Mars: What Is Your Temper Like?

ask the collectiveI don’t think I have a bad temper but I am not sure others would agree. Many people have characterized me as hotheaded. There are too many to ignore.

“Do you think I have a bad temper?” I asked my husband.

“No. I think you have a temper but I would not say it’s a bad temper…”

That was reassuring. Perhaps I have a healthy temper. Perhaps the people who call me a hot head wish to control me, or perhaps they come from less boisterous culture but in whatever case there are definitely people out there who DO have a bad temper and invariably Mars is involved.

Do you have a bad temper? Where is Mars in your chart?

27 thoughts on “Mars: What Is Your Temper Like?”

  1. I don’t think mine is bad either, but I definitely have one. My Mars has got Venus on one side & Saturn on the other w/Neptune above it 😉 I don’t recall, but I think it must aspect my Moon in Libra or something b/c I tend to get the most ticked off when I sense an injustice or that something is unfair.

  2. I have Sun square Mars, so yes, I have one. But I’m a Taurus, so it will be a long time (2 years at the shortest) before I blow my stack at you in public. I am excellent at suppression. So does that count as a bad temper if people rarely see it, but it’s bad when you do?

  3. Naw I don’t think I have a bad temper. I rarely, get enraged but when I have in the past I’ve responded physically. I throw things at people and once when I was a kid I rammed my bike into this other girl’s bike because she was just horrible and she pissed me off. My Mars is heavily aspected (conjunct Saturn and Uranus, opp. Midheaven, and squaring the Sun, ascendant and Venus, it’s in Sagittarius in the 4th) but anger never seems to sit with me long.

    The thing that frustrates me is I cry uncontrollably when angry then then get more angry because no one takes you seriously when you cry. Yikes, I just want to avoid that feeling.

  4. I don’t think I have a bad temper- but I do get irritable or sharp sometimes when annoyed/stressed. I always feel terrible though afterwards-
    Mercury Mars in Cancer conjunct.
    I try to be careful though esp on a day like today!

  5. Char, just read what you wrote — I do that too – cry uncontrollably. But for me it can be out of fear…. Or maybe there is anger underneath that….

  6. I can be hot headed, especially this past week. But I am not sure if it is just me finally standing up for myself instead of stewing in silence. I am too the point of confronting people who I feel are being, umm how can I put this….. well assholes!! haha I normally let things go and go and go till I pop. I have Mars in Libra opposing my Saturn in Aries. Maybe in my past whenever I would take a stand good ‘ol Saturn would pound me in the dirt. Well now I am ready for it!!

  7. Elsa, I have been asked if my family is Italian. We speak loadly and get very passionate about certain things we believe in.

  8. Yes I do – won’t try to pretty it up. Mars in Taurus, in 7th, opposed Moon in Scorpio.

    Can I defend myself by saying I (mostly) only blow-up at assholes – people who are rude, arrogant, and mean to others? Or who are stupid enough to try and push me around? I am not a bully – if anything, I am very sensitive to people who are shy, intimidated, etc. I like to protect them from the assholes that I am screaming at 🙂

  9. Saturn sits on top of my Mars in Scorpio. It takes a lot to activate my Mars, but it’s wickedly quiet and powerfully seething once it gets set off.

  10. I get irritated fast, but can tolerate a lot. When things do go past my threshold, however, I EXPLODE. Not pretty, and can be destructive. Mars (Aquarius, 8th house) square Pluto (Scorpio, 5th house).

  11. I have mars in leo but its in the 12th opposing saturn. Lately I’ve been extremely pissed off and have been very difficult where needed. I have a problem expressing anger because I wait too long to draw any boundary lines. Its complicated so I just usually freeze people out in the end instead of blowing up.

  12. Avatar
    James Slattery

    My anger is quick but fleeting (Uranus) but I rarely cause a scene (Venus)especially in public. A Venus/Mars/Uranus conj. in Leo but in the 6th would suggest anger at work but it’s just usually a fast paced, physically demanding job. I also exercise (Mars) to work off frustration and anger towards self for poor performance. Having Venus there creates a need for peace and harmony and I’m definitely the first to apologize to smooth it all out.

  13. ive been told i’m sweet tempered but if push push push i may just scream inwardly and run away and hide. i’ve been with men who had horrible terrible tempers that ‘acted’ out on it, so they were violent and cruel people. i just accepted it although cried alot and thought my fate was just this way. i prayed alot to God (religious sagittarius part) i relate alot to tina turner too, (Rest in peace, Tina) being abused alot, even in childhood from that to the one man i married. The first husband was not physically abusive like an Ike turner, he was just running away alot & cheating, alcoholism and drugs. which is his own personal abuse and hell. i’m glad i dont have a temper much, i have mars 8th/9th house, but it seems more in the 8th and trining packed 12th house so alot is inwardly yin. Strangely my current husband has similar chart as Ike Turner but he would never hurt a fly. Upbringing and generational/being exposed to different things and care may attribute to it.

  14. I do, but it took me a long time to see it. My natal Mars is in Aquarius, 2nd house, unaspected. The sabian symbol for my sun in Capricorn (12th house) is “An Angel Playing a Harp,” which sounds great, but it means I have a very sweet side and a furious side.

    I mostly get angry when I feel I’m standing up for others or myself, but I can go way too far and then regret it. I truly lose my head. My Aries husband gives me lots of practice in reigning in my temper (ha), but it’s just SO hard not to react. At least I’m aware now and trying.

  15. I have a temper and I can get furious at times. When pluto began to tranit 1st house I was able to see that people were sometimes afraid of what I would say/do. When I feel vulnerable or threatened, that is when my anger is expressed

  16. It depends on the situation and who is involved. I can hold my tongue, if I’ve weighed it or if I think that I could be the one who is wrong or not seeing clearly or it’s really a minor thing.

    But also I can be purposefully needling about something, verbally challenging, snide.

    Mars is in my 1H, in Virgo, trine my sun.

    1. Ok…duh… I see what I did up there. Aquarius sun really does want to taunt and shock sometimes. Check that out with Virgo and 😅😈

  17. Hell yeah! In my head I think that I am being extremely patient but I guess people can’t really read the signals. I have Mars in Pisces, conjunct moon and Mercury, with a close trine to Pluto – so yeah, I definitely have bad temper at times but I also have Sun and MC in Aries so that adds to my temper

  18. My Mars is in Pisces, so my knee-jerk reaction when under extreme stress is to disappear. As in get on a plane and fly to a foreign country disappear. Move 1000 miles away and don’t tell anyone disappear. However it does square my sun, so there is the occasional explosion. Getting better as I get older, though.(or is it just because personal obligations are making it tougher for me to disappear in style?)

  19. Avatar
    Deborah L. Strifler

    I have mars in scorpio. I ruminate (think alot and go deep) when someone has been rude. I don’t forget about it.

  20. Cool topic.

    I know someone. It is my son.

    He has Mars in Aries conjunct Venus, Moon, and Uranus, while trine Saturn and Jupiter involved (sesquiquadrature mars & moon, trine the rest).

    He is known to become very angry at times, and then it seems as if it never occurred. Then again, he is only 8. His temper outbursts are far and few in between.

  21. My Mars in Taurus, unless I like you , I will not fight with you, not worth the energy
    But I can light up fast,rather pee my pants than fight with someone I don’t like
    Not that either one sounds like something anyone wants to do

  22. 3rd house Aries cusp, Mars trine moon and square Sun. Yeah, I guess I get impatient, but I wouldn’t say that it’s hair trigger. I don’t think I have a problem controlling it. Mars in Scorpio in the 10th.

  23. Mars in Libra in 12th conjunct Ac.
    I think I might have a bad temper, but it usually ends up turned against myself.
    Thank goodness – otherwise I think I could be really nasty.
    I never dare to tell people what I actually feel – they would be shocked!!!
    But… there is a price to pay for not being courageous enough to say what I think. It’s called “frustration”.

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