My Mother Has Died

My mother died at 10:36 this morning. My sister and I would like to thank you for your generous support over these last weeks. It’s helped us tremendously and we’re very grateful.

I want to let people know that I’m going to be lying low until after Christmas. I have written a number of posts ahead so you’ll see them load whether I am here to attend them or not. If there are any problems, please contact satori.

Thanks again for all the love and support and best wishes for a Merry Christmas from my family to yours.

177 thoughts on “My Mother Has Died”

  1. I am so sorry, Elsa and Annalisa. I know what it feels like to watch your Matriarch pass. You feel like all of the light in this world has gone dim, and it always will be. But we all know that, in time, new candles will be lit. New lights will shine in your lifetimes. Bless you both. Look towards the light and away from the shadows.

  2. Elsa, what a huge loss. No one loves us like our mothers.

    I’d like to share with you this Cherokee Prayer Blessing. May it give you some comfort, somehow.

    May the warm winds of Heaven
    Blow softly upon your house.

    May the Great Spirit
    Bless all who enter there.

    May your moccasins make
    Happy tracks In many snows

    And may the rainbow
    Always touch your shoulder

  3. Hi Elsa,
    I am sorry to hear about your Mother passing away. You and your Sister have been showing great strength! My condolensces to you and your family! xx

  4. (((Annalisa & Elsa)))
    Sorry for the belated condolences I have been traveling visiting family. I wish you comfort and peace now and always. Warm wishes, Patrice.

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