the fog less pervasive.

  2. Neptune is a few degrees from conjunct my sun in the 9th house.meditation sounds good,but I’m not sure exactly what to expect. I just got through Neptune conjunct my moon,also 9th house and didn’t notice anything.

  3. I have Neptune trine Neptune at the moment. (So do most people my age, so I guess we’re all examining our spiritual condition?)

    Mine, however, is transiting my eighth while Pluto conjuncts my Moon, and I have been having a lot of dreams about past trauma, except in the dreams I’m my current age, not younger, and I’m resolving them. I feel like it’s trying to help me with the Pluto/Moon conjunction “purge.” I’ve always been a vivid dreamer, but they’re off the chain now

    1. Oh wow, what a heavy combination of transits. And what an amazing way to handle them! You’re older and stronger and wiser now than you were before, and adult you has the power to metaphorically protect your younger self and resolve the trauma. This is a prime example of why both Pluto and Neptune can be associated with healing.

  4. Haha, this is so true, Midara!
    I had a Neptune transit to my Midheaven and everything just went “Blergh” – my job, my plans, my dreams were illusionary at best. And don’t get me started on my relationsh*t with other people… Gaslighting from a narcissistic, abusive partner – you name it.

    Then, all of a sudden, the fog lifted. Saturn swept in, trined Uranus and then Neptune – boom! The fog was gone and all I got was this lousy T-shirt with “I survived” on it. But I did do that. Survived, even when the faith was hard to come by.

    Right now Neptune trines my Mercury in the 10th and I find that I have a way with words. I have to be aware because my words can seduce the weak souls. They need to have som strong Virgo or Saturn nature to see through it. But also, I am very drawn to people that know how to work with words. I too can be seduced by words alone. (Scorpio Mercury here, huh!)

    My ex BF has had a Neptune transit in his 8th house. He bought a house in 2011, which needs quite the renovation (actually, it is just 4 walls and some stairs, he has to build the rest). He claims he loves it and it’s his dream house. When, the fog lifts, I am pretty sure he will realize that it has kept it from obtaining his dreams, as he wants children, but he can’t for the life of him get any girl to move in! So strange… (No, not really bro. Wake up!).

    Thanks for your always empathic and insightful articles – they are usually spot on 🙂

    1. Hell yes you survived! I just had a surreal moment today. I had a Facebook memory pop up from 11 years ago, and my status was “Choking on the fog.” Such a reminder of how far we’ve come! And your boyfriend will get there too. The fog always lifts eventually!

  5. My progressed ascendant is moving over a neptune south node conjunction. I’m totally confused and tired. Neptune has finished going over my 10 degree Pisces sun and 12 degrees Pisces IC. I have an emg on the 30th to investigate my frayed nerves and muscle weakness. I think I’m just tired. I have a year old who hasn’t slept through the night once. Every noise I hear I feel in my body like my nerve endings are an orchestra.

  6. I’m gonna need to look at this a lot. Neptune is squaring my Sun. Today Venus is squaring my Neptune. It’s not making me very lovey dovey or hail fellow well met. I feel bad about that. My dreams have been weird and sad (and with Pluto transiting my 12th house and Mars, I had less angry dreams, actually for someone with a 12th house Mars).. the weird thing is they skip back over and over like a broken record repeating one phrase and I’m worried about my mind (i.e. “And then I ate herring..herring..herring..”) I still feel dehydrated often like I’m hungover. And a bit dizzy. I meditated and the angry worried thoughts about today came up and I felt dizzier. I hung out with a guy I am interested in and occasionally angry urges at him come up and I”m not sure why.. he made some excuse like that he’s cold to people and had toxic relationships (and I’m like yeah bullshit you think I’m ugly) but I shut down at him and worried I’d hurt him so I wanted to leave. Especially under the influence, I get angry and worry I’ll hurt people and want to leave.

  7. I’m gonna need to look at this a lot. Neptune is squaring my Sun. Today Venus is squaring my Neptune. It’s not making me very lovey dovey or hail fellow well met. I feel bad about that. My dreams have been weird and sad (and with Pluto transiting my 12th house and Mars, I had less angry dreams, actually for someone with a 12th house Mars).. the weird thing is they skip back over and over like a broken record repeating one phrase and I’m worried about my mind (i.e. “And then I ate herring..herring..herring..”) I still feel dehydrated often like I’m hungover. And a bit dizzy. I meditated and the angry worried thoughts about today came up and I felt dizzier. Especially under the influence, I get angry and worry I’ll hurt people and want to leave. It seems the more I know myself, the more of an angry monster I am inside. I

  8. Fascinating. In my 7th. Alongside natal Saturn and Chiron. Trine Cancer Sun, Scorp Moon and Neptune at points. It’s like swimming underwater. Any tips for 7th?

  9. What clear advice for such a murky transit. Thank you, Midera. Neptune has been transiting my 6th House and during that time I have been the support person for several people I love dearly. Now Neptune is within 2 degrees of my DC which conjuncts my Moon in Pisces, opposing my ascendent, squaring my sun on the DC and, of course, squaring the MC (and soon natal Uranus). I’m making my way through the fog that is my life by remembering the advice I read when learning to drive. Do not switch to high beams. Sometimes just watching the ground in front of you is the best way to go.

      1. Currently having a transiting 4th house neptune opposite moon & a progressed sun conjunct natal neptune (exact). Began to feel the shifts as early as 2017 (is this normal?) I feel so energetically vulnerable and invaded. Feeling issues with female members of the family more so energetically. Seems like nothing is aligning well and blocks. And a progressed ASC is about to go over my neptune in 2021. Im hoping thats not as intense.

  10. What a timely post for me, Midara! Thank you! I am currently enduring a mutable grand square: natal Sag Saturn squaring natal asteroid Virgo Juno squaring Tr Gemini Mars squaring Tr Pisces Neptune. I don’t know what to make of a current personal relationship; stop or go. I’m finally getting some traction by simply being present and not overthinking it.

    1. It also occurred to me that forward movement will be stalled, in all areas of life, as a result of Tr Saturn and Tr Pluto beginning their retrograde cycles.

  11. I have survived transits of Neptune in my 10th,11th,12th house and now Neptune transits my large 1st house ( from 5 Aquarius to 2 Aries)
    Worst moment , worst disappointments- Neptune squaring my Mercury 26Taurus, Venus&Vesta 29 Taurus, The Sun 5 Gemini

    1. Oh my goodness yes. It obscures EVERYTHING. It’s difficult to see anything with clarity. However, it doesn’t hide your actions from anyone else! That’s the hard part. You’re sailing along on your Neptune cloud completely oblivious, and everyone else is watching in horror. Of course, this also depends on what planets are being transited. A Neptune/Moon transit will be much for private than Neptune/Sun.

      1. I mentioned this on another post but I feel real bad during this transit, Midara. It’s only started (my sun is at 18 deg and Neptune is squaring it.) I’ve been having my 23 deg Mars (in the 12th) conjuncting Pluto transit and some of the feelings have been positive. But this is bringing up really weird angers and hatred and cowardice. I feel assailed by the world and like a runty, cowardly dog. This is Mars in the 12th stuff. The misattributed anger I felt at my family didn’t come up so much during my Mars Pluto transit, lo and behold during my Sun Neptune transit, I feel weird waves of anger, hungover and dehydrated, repressed old nostalgia (during my moon pluto transit I cast off nostalgia cause it is false), and just weird all the time. I don’t get it. I don’t even have the energy to volunteer. I learned how to meditate during my moon pluto transit (which was mercifully followed by Moon trine Neptune.. one of the nicest transits I’ve ever had.) Weird that I’m “hating” this one. I’m just not sure if I’m going the right way at all. All this old shit I burned off during my moon pluto transit, shreds of it keep coming up..

    1. Do you have weird unresolved anger, 12thHouseMars? How do you deal with your 12th house Mars?

      I’m having my mars pluto transit and being told by those who know me that I “get in my own way”

  12. huh i’ve had neptune on my ascendant since 2017. oh boy that explains things.

    meh , i enjoyed the delusion. i won’t make the same mistakes again that’s for sure.

    faith is indeed paramount. i second that 10000%

  13. Avatar

    I only had time to write my one comment earlier because of a lot of work but thought I’d come back and just say this was a profound post for me.

    I have started specifically writing down insights into a journal and it is helpful. There is not a Neptunian situation that I am consciously aware of at the moment but it is helpful in relation to many things and I am reflecting on the past at the moment.

    Definitely will be one I want to refer back to.

  14. Well these days I get very sick and disoriented and high from one cup of coffee and a slice of cake..

    I keep using the word “weird” to describe Neptune and other stuff. It’s a wonder how unpleasant all this feels. I have a lot of other transits going on but this is making them more difficult to access. I’m feeling a lot of doubt and flotsam of nostalgia I rejected during my moon pluto transit.

    How do you know you’re doing the right thing in life during a Sun square Neptune transit? I’m trying to focus on what I wanted to do when it started.

  15. I’m googling “is ego loss nice” cause been reading Pete Holmes’ book and Ram Dass and he makes it seem like it should be “nice”

  16. I highly doubt anyone would notice or reply, nevertheless I feel kind of obliged to share my experience for the common good.

    I am a Capricorn, Sagg Asc, Moon in Taurus. Saturn in 12th. At the moment, besides the ongoing Pluto in Capricorn transit, I am experiencing the following as well:
    Neptune square Saturn
    Neptune square Chiron
    Neptune square Ascendant
    Neptune conjunct Jupiter

    Guys, I don’t feel alive. I am literally not feeling part of the world around me. I am like in a constant dreaming state. I can’t concentrate on anything, it’s super hard for me to go to work, physically I am absolutely drained. I feel absolutely disconected from people, my ego has totally dissolved. I don’t care how do I look, what people think of me, what material objects I possess, etc. And that is the total opposite of what I usually am. I was very much into fashion, cars, real estate, stuff that kept me grounded and had me a feeling of security and belonging to this world. Now, it’s like I lost it all. No solid ground below my feet. I feel powerless, weak, like I lost my mind, I don’t have a goal, a direction in my life anymore. I don’t want to buy anything, I don’t want to have sex, I don’t want to have children. It’s like I am already dead, except that I am still physically alive. I feel really confused almost all the time and scared on the other hand. I suppose what I tell sounds insanse and disorganised – but that’s just who I am right now. And I don’t understand why is this happening to a 32 years old guy like me. I remember when I was like 5-6-7 years old, there was a boom of heroin junkies around the place where I live. Since then, I have been having this fear inside to not become such a person – not being able to take care of himself and being able to have control over everyday stuff. And I was fighting my whole life to have a good education, good job, good income, doing sports. And I am now just there. Living drug addicts life without taking any sorts of drugs. Since 2007-2008 I was having absolute control over my life and actions, then once Pluto started transiting Capricorn, I started loosing grip. And first 5-6 years I didn’t have a logical explanation why was this happening to me. Why was my life going in this direction. I feel like am tearing apart. For no obvious reason. And I don’t understand why. Every time I try to master those external forces I get to a climax point and then everything falls apart. And I am hit with an even stronger “slap”. And it seems to me there’s no good end to this. Like I am either going insane or having a terminal disease and my life would be a total waste. Cuz frankly, it’s been 13 yers now that my life is a constant fight for survival and I am nowhere near any good outcome.

    1. Hi mr.svk,
      I definitely feel you:
      – Neptune conjunct ASC
      – Neptune conjunct Saturn in 1st
      – Neptune square Sun
      – Neptune square MC
      It has been about 6 years that my life is almost like you described. It feels like being constantly dreaming.

      Have you ever searched for derealization/depersonalization on the net?

      1. Of course I did searched for that many times, re-read it, tried to put things together – pointless. Since yesterday, I’ve been feeling even more disconnected from the world. All my life I’ve been after a good social position, having a well paid job and being respected. Now I have it, though I cannot enjoy it. My ego is totally gone. My dreams are super vivid and even though I sometimes sleep for more than 6-7 hours, I still feel drained and exhausted to the max. My “default” approach to all problems had always been aggression. I never backed down on anything, I always “attacked”, never feared anything and always believed I will be the winner at the end. Now I don’t want to compete, don’t want to prove anyone anything, I am pussywise passive. It’s like I am being defeated and I realize it, accept it and wait for my end to come. I don’t have the inner strength and urge to “fight” and hit back. Or when I do, it’s like I am hitting the air.

        1. I can definitely relate to many of the things you are experiencing. Although these are painful experiences, I always think that everything happens for a reason and that they are somehow necessary for our journey.

          Have you identified which astrological influences could have triggered this kind of experiences? Do you think is just Neptune? Because in my case it has been about 6 years now and in your case you said that it has been over 13 years… could a transit influence last so long?

    2. I hope you are doing better in the years since this post. That just sounds like the most wild experience and very challenging, especially if you had been so intentional your whole life about staying rooted in reality. I can’t help but think, given the little research I’ve done on Neptune transits, that that was exactly what Neptune was trying to do…to take away the importance of all the practical real world stuff and show you none of it means anything. It’s all just stuff. And none of it comes with us when we die. It seems like you had focused so much on cultivating this practical reality, that you were then forced to the opposite spectrum you’d left behind…which was all of the intangible things beyond this life. I find that most every human leans too much toward one end of that spectrum. Either too spiritual and idealistic, not of this material practical world, or entirely practical and focused on the real world and finding idealism and dreams a waste of time and too foolish. But the truth is, we all need both. A healthy balance of both. And I imagine for Natal neptunian people, this transit is probably much less challenging. For you however it was a complete tip to the seasaw, forcing you to incorporate the spiritual intangible life that you hadn’t valued before. I hope that upon the end of the transit you’ve been able to see the value that the intangible and idealistic can bring. And with all the tangible taken away, like when we die, wouldn’t it be nice to know that you have something else when all the tangible is gone? That you’re not left with nothing because you’ve now been forced to cultivate your inner world, your spiritually, the intangibles. And hopefully, by reentering the world again when these Neptune transits pass…you will be able to bring these neptunian things you’ve learned into your reality. I myself am natally neptunian, and I spend too much time in my dream state, thinking of all I could do in the real world, yet failing to bring it into reality. And at the same time, the real world is created from people who brought vision and ideals and dreams and made them tangible. Everything that exists in the tangible world, started as a vision, an idea, an intangible first. I pray that this Neptune time will subside for you soon if it hasn’t, and that when it does you will have beautiful gifts of imagination and vision that you didn’t have before….that your intangible inner world will be just as rich as you hoped your tangible outer world to be before the Neptune transits. Thinking of you and praying you find peace soon.

  17. I keep looking back at this post and the transit did start extreme making me dizzy and sick.. I still don’t know what’s going on and remember old things about myself I repressed and am confused about everything I’m doing.. not one thing I do seems right and the signs are jumbled.. I used to have intuition now I don’t.. I don’t want to be a mediocre civilian or even at a fundamental level lose the things that make me weird and unique and not just a walking uterus mom.. I don’t just want to be a mom and a daughter I want to be something (I am only a daughter at the moment..) my friends creative struggles are starting to bear some fruit.. mine aren’t.. I feel like the Neptune transit was part of the reason I lay down like I’m stuck to the floor and waste full days and spend money instead of acting on what I’m avoiding.. why do what I need to do when I want sweeties? Plus a minor Uranus transit is hitting me and that’s the top distractor because if you stay still and fill the hole of freedom or randomness some other way you get frustrated.. and in my case when I can’t feel freedom I spend money that I don’t have..

    I didn’t feel identified with my culture and don’t want to.. I wanted to get rid of my culture.. but bits of it keep floating up more and more aggressively like flotsam.. I don’t feel understood.. I can be highly socially intolerant and abrasive.. I made a snarky comment when I saw a guy drinking a huge beer at 8 am or when someone doesn’t hold a bus door.. I don’t know why others let things like harassing behavior slide off their backs and why I don’t.. I guess I so badly don’t want to be hurt.. and I think anyone doing that doesn’t deserve my clemency because they don’t care right back (I’m having a mars square)

  18. I guess my strategy seems to be to keep commenting on this post when the Neptune confusion becomes unbearable..

    What is Neptune running away from exactly? What drives the impulse to run away and escape? What is the trigger? Life sometimes feels straight up painful when I run to Netflix..

    1. Why is life so fucking painful that Neptune can’t handle it? And why is it making me weak where I wasn’t? It’s even changing my typical interests in power exchange and edgy stuff hehe. Why does Neptune make you into an evasive pussy? It softens you and weakens you in the wrong ways so you’re not honest and communicative. Projective rage as usual. (Venus opposition mars in the 12th). Maybe I didn’t like my mars before or don’t like Neptune (Mercury opposition Neptune) or project it away. Even though I know people know what I’m talking about when I dont/don’t know what I’m talking about when I think I’m getting my point across.

  19. Hey Kri, just let it go… You can’t control it… I tried dozens of times and failed big time. I am experiencing the same stuff as you are…

  20. As this Neptune transit continues, I’m noticing that my podcast tastes are changing. Before I was into emotionally incisive and raw and cathartic things that reflected my situation and plugged into my heart directly and spoke into me. I didn’t like stories or anything escapist, just stuff that is with me on the creaking ship. Even now I’m enjoying some psychology podcasts that are recorded therapy sessions. This is what I need when my emotions get dark. I have mercury trine pluto conjunct the moon and I like to be confessional and emotionally ‘honest’ and vent and dump. And hear other people being real.
    Anyway, with the Neptune transit I noticed hearing these things doesn’t help. I started watching anime and other really random stuff and not minding as much when Pete Holmes talks about religion on YMIW. My music taste got softer and less raw and confessional (been listening to Fishmans Long Season which is the most Neptune album ever.) And I can only talk about these things when I’m under my Neptune transit.

    I also noticed that for my Neptune friends, talking about their feelings and situation doesn’t work. It just makes them feel worse. I should have been talking to them about their favorite shows this whole time because talking about personal things makes them miserable. They can’t express certain things in words. Of course it makes me feel really repressed to only talk about their favorite shows and what they want to talk about. I notice myself stymying myself to support my at risk friends. I notice they disappear for various reasons and a lot of times I hate that they do. These days I have less energy to stand up for myself (against creepy behavior for instance) and do cold training even though I have a mars Pluto transit. I often respond to mars Pluto and Saturn transit pressure by folding and doing nothing which is unacceptable.

    1. I’m noticing that I was giving Neptune dominant friends advice and telling them what to do to distract from my own problems. Sometimes it’s better to just shut up and it’s not even safe to vent. It’s very hard for me because I need a place to vent.

      Even if I don’t display appropriate emotion for other people and demand a lot of empathy and reassurance which is one of the darkest things about me. During my moon Pluto transit I felt haunted or guilted by the possibility that I’m a sociopath. I was told multiple times that I’m not and I came out understanding that my family programming demands the same motherly devotion back that I just shouldn’t have to give. And I responded by becoming obsessed with it and reviewing my feelings all the time that I never got the chance to do my own thing.

      I frequently go on the defensive or analyze something I already have control over to distract from the issues at hand. The issues of me not using my Mars and this Neptune transit. I think I need to cut off communication with people because whining seems not to help me progress, even if people flood me with empathy. But really I need to finally act. Today my Neptune transit isn’t making the way totally foggy as much and I’m thinking a bit like I used to.

  21. No one is going to make it better for me.. no one is going to save me. I think this is the message of Neptune, weirdly.

    Just like that really cool Mitski song ‘Nobody’ (the video is so Neptunian).

  22. oh my god. yeah I’m in the weeds too. Neptune has been transiting my first house ASC, sun, mercury, and now my moon. I’ve had it, officially. I feel like a sack of flesh with eyes. parts of my life have drifted so far away from me that I’m not sure if I even want them back anymore. Neptune moves so slow. the retrograded last for months, so there are multiple direct hits. I’m kinda scared that my ego, my drive, my purpose, is just going to dissolve into mist…forever. oh and crying. I cry all the time. sometimes it just feels functional like I’m wringing out excess water, and sometimes it’s emotional grief from a deep well of pain. I’m even more sensitive, if that was even possible. reading the other comments helped me feel like I wasn’t totally losing my mind (even though I kinda actually am).

  23. Neptune coming up into my sun/moon conjunction in my first at the end of its retrograde for the umpteenth time it feels like in these past years.
    Wondering if natal Neptune was retrograde (actually as all 3 outer planets) if that makes a difference in the experience?

    1. The main difference is that you’re more likely to feel at home and like you’re making progress when Neptune is retrograde instead of when it is direct.

      When transiting planets go retrograde, natal retrograde planets get going. 🙂

  24. Hi guys,
    I definitely feel you:
    – Neptune conjunct ASC
    – Neptune conjunct Saturn in 1st
    – Neptune square Sun
    – Neptune square MC
    It has been about 6 years that my life almost feels like being constantly dreaming.
    Have you ever searched for derealization/depersonalization on the net?

  25. Meu Transito de Netuno oposto ao Sol natal (no MC) foi bizarro. Pesadelos, escandalos. Daqui alguns anos será Netuno oposto mercúrio Natal. Alguém já teve?

  26. Elsa,
    I would love to quote you on the part about Faith and Neptune and being where we are supposed to be. I just found this and I spent time thinking about transits of outer planets but especially Neptune on the midheaven of three very close family members at birth. I’ve stumbled over pondering what that means for over 40 years.

  27. Going through the peak of a sun square neptune transit which i am finding incredibly difficult. Feel overwhelmed, afraid, struggling with hypchondria, very disillusioned, struggling to cope, desperate for relief but fear none is coming anytime soon. I know struggles in life are meant to help us grow and the universe gives us tough love, but i have been through difficulties for a long time now and this transit is making me very very disillusioned with life. Struggling to see the universe as anything but cruel at the moment. No-one should have to go through this relentless struggle for so long. It’s ridiculous. Can’t wait for this transit to end. It’s horrendous.

  28. I am at the very beginning of Neptune transiting on my Sun. I am 28 degree Pisces in 3rd house…2 degrees away from my IC. My sun trines Pluto in 12h. This transit is going to last the next couple years for me and hit multiple times with retrogrades. Natally I am quite neptunian with my sun/mercury Pisces. I live in the clouds and am very sensitive and idealistic. And I also have Venus in exact square to Neptune. My sun is ruler of my 9th house. (My family traveled/moved a ton).

    I’m pretty nervous for this transit given that it involves my family (ic) and mc. Even generally I’ve read Neptune on the sun can cause death of a father and given it’s happening on my ic I’m really scared. I am extremely close with my family – sun on ic, Venus in 4h. I am in my 30s and I still spend 6 months every year living with them and the other 6 I live on my own. I really don’t want anything to happen to them.

    So far, idk if this is what’s causing it (I also have other big things going on like Uranus square moon – also transit pluto is sextile my sun and trine my MC while this is going on so maybe that will soften it?) but basically what’s happened is:
    -I deleted all social media and have compelled disappeared from the internet and my social life
    -I lost all my friendships during Uranus square moon, Saturn conjunct moon and I haven’t made any new ones so I am completely not in society right now and I go to work and then I come home and that’s it and I don’t interact with anyone outside of work
    -my childhood friends that live elsewhere I also disappeared from their lives and told them I needed a break from all social interaction and I left all the group chats and told everyone not to text or call me (so weird of me haha)
    -I unfortunately have started drinking more and because I’m aware of this transit I am hoping to start meditating and creating art instead when I feel an urge to drink coming up…I hope that will be effective but my grandfather was an alcoholic/died of Alzheimer’s and I’m scared that this transit is going to trigger that to start in me and I really don’t want that to happen.
    -I have noticed my dad starting to have memory issues (it was his dad who died of Alzheimer’s…my dad natally has Neptune on his ascendant)
    -my childhood home is being sold
    -my family has a vacation home that is where I usually go live for 6 months and this year is the first year I’m unable to go in my lifetime because it is being rented out because my parents need money
    -my parents have moved into a retirement community
    -as a result this will be my first year in my life where I am not living with my family
    -there has been significant lack of clarity around my own apartment / home life with lots of issues with neighbors forcing me to consider moving (Saturn in 3) but then the issues resolve and it turns out I can stay after all…
    -a huge lack of clarity on where I want to live, what city, what part of the world…the place I live I always dreamed of living my entire life and now I am not feeling connected to it and want to move closer to my family on the other side of the world but I don’t have a place to go there anymore and moving there independently isn’t feeling right either…I have nowhere I want to move or feel excited or clear about so I’m just kind of staying put and don’t want to leave until I’m excited on what’s next (but I’m not so sure I’ll get that clarity for a few years either…)
    -I’ve always been clear on what I want to do for my career but it’s been really hard to achieve and I’m floundering and don’t know if I’ll finally achieve it one day or if I’ll be forced to abandon it and do something else
    -I am very creative, love photography and journaling and lately I’ve been doing that and also going through magazines and making vision and mood boards

    Who knows though because this is only just starting to form at 3 degree orb and I don’t know what will happen when it gets stronger.

    One question I have – is it safe to swim? Is it helpful or dangerous? I have read a lot about bad Neptune transits causing drowning but is Neptune conjuncts sun considered one of those? If I go swim will I drown? And how does Neptune trine natal pluto in 12(r) impact that? I’ve really been wanting to get into surfing and am afraid that would be a big mistake of neptunes just going to drown me…please advise! Thank you!

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