Scorpio: The Detective And The Puzzle

Hercule PoirotScorpio is the detective of the zodiac. Scorpio senses discord and seeks to make sense of puzzle. Scorpio Mercury mines the senses and communications to make sense of the puzzle; Scorpio Mercury talks in riddles. Scorpio Venus likes a puzzle. Scorpio moon needs a puzzle. Scorpio Mars moves the pieces around. Scorpio Sun is both the puzzle and the puzzler.

Seeing what is beneath the surface is what Scorpio does best. When presented with a situation where the pieces don’t seem to fit, Scorpio moves those pieces around until they do. When Scorpio can’t make those pieces fit they throw the puzzle in the trash and set off to find a new one, amputation.

The 8th house is Scorpio’s house. Planets in the 8th house, whatever their sign, have a scorpionic flavor. When people’s planets fall into one’s 8th house, that aspect of the other takes on a puzzle-like challenge. There’s an interest in figuring out that person’s planet’s energy. One’s own 8th house planets are another puzzle, hard to leave alone until the depths are mined and the discord is ironed out. If that is not forthcoming sometimes there’s an attempt to amputate those parts of the self.

Do you have Scorpio planets or planets in the 8th house? What house cusp does Scorpio occupy in your chart?

42 thoughts on “Scorpio: The Detective And The Puzzle”

  1. I enjoyed reading this. I have 8h sun conj mercury. Always wanting to know what is beneath the surface…yep, that’s me.

  2. Do you have Scorpio planets or planets in the 8th house? What house cusp does Scorpio occupy in your chart?

    Yes 7 of them

    Scorpio if using equal is my 10th, but using pladicus it is in my 9th

    Scorpio has my Sun, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Midheaven, and a score of asteroids, the other planets that are in my 8th house include Jupiter and Uranus in Libra, and Pluto in Virgo.

    The only planets left out aspect these

    “Saturn” rx Taurus in a t-square with “Mars” with Ceres at Aquarius rising, and my Venus in Scorpio

    My Aries Moon h3e/2p, if you include my Cancer Lillith house 6, forms a grand trine with Scorpio’s Sun, Mercury, Neptune, and Midheaven.

  3. Wow Bruce, that’s crazy! I’m going to start calling you “Detective Bruce.”

    I only have Neptune in Scorpio in my 5th house. My 8th house is empty.

  4. Scorpio Uranus/ascendant, and Moon/venus conjunct 8th house cusp, in placidus. You’ve pretty much described me with the mining, but I sometimes hate it, give up, and things come to my attention later on.

    I woke up yesterday, worrying about how much I’ve been talking/posting on the internet (mainly here, or on a blog). A part of me wants to share, but I’ve talked about a few family-related things, either way in the past, or current, thinking that I’m anonymous – my paranoia has inched up due to having a few suspect people in my online life, who may have linked me here. I’m usually so quiet, and I keep others’ secrets – I’ve only talked about things that are known, except for the other day, when I mentioned one of my cousins. I think I need to stop talking, and get back to drawing.

  5. A part of me wants to put it all out there, to just be immune to people being able to cause trouble, but I tend to panic at times- it’s exhausting being public, and exhausting at times, wondering who you can trust.

  6. I don’t have any 8th house planets except an astroid Ceres but it’s in Cancer. But I am a Scorpio Sun, Mars both in the 12th (well Mars in the 11th in Equal housing system) as well as Scorpio Eros Scorpio in the 12th. I sure do like to figure puzzles out. I love mysteries. I don’t know if I’m a puzzle myself, because I know myself pretty well. I may puzzle people and they have just never told me. But mining things, trying to iron out the puzzle definately takes up a lot of my thoughts. I love Poirot by the way. He as an actor I believe is a Taurus and I always thought of him as a Virgo with Scorpio Moon or something. His insights and attention to detail are uncanny! I totally relate to his intensity in this area. Thank you Satori for this great blog post!

  7. In Equal house/Koch I have Uranus,Sun,Mars,Mercury stellium in my 5th house all in Scorpio.

    In Placidus part of my stellium, Sun,Mars,Mercury, shifts to my 6th house and my 6th house has Scorpio on the cusp.

    My 8th house is empty.

    I’m interested in the mysterious and occult(unknown). I’m also interested in the human mind/behaviour and how objects work and are structured,but oddly I struggle with details.

  8. Avatar

    Bruce is BATMAN!

    I have Taurus Chiron on the 8th house opposing my Scorpio Uranus.
    Scorpio Juno.
    1st house Pluto

  9. I have Mars and Venus in scorpio, Jupiter in 8th house (I’m using Placidus).
    My scorpio is in 6th house but it’s intercepted so I have Libra at the cusp (I think). It gets more confusing if I start with the equal houses I’m still a newbie at this.

    My sag sun always unnerv my scorpio by talking to much :). I get paranoid about sharing too much on the internet wich is stupid really but yeah.

  10. Scorpio 11th House. I have deep friendships–very strong bonds. I’ve had my friend I’ve known for 20 years staying with me the past few days, and we were talking:

    Have you ever been in jail?
    How come?
    Because my mother put me there!

    Oh the stories we have!

    Saturn in my 8th. Yes my Saturn has a very 8th House tinge. Most of what goes on in there I speak to hardly anyone about. I wish I could. It’s rarely possible (too private).

    I just realized my boyfriends Stellium and Cancer Mars all fall in my 8th. What does that mean?

  11. Avatar

    Scorpio is on the cusp of my first, meaning I have Scorpio Rising. Scorpio Moon in 12th conjunct the Asc, Scorpio Uranus is 1st. No planets in my 8th house, Gemini is on the cusp of 8th. Curiosity about 8th house matters 😀

    I love to figure out other people’s and my own emotions, that’s the ultimate puzzle 😀

    I know someone who has a 12th house Scorpio Venus. They asked me if I think they’re weird because they only like TV shows and movies where there’s a puzzle to be solved (“Who’s the killer?”). I smiled and said no. The smile was because I know their chart and they don’t. Makes perfect sense.

  12. hey.bruce

    your chart is so very Scorpio.i want know what u do?

    my mercury in scorpio and saturn in 8th.

  13. great post Satori 🙂 lol! l love puzzles l also feel that Virgo ASC can see patterns so it works just fine with my Moon needing a puzzle,venus likeing it and mars moving the pieces around till they fit 🙂 in a fiery type of way Aries being involved.
    l’m telling people l just put the pieces together in my head very fast(Scorpio 3rd house cusp) and see if it fits, if something doesn’t fit the red light goes off!! it’s that simple(for me)

  14. Satori,

    In my chart, Neptune is in Scorpio. In other words, I question the depth. I can never go “deep” enough and I question the questions. I even have studied questions for many years now and I believe it was Einstein who said:

    “The only thing more beautiful than the answer is the more beautiful question.”

    This has become my life’s motto. It something I use a lot to continually make my magic better.

  15. Scorp covers my 9th house and has Merc and BML. My 8th house has sun, uranus, mars and ceres..and..there’s more stuff in there but I forget right now 🙂

  16. My Moon and Neptune are in Scorpio (1st house) and I’ve nothing in the 8th (ruled by Gemini). I love puzzle solving… especially untangling emotions.

    I think because my Scorpio is in the 1st, people recognize that they are safe to share their deepest emotions and that I won’t be shocked or judge. I like that.

  17. Ah, puzzles! you just gave me some interesting insight about my Scorpio uranus on the midheaven. had at least 2 quick career changes. i also have a packed 8th house.

  18. Taurus is my eighth house, Ive got Sun, Merc, Saturn there. I’m a very private person, I often feel “exposed” when I’m out. I’ve always looked under the surface of people, people are fascinatingly complex and that’s why I was instantly intrigued with astrology. I have access to the inner workings through the chart. When I was young I always was aware of the undercurrents between my relatives at family gatherings. With astrology I believe I’m continuing to do that:)

  19. neptooon…Capricorn on the eight house cusp. Empty house. Thanks Magic Mark, I wondered what Neptune in Scorpio meant.

    As Julian said, when I feel deceived I start rooting (quietly) around. I may do nothing with the knowledge, but I have to know.

  20. Paulo, ” Bruce is BATMAN! ”

    Without the money?

    Long nights, protecting the innocent, Sees more night than day, relatively alone, not able to find the love he craves and desires, deeply devoted to his parents {mine are still alive though}, works with law enforcement. Helps out the poor or those in need. Always aware, thinking, analyzing, discovering clues. Uses state of the art security equipment. Wears black, interest in martial arts, etc, etc, etc, …

    You think so? =)

  21. astree “hey.bruce your chart is so very Scorpio.i want know what u do?”

    I work for Homeland Security doing various things, on my off hours I am available to help my parents, and as for what limited free time I might scrape up, Monday nights I go to one of my friends house and with a few of my friends we talk about the week, what we noticed since last we met and we play a game that we have enjoyed for many years together.

  22. joelovestacotrucks “I remember Bruce, you mentioned being an Xray Technician. Talk about seeing below the surface!”

    True and yes I still do this. Detectives don’t just have magnifying glasses, pipes, and such anymore.

  23. “Monday nights I go to one of my friends house and with a few of my friends we talk about the week, what we noticed since last we met and we play a game that we have enjoyed for many years together.”
    That sounds so nice, Bruce. It reminds me i would like to spend more time with friends to play games. We hardly ever do that anymore.

    8th house Sun, and the ruler of my Sun in Scorpio. Also Scorpio NN.
    Scorpio is either in the 4th (equal house system) or in the 5th (all the other house systems).

    I remember watching Sherlock Holmes on television as a kid and being completely intrigued by his deduction method. I tried to memorise it and put it into practice myself. On what i can’t remember.

  24. Maaike

    Well I missed out when I was growing up, had responsibility for the family thrust upon me at an early age. So I do treasure my true friends.

    Sherlock Holmes was one of the first true templates for a true master detective

  25. Magicmark

    {I can never go “deep” enough and I question the questions. I even have studied questions for many years now and I believe it was Einstein who said:

    “The only thing more beautiful than the answer is the more beautiful question.”}

    So very true, Einstein is on my list of great people, he had a habbit of always having another question, at the times he was creating his theory of general relativity, he was also in conference with so very many other brilliant scientists, including Heisenberg, and every day when the assembled thought they were about done Einstien pulled another question out of his hat, one of the last questions actually helped to prove his and I believe Heisenberg’s theories and in so doing helped create a new universal theory of relativity. Ain’t that just amazing.

  26. Magicmark

    {I can never go “deep” enough and I question the questions. I even have studied questions for many years now and I believe it was Einstein who said:

    “The only thing more beautiful than the answer is the more beautiful question.”}

  27. So very true, Einstein is on my list of great people, he had a habbit of always having another question, at the times he was creating his theory of general relativity, he was also in conference with so very many other brilliant scientists, including Heisenberg, and every day when the assembled thought they were about done Einstien pulled another question out of his hat, one of the last questions actually helped to prove his and I believe Heisenberg’s theories and in so doing helped create a new universal theory of relativity. Ain’t that just amazing.

  28. WOW! Looooove this post satori especially how it was written eg “Scorpio moon needs a puzzle, ect”. Had a light bulb moment.

    I have sun and jupiter in scorpio and 5 planets in the 8th house including pluto which is tightly conjunct my stellium there. Im insatiable when its comes to knowing and going deeper. Puzzles within puzzles within puzzles 😉

  29. chiron in aquarius in my 8th house, scorpio is on the cusp of my empty 5th house. but I have my jupiter, neptune, and south node in scorpio

  30. Love this. I’ve been sitting here this morning looking at 8th house, and digging, digging, digging. I started looking more at chart rulers since the convo here a few days back, and it has been a real eye opener.

    Scorpio rules my 11th house, 12th with equal, with my Scorp Moon in the 11th house making squares to 8th house Leo Mercury/Jupiter conjunction. I’m a Cancer Sun with Sag rising, and Jupiter is blowing it all up larger than life.

    I’m just starting to get in to midpoints and progressions, and I figured out Jupiter sits at 11º Leo, which is the midpoint for several aspects in my chart. As well, my progressed sun has been moving through this 10-12º Leo area for the past few years (timing out with the decay of my marriage).

    Oh, and yeah, my husband is 8th house Sun/Merc conjunct with a 4-planet stellium in Libra. He’s getting hit with Saturn, and his progressed Mars is blazing toward my Jupiter/Merc conjunction.

    Happy days.

    At least the intellectual pursuit of digging though this pile keeps me from falling to bits.

  31. We are always fascinated by Scorpio at least I am. Well I have Scorpio in my midheaven and Mars is in Scorpio in the 9th house.
    “If Mars is positioned in the ninth house the person is courageous, hard working and persevering. He makes good progress in life.” Im slowly getting there (Mars conjunct Saturn in 9th house) and I think it correlates to my career goal. They say we also would move out of the country I would like to do that if I could afford it someday.

  32. Avatar

    Do you have Scorpio planets or planets in the 8th house? What house cusp does Scorpio occupy in your chart?

    Yup, I have Sun, Venus, Pluto, Ceres and Mercury in Scorpio and in the 8th house (Placidus). Scorpio is in my 8th and 9th houses. I love mysteries in any form: novels, movies, people…I’m always trying to figure something out, trying to find out what is under the surface. I love Poirot and Sherlock Holmes and I have a collection of Agatha Christie books. I love CSI and House. I loved doing jigsaw puzzles as a child. Many of the people I meet think I am a puzzle and they come into my life to figure me out. My last boyfriend told me that was what attracted him to me, lol

  33. Dug up this old post from you, Satori; love reading the comments: Bruce!
    Kash … I miss you!
    “Scorpio Sun is both the puzzle and the puzzler.” That fits so well for my Scorpio Sun stellium + a pack of planets in the 8th House. Hmmm … I needed this today!

  34. Scorpio is puzzle unto itself. It’s the reason I like to read articles like this because I wanna solve the dang puzzle…Omg, I can’t figure out my Saturn in scorp conj Libra Pluto opposite Aries venus for the life of me. My sun and moon in Pisces are in the 8th and squared by Neptune so double mystery…. I think my chart just spells , LONGING. Who knows if ill ever figure out the puzzle and become happy…. My merc in 8 sesqusquare Pluto in the 3rd sure does want to figure it out. I’m prolly gonna die trying. I love mysteries and love Scorpio.

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