Scorpio, 8th House, Pluto – Themed Movies

bequiled.jpgI’d like to compile a list of movies one would associate with each of the signs / planets. Let’s give it a whirl starting with Scorpio, Pluto and the 8th house.

These movie picks should involve sex and psychology… perhaps betrayal, double cross, you get the idea. Please leave as many details as you can (without spoilers).

My pick is, The Beguiled.  This is a Clint Eastwood movie filmed in 1971. It holds up completely, thirty-five years after the fact.

This movie shocked me. It has a lot of audacity even for today. It is overtly twisted but also sublime. As sophisticated as you may be, you could probably spend months unraveling just exactly what is going on and who is to blame for what.

Your turn!

164 thoughts on “Scorpio, 8th House, Pluto – Themed Movies”

  1. The Crying Game. The Three Burials of Mesquiades Estrada. No Country For Old Men. I better stop now. Gotta get my coffee on catch the bus to campus and write a paper on Django Unchained. Yeehaw. 😉

  2. What about revenge movies? I have Scorpio rising and I love revenge flicks. I think The Heiress with Olivia de Havilland and Hard Candy with Ellen Page fit the bill. Both involve psychological abuse/ torture, transformation and vengeance.

  3. I see someone already said The Godfather, but tagging onto that, Godfather II. Michael Corleone to me is a perfect Scorpio or Scorpio Asc. The whole theme of inheritance of the family (8th house) betray me (Scorpio) and you’re dead to me (Pluto). The way Michael had that look, a look of looking through you, a look that betrayed no emotion, kept it hidden as a Scorpio would. I’m a Scorpio Asc, so I relate to him. I have this hand painted sign from a local artist hanging in my kitchen, it says “F*ck with me and find out.” My mother hates it but I feel like it perfectly expresses me. Betray me, and you’re dead to me.

  4. Revenge movies:
    The Count of Monte Cristo
    Fatal Attraction

    Plutonian (descent into underworld and return from):
    Journey to the Centre of the Earth (LOL!)
    The Core
    Whale Rider
    Schindler’s List
    Beowulf and Grendal

  5. The beguiled was wonderfully twisted. Very scorpio. Speaking of Clint Eastwood and 8th house themes, how about his film Play Misty for Me. A popular radio DJ and womanizer who has a one night stand with an obsessed fan while pinning away for an ex love/girlfriend. Pre Fatal Attraction and a much better film about obsession in my opinion. Any version of Wuthering Heights. It doesn’t get any more scorpionic than that. I agree with the poster who mentioned Al Pacino as Michael Corleone. His performance in Godfather II was INTENSE! In the Realm of the Senses is another one.

  6. The first one that came to mind was Swimming Pool, a French film starring Charlotte Rampling and Ludivine Sagnier. Charlotte Rampling plays an English mystery novelist who develops an obsession with Ludivine Sagnier, who is a young, beautiful, and promiscuous French girl. There is a murder, a cover up, and various seductions, and quite a bit of voyeurism. Very good.

  7. Brian DePalma’s Obsession with Geneviève Bujold, Cliff Robertson and John Lithgow tormented me for years. A husband mourns his wife and daughter who are killed in a foiled kidnapping. Years later he meets a young Italian girl who is a dead ringer for his wife but is the age his daughter would have been. In his torment he marries her. John Lithgow is hideously wonderful.

  8. And in agreement with Shan on ‘What Dreams May Come’. It is so mysterious, so beautiful, so heartwrenching. Sob worthy movie.

  9. Avatar
    Warped by Wuthering Heights

    How about —
    The Night Porter
    The Piano
    Lord of the Flies
    Night Must Fall
    L.A. Confidential
    Point Blank
    Prime Cut
    Death Becomes Her
    Harnessing Peacocks
    The Chamomile Lawn
    Jumping the Queue
    Possession (1981)
    The Swimmer
    La Strada
    Okay, need to lock myself up with youtube for a month now and watch some of the others mentioned that I’ve missed!

  10. Sweet Hostage–Martin Sheen and Linda Blair. He kidnaps her to his lair and then transforms her with sex and poetry.

    Swept Away–the original with Mariangela Melato and Giancarlo Giannini. Intense passion and ultimate betrayal.

  11. Please wait before trashing my choice – The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Location is fantastic, gothic, twisted, love unrequited, jealous, rage, obsession, compassion, suffering, rejection, outsiders as well as scorpionic loyalty, I’m thinking Esmeralda and Quasimodo….end scenes! Wuthering Heights is another…..The French Lieutenant’s woman. Love this post Elsa, along with a lot of other people. Hot topic!

  12. My choice would be: True Detective – not a single movie, but defintely a scorpionic series. Serial killers, organized crime, psychology, etc.

  13. The novel The Awakening by Kate Chopin, early feminist novel with a sort of twisted end and set in New Orleans. I was oohing and ahhing over all these movies and was thinking, these are ALL my favorites and novels, especially the ones set in or close to water and was wondering why. Then I remember, Venus and Neptune in Scorpio, duh

  14. Oh , and not to mention “Gaslight” from 1944, after which one of the Plutonian manipulating techniques was even named after

  15. One Flew Over The Coo Coo’s Nest!!! It has it all drug’s, sex, insane asylum, power struggles, loyalty and at the end
    Glorious Rebellion!!! God I loved Jack Nicholson in that movie!

  16. Blue Velvet, yes, Mulholland Drive, yes. (The first season of Twin Peaks as well, and probably Eraserhead.)

    No one has mentioned 3 Days of the Condor (trailer).

    Or a straight to video complete crap movie that is also one of the most perfect flicks ever made: Mean Guns (trailer). (‘Valium, prozac, and ritalin. Breakfast of champions.’)

    There’s always The Dreamers. Lots of sex in that. (And it is about Neptune in Scorpio time period.)

    [‘I might be able to think of more, but I need to go to bed.’]

  17. From my slant, it’s any movie where the character falls or has fallen and gets back up. Like Jennifer Aniston’s character in Cake. Some take the fall and do something with it like the characters in Dallas Buyers Club. That is more phoenix like. The Cake story did not get that far. American Hustle was interesting, it portrayed ‘the game’ and a choice. Risky biz.

  18. Both me and my hubby have scorpio/8th and we are both supersensitive, kind, humble and really wanting sincerety in our (all) relationship/s. Just sayin, apropos all of the dark connotations to scorpio/pluto/8th… I sometimes Think it just isnt right to ascribe the traditionally dark traits to scorpio. It feels unfair in an insincere World full of insincere relationshiptraits…

    Scorpio (aswell as all scorpios I know) to me is kind, loviing, healing, penetrating truth, sincere and unable to manufact relationships. <3

  19. Has anyone mentioned Angel Eyes with Mickey Rourke? Occult, death, sex. Its got it all.
    Also, Rust and Bone. An amazing French film that I feel really exemplifies the transformation & deep love side of Scorpio/8th house stuff.

  20. Some great nominations, like to add Japanese horror movie Dark Water as been trying to remember the title. This one makes me laugh to remember my friend watched a faulty DVD and the sound kept cutting in and out, he thought the film was meant to be like that, making it even more scary!
    Also, American Splendour (not fiction but love that film).
    I agree re Harry Potter, interesting as Sag, need to ponder.

    1. In the Mood for Love , Hong Kong film by Wong Kar-wai. Izo Japanese film about a man/demon, revenge, and rebirth. Boxing Helena, kinda morbid, but I think it, and the others fit. I may be wrong though, sometimes confuse 8th and 12th house themes.

  21. Hey how about Altered States with William Hurt and Blair Brown. Thats Scorpio! We do not like small talk. We want to know the secrets of life!

  22. In The Cut (Jane Campion). She also did The Piano which I think someone here mentioned.

    Anything by Nicolas wending refn. He did Drive, and Only God Forgives both starring my favorite Scorpio Ryan Gosling. (Scorpio Michael Fassbender is vying for that spot in my heart right now.) He starred in Shame another scorpionic themed film where he played a sex addict.

    I don’t know if someone mentioned American Beauty. It’s a really cool representation of obsession.

  23. Jeepers Creepers
    Menace II Society
    Hell or High Water
    Forever Young
    The Green Mile
    Interview with the Vampire
    The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

    TV –
    Desperate Housewives
    House of Cards
    The X-Files

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