New Moon In Cancer: July 5, 2024 – Effects By House

cancer crab needlepointThe new moon in Cancer will take place in the early evening on July 5th at 14 degrees.  There is nothing to worry about! The moon is at home in Cancer and in this case, she’ll be supported by Mars in Taurus and Saturn in Pisces.  What I get here, loud and clear, is that it will be a good time to check for a breach in your hull.

I’m thinking, Cancer is security conscious. Saturn in cautious and Taurus is all about securing things… permanently.  These things all come together under this new moon. It could be you’ve nothing to be concerned about, point being, this new moon will not create a problem. But if you do have a concern, this is a good time to address it.

You may also want to fortify your family.  This could mean feeding them on the 4th of July but I’m thinking more along the lines of asserting (Mars) a commitment (Saturn) to family unity (Sun and Moon in Cancer).    Really, this is a great new moon. Straightforward without any tricks or trap doors.

new moon cancer 2024We set intentions under new moons. Here are some ideas based on the house in your natal chart where the new moon will falls:

  • New Moon in the 1st house –  Family leader or hero.
  • New Moon in the 2nd house – Investing to secure your family. Also, your family values.
  • New Moon in the 3rd house –  Call your mother!
  • New Moon in the 4th house – Nurturing family in a safe and comfortable home.
  • New Moon in the 5th house – Kids, grandkids… teach them to cook and to bake!
  • New Moon in the 6th house – Nurture your health and you work relationships. Also, call your mom!
  • New Moon in the 7th house – Partnering to have a family.  Strong coupling.
  • New Moon in the 8th house – Family pathology, which you have handled… or if you haven’t this would be a good time to start. Also, family inheritance. Visit graves of family members. Take the kids so they know what’s up, where their “blood” is concerned.
  • New Moon in the 9th house – Travel to see family or perhaps, your “roots”.
  • New Moon  the 10th house –  Set an example as a parent.
  • New Moon in the 11th house – Nurturing your friendships, and your dreams!
  • New Moon in the 12th house – Ethereal comfort.

Where will the new moon fall in your chart?  What’s your intention?

7 thoughts on “New Moon In Cancer: July 5, 2024 – Effects By House”

  1. This will be in my 5th house. I’m really craving some entertainment. My intention will be to see a performance at the local arts centre with my cousin ( she’s a cancerian and her b’days coming up )🎭.

    1. On second look, it will also trine my Mars/Uranus conjunction, and Venus will trine my Scorpio Venus. Nice!

  2. It’s in my 10th conjunct natal Venus. As residential land managers on 8 acres, we’ve been in a small trailer , tucked away, with all our tools, here, for 7 years. Because we’ve always been busy working ,we haven’t set up our personal space nicely. I really just want to be organized and feel settled. That’s my goal. Putting things in their place- where we both will find them.

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    victoria gale

    New Moon in my Cancer 10th house and my natal Moon is in Gemini 9th house, square Mercury in Virgo 12th house. I’m meeting up with my bitterly estranged brother (bitterness more on my side). I have mixed emotions about this as I really don’t want to hang out with my brother and his wife as they’re nasty ugly drunks and there is always some nasty drama attached with them. I’m doing it for family reasons and have already stated to other family not to get too excited as this will be a one-off.

  4. My partner, w/ a Cap rising, has been busy building business, setting up offices in a new city. We’ve been in this stage of life in temporary small apartments ever since 2020 when Pluto opposed my natal Venus Cancer in the 9th h….at this time also went thru second Saturn return, conjunct South Node, in 4th h. (both not easy-peasy-breezy by any means!). Cancer new moon will trine natal Jupiter/ Chiron Pisces in natal 5th…I’m getting a new opportunity is opening up for us. My wish for romance (besides a tropical vacation) is to settle and create a home of our own, feeling a present time sense of security and rest-assuredness which we haven’t really in several years. My stuff was put in storage, so now ready to arrange it all w/ love at home.

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