Yesterday I met a gal who was freaked out because she has Saturn in the 8th house in Scorpio and she’s heading into her Saturn return. The transit is several years out. She’s concerned her father will die. etc. This is not her fault.
I remember when I first started thinking about Pluto transiting my 12th. I googled it and I got back a bunch of “you are going to be stricken with syphilis and what not.
This prompted me to write a few posts like this: Astrology That Scares The Hell Out of People to hopefully spare others! So here is my question:
Is there something in your chart that scares or disturbs you? Tell us what it is. Purge and be reassured!
My whole childhood Pluto opposed my Aries stellium. I was just miserable, but it made me who I am today. How could a Cappy Pluto transit square be any worse?
I have Pluto and Uranus conjunct my Sun in Virgo and Scorpio rising. In Capricorn he will be trine all my Virgo planets and Midheaven. I have started to develop quite a love affair with him actually. An acceptance of myself at the core. He has shoved me in the kiln over and over but I’m still intact.
Pluto will be making a conjunction with my Moon, square my Venus/Mars conjunction as well as my natal Pluto, trine my Sun, Mercury and Chiron.
Yep, that will be Pluto in Capricorn for me. So basically life will be BUSINESS AS USUAL for me.
I worry a lot about the state of my relationship as well as my Dad dying. Providing I don’t lose anyone close to me for the next year or two I will be able to shore up my reserves and be prepared for this new phase of life.
I’m going to spend the duration of my 30s with Pluto in Capricorn and I intend on making the most of it. I also intend to turn to my art-making more frequently when I’m depressed rather than letting it fall to the wayside as I’ve done in the past.
for Loonsounds: Thank you for the peppy approach to merc/saturn. Guess my issue is to take the laser cutter off me and do surgery somewhere else!
well there’s my venus in league with the dark side. but, even better, an 8th house chiron… read up on what people say about that! 😛
(or an 8th house south node)