Mercury In Scorpio Opposing Uranus In Taurus

inspirationMercury in Scorpio is closing an opposition with Uranus in Taurus at this time. The aspect will be exact on October 7th. That seems a ways out, but I’m sick to death of this stellium in Capricorn. I’m interested in the future!

Mercury is associated with news and information. Conversation. Emails. Scorpio-flavored, though. Secret. Taboo. Betrayal. Manipulation.

Uranus shocks. Taurus rules money. I see all kinds of crap erupting and I do mean crap. But beyond that, timing is highlighted here. Possible computer glitches. Weird stock market stuff. The message will change.

On another level and in another realm, you might have a brilliant idea or breakthrough, most likely due to something you read or see, or what someone says to you.

So pay attention.  Uranus will spark ideas but it’s not known for hanging around, beating you over the head with some insight.  It’s more like a joke that goes over your head, which can easily happen when you’re distracted by a sea of minutiae out there that is designed to distract you!

This reminds me of the day I decided to become an astrologer, or a blogger for that matter. The idea came and I acted, immediately.

What do you know about Mercury in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus?  Seeing any signs of this?

8 thoughts on “Mercury In Scorpio Opposing Uranus In Taurus”

  1. Michael Erlewine posted this on Facebook and it seems to fit right in…


    A G1-Class geomagnetic storm on September 26th, 2020, caused by a large hole in the sun’s atmosphere is facing directly toward Earth and emitting a powerful stream of solar wind at us. This is the strongest since August 30-31, 2019. This force should strike Earth on Tuesday, September 29, 2020….

  2. hm, Uranus is in my 5th. don’t know what to make of that, but if i recall correctly, when Uranus moved into my 5th, i was introduced to a very wealthy wannabe partner. i could offer friendship only, but i actually thought of him yesterday with the intention to call. 🙂

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