Use Astrology To Solve Problems & Get What You Want!

NOTE – This class has ended. You can purchase a transcript here.

I promised to go back to my Blood and Guts roots and teach a new class. I have natal Mars conjunct Mercury in the boasting 9th house. I tend to assert things like this before all the details are in.

I think it’s fine to do this so long as I follow through, which I always do. To me, it’s akin to lighting a match. If you want a fire to burn, you’ve got to start one! That first post lit the fire. I’m back with my ideas!

I’m reading the current Mercury Uranus conjunction to favor bold, innovative thinking. I have taught classes online for twelve years. They’ve all been successful, but rather than do what I’ve always done, I’m going try something radically different.

For one thing, I am not going to limit myself to 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 charts. I am going to incorporate 20 or 30 charts. Maybe more. I often call my classes “Zombie Jamborees”. This will be the same, but it’s going to be a much bigger party.

I’m doing this for a number of reasons…

  1. I like the challenge.
  2. I want to include more people.
  3. It’s a Saturn in Sagittarius thing. You and I will both learn from the big, broadness of it all.
  4. I just don’t want to be bored.

As for the topic of the class, it’s going to be about learning to truly benefit from astrology. We’re moving from Saturn in Sagittarius – so much philosophy and potential! All these perspectives! But soon, Saturn will be in Capricorn. You’re going to want to rack up solid gains! Money in the bank, bay-bee! ACCOMPLISHMENT.

Also, post Saturn’s square to Neptune over the last year, CLARITY  has become a precious commodity. So that’s what I’ll be providing. I’m sick of reading about how with this or that aspect in your chart your hair is twisty and you have air in your socks.  What’s the point?

In this class I will throw knives, on target.  I plan on starting on May 10th under the Scorpio Moon, because what else would I do?

This is your early heads up. If you’re familiar with my classes and you already know you want to join, you can sign up here: Using Astrology To Get What You Want.

I am already in there waiting on you Aries and other speed demons and early birds.

For others, here comes the FAQ:

How much does the workshop cost?


When does the class start?  How long does it last?

The class will last four weeks, May 10th – June 14th.

While the content will be presented in this time frame, the class will be accessible through June 21st, in case someone goes on vacation during the four weeks of the class.

Where does the class take place?

The class will be held in a private forum on this blog. If you’re not registered in the forum, please sign up here by clicking “Register” on the top right.  Then when you pay for the class, you’ll send me your username. I’ll set up your access and send you an email to confirm.

Can I be anonymous?

Yes. Participation is voluntary and lurkers are welcome.  A lot of content is expected, perhaps more than you can read. The official class posts will be isolated and pinned to the top of the board so they’re easy to find.

How do I submit my chart?

I am going to use a lot of charts for this class. If you want yours to be considered, please send an email ([email protected]) that includes your birth data and an idea of what your problem is. Your copy can be long or short, but don’t just send plain birth data. Ask for something. Be engaging.

What are you up against? What questions do you have?  What kind of help do you need? If your chart and your story are chosen to be featured in any way, your anonymity will be protected so you’re free to be candid.

There’s also no rush to do this. At heart, I’m a storyteller. I choose charts intuitively as the class unfolds, as I let the story tell itself through me.  Also, please send me all the information in one email (not a pm). This way I can stay organized!

How will you pick which charts to feature?

There are no favors owed or favorites in my classes. I choose the charts based strictly on what will be most compelling for the group. My goal is to cover as broad a range as possible on every level. I want to deliver a meaty, satisfying class.

How many charts will you select?

Rather than my usual four or five charts, I will use at least twenty. I am not exactly sure how I will do this, but I know that I can. It’s a talent I have.  However, I can’t say how I’ll do it without seeing what I have to work with.

Do I have to be somewhere at a certain time?

No, the class is available 24 hours a day; just sign into the forum whenever you would like to see what is going on.

Can I post my chart?

Yes. You can post your chart with questions or anything else you want, inside the private forum. The private message board where the class is held is not indexed by Google. Once the session ends, the posts will be deleted and that’s the end of that. This creates an opportunity for a person to purge and have it be flushed, permanently.

I do ask that people stay on topic when commenting on the official class posts so that people who are short of time can get right to the meat without having to scroll past anything irrelevant. Other than that, it’s an open board. Traditionally, people have taken advantage of this by posting things they would not post publicly. You are very welcome to do this! I’ve done it myself, many times!

What happens after I pay?

Once I have your payment, you’ll get a mail asking for your screen name. If you don’t have a screen name, I will include simple instructions on how to register. It takes one minute!

If you’re a regular, already registered, you can put your screen name in the “notes” section when you pay.

Once I have your screen name, I will give you access to the private board. I’ll send you a second email to let you know you’re set up. I usually do this within an hour unless I am asleep or away from the computer.

On the off chance you pay and you’ve not heard from me in ten hours, please email me at [email protected] . I’ll figure out what the problem is.

I’m new. What can I expect once I get to the private board?

You’ll see a meet and greet thread tacked to the top. You can introduce yourself if you like. It’s not required.  Official posts will be up top and numbered. This is to distinguish them but also so those who visit late or infrequently can easily get to the class content, read the posts in order and enjoy how the storyline develops.

Beyond that, you’re likely to see pages of threads people in the session have started, to ask questions or discuss various things. The content is often very personal; because let’s face it, some of us like to talk and we don’t necessarily want to broadcast at large or be recorded by Google. You can visit these threads or ignore them.

I’ve been teaching these classes for twelve years now. Without fail, each group has been very positive and supportive.

Remember, you can get in the class early to mingle. It’s fun! But the class will not start officially until May 10th.

If you have other questions, please ask. Otherwise, click here to join! Using Astrology To Get What You Want!

14 thoughts on “Use Astrology To Solve Problems & Get What You Want!”

  1. “4. I just don’t want to be bored.” — made me laugh! This is my main reason for doing anything. Looks very cool, Elsa!

  2. “I am already in there waiting on you Aries and other speed demons and early birds.” This message seemed oddly personal to me, unfortunately I am beyond poverty stricken but I am an Aries, a speed demon (an old nickname I shared with a deceased friend even) and flying is my ‘superpower’ most wanted and I am never ever late for things! Anyway, lots of success on your class. I submitted my chart info because I couldn’t resist and since I have mass retro planetary placement most chart readings ignore that so they never feel ‘right’ to me. I guess we will see if you feel me or not…

  3. What is the last day I can pay? I’ve already decided I’ll sign up but I need to get my credit card back from my dad :/

    1. Class doesn’t start until May 10th. You can also come in late and catch up. All the content will be pinned to the top of the forum. I will clearly mark the threads and number them in parts so you’d have no problem merging. 🙂

  4. My screen name is Gemini7, Google has me as peter on this computer. How do I access the private board?

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