Neptune Conjunct The Midheaven – No Guarantees

I have written more than 100 posts about Neptune on the midheaven and this will be another.  If you have Neptune conjunct your midheaven or Pisces ruling the 10th your public image is going to morph.  This is inevitable. It is outside your control.  If you want to zero in on what I’m talking about just think of a celebrity whose image is static.  There are plenty of people like that…and there are plenty of people like me.

I wrote this post in 2011, more than ten years ago! I just had a gal on twitter ask me about this. There are far more than 100 posts on this topic at this point.  Unfortunately they can’t be found via search. Here’s the rest of the post…

If you’ve been around here awhile, I am sure you have seen people come and go. You’ve seen people love me and then hate me or hate me and then love me and sometimes they go back and forth over and over.

I’ll never forget the gal who wrote a diatribe about how I constantly pissed her off because my Moon was in “X” opposing hers. She went on and on about how she forgave me for pissing her off because of this moon opposition thing between our charts. She granted me some favor because of this and the only problem was, I didn’t have my moon in “X”.

I probably should have just kept my mouth shut but instead I told her, “But I don’t have an X moon”.  This was unforgivable.  I was either in in trouble for not having the moon where she imagined or for saying so but it was a no win situation for me because if I had let her comment lie, I’d have misleading others.

If the same circumstance were to arise today, I would mislead others. I would pretend I did not see the comment. I would not confirm or deny the allegation and while I don’t crave this so much I’ve been beaten so badly for my honest nature, I’ve learned that sometimes it’s better to just STFU.

I was prompted me to write this because I was thinking about the book I wrote.  Neptune on the midheaven obscures my me from the public but also hides my public image from me except for the rare times the veil lifts which is always shocking.  Last week I posted some stuff about my daughter… I published her own words which really brings a person to life.  This made her real to some of the newer readers around here.  She was already real to old-timers but I imagine reading about her caused a shift in some, as far as how they see me.

Yesterday it hit me, I used to be known (8-10 years ago) by the stories I told, some of which went into my (unpublished) book. I don’t tell stories anymore (to speak of) and if people were to read that book today, I think they’d be stunned. They’d probably also be upset by it, they may even be mad in their confusion and I’ll tell you why. It’s because my public image has morphed and it would be a lot of work to try to merge the then with the now.

I know this for sure because I had to merge my memory of my husband with his persona post his career in Special Forces and it was not easy. I’ve also seen that people who knew him during those twenty years find it virtually impossible to grasp my existence, never mind our bond.

It’s like being a small boat on on the beach. I used to be tethered there and you could see me.  You could see this outline of me and at some point the rope was cut and I have drifted A LONG WAY.

There is no way to judge this.  Things are fleeting, I guess, unless you really try to hold on and even then you’ve got no guarantees.

For more on this topic – click the Neptune Midheaven tag.  If you want to see what else you can’t find, see All Tags.

Who can relate?


71 thoughts on “Neptune Conjunct The Midheaven – No Guarantees”

  1. Pisces MC here with 3 Planets in Pisces too.
    Thanks Elsa it is food for thought for me this weekend.
    HMMMMHHHH… How do people see me???
    Never all of me. I show only parts apparently and different
    parts to different people. But this came with age because
    many people cannot understand my way of seeing, being, etc..
    Yes Elsa, can definately relate to Love me or Hate or they do both!
    And many many people, be they male , female, transgender etc… Copy me!
    Can me very annoying at times too!
    I seem to inspire which is a good thing BUT….
    When people copy me to a T it can feel like robbery at times!

    Hope it is relatable with som x

    1. I have always noticed the same thing in relation to not showing all of me, people copying me, it feeling like robbery and most people don’t understand me and also have pisces MC.

  2. CM…. U have no idea how happy your answer/comment has made me this morning x. Thank you very much. I feel understood! I actually have so much to say about it. I have just stopped having contact with someone because their copying of me made me feel very uncomfortable and literally robbed 🙁
    I have had to do this a lot in my life too. Your answer is very reassuring for me that I am not alone xxx

    1. Anna, wow that is very cool. Same here. I have been venting to my husband about this lately regarding a family member that has been doing this relentlessly. This is so interesting! Thanks so much for sharing this.

  3. Avatar

    Neptune MC: ‘You either have unrealistic career expectations or no career expectations at all’. Up to a point. One day you realize that you evolved from a loosely defined 5th house hobby to a clearly defined 10th house career.

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