The Rage Of Aquarius Podcast -Now Live!

rage of aquariusI recorded the Rage of Aquarius – Outsider Astrology Podcast, with Andrei Burke, Rachel Capurso, and Frederick Woodruff, yesterday afternoon. I enjoyed it and got a lot out of it.  Namely, new ideas and different perspectives.

The podcast is now live.

I’m going to leave the rest of this post, below.


You can also download the podcast here: Rage of Aquarius.

The podcast is described as “outsider”. The fact I could fit in with these people verifies their claim!  It’s a smart group with fresh ideas who seem to stand against bad astrology of all kinds. Zero ego problems. Zero control freaks.  All three of them want to bring out the best of astrology and they each do it in their own way.

While I’ve known Frederick for some time, Andrei and Rachel are new to me.  All three are quick on the uptake but also very casual.  The effect is charming.  I felt like Jasmine being taken on a ride on that magic carpet.  I bet they will be surprised to read this, but it’s straight up, true.  I have also always wanted to have that experience, so hey! I’m very happy right now… with everything!  I thank them all for the great experience!

You can read, Frederick here: Woodruff.

Rachel and Andrei are here: Aeolian Heart.

Here’s the channel notes for the podcast:

“An ongoing dialogue between astrologers Andrei Burke, Rachel Capurso, and Frederick Woodruff After many years working in this field, we’ve been inspired to create this podcast for artists and astrology students who want fresh perspectives. Our purpose is to break through the echo-chambers of sun-sign horoscopes, zodiacal matchmaking and heavy-handed predictions to reveal astrology as an art that emerges from natural grace and flow. All ‘outsider astrologers’ both novice and pro are welcome — please join us in the dialogue!”

The channel is here: Rage of Aquarius.

My segment is not live yet, but I’ll let you know when it is.  Posting now, so you can get familiar with the other astrologers, who all have something to say!

Thanks, everyone!

25 thoughts on “The Rage Of Aquarius Podcast -Now Live!”

    1. No, they’re editing. They are trying to have this done by Friday, but that’s not firm. I posted this now, so people could “meet” the other speakers.

    1. Thanks, Pepe. I will. They were trying to have it ready to go on, Friday, but Saturn in Pisces and time slips away. I don’t think it will be long though. 🙂

  1. Hi Elsa,

    All I can say is Wow! I am not kidding, I have been around you and your blog for nearly 20 years and if there is something I can immediately say about you it’s, “to the point and authentic”.
    You were fantastic on this podcast and I would love to hear more from you via this venue. You possess tremendous knowledge about life in general, let alone astrology, and your ability to articulate this in a very direct way is a lesson in “doing something over and over enough times that you become proficient at it”. The special quality that you bring is that you are an interesting person who has led an interesting life and you are not boastful or caught up in being a victim. You have a voice of authority and credibility that is difficult to find today. All of your stories bring a I hope to hear more!
    I hope that this group invites you back as you bring the genuine caring and earnest hopefulness that people need today. You certainly did not take up too much room, you were the fourth, a very much needed corner to balance out the table of discussion.
    I think I wrote hope several times, I am very hopeful for you! I love this!

  2. That was an interesting conversation by four gracious, perceptive, intelligent and authentic individuals. I enjoyed it very much. I am going to check those outsiders out again and you were the perfect compliment to the group. It was wonderful ,Elsa.

    1. Thank you! I’m glad you liked it. I was in very good company, on mic and off! The world is so harsh right now, it like a vacation in some cyber oasis!

  3. Wow, I’m only halfway through the conversation and it has been sobering indeed. I predicted astrology would get hijacked, just like Jesus and the rainbow. Seeing it actually happen is nonetheless shocking and disheartening.

  4. Thanks for the support, everyone! If you listen and like the podcast, please “like” the stream. They would like to grow their channel and they need help to do it!

    Also, the comments are interesting. I think people really want to REALness with their astrology. Please support the channel! Thank you!

  5. anonymoushermit

    I enjoyed writing for you, Elsa! I just needed to say ‘Hello’ one last time!

    -Your Capricorn rising shines through. Yes, I can hear the Mars-Mercury, but there’s an earthiness to your voice.
    -I agree with you about how there’s secret surveillance going on in the world (people secretly watching us). I sometimes will secretly watch a video about a store, like Target, then two hours later, see Target commercials a few places on many websites. It’s so creepy.

    A few things about me.
    -Saturn is transitting my 1st house. I am a Pisces rising (Yes, my real rising sign, not the one I put on this website). I have 28 pounds! I guess Saturn had enough of my the fat around my stomach (hehe)!
    -My mental health is in great shape.

    I just also needed to have a formal ‘farewell’ to the readers, here, who read my stuff, and who enjoyed it. It’s both a ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ from me!

    And finally. I’m not a rebel but I noticed that Uranus energy is needed. Without Uranus, there is no innovation, and there is no break from burnout.

    1. Great to see you. You’re missed!
      On the rest, we are right now, watching, British Baking Show. One of the bakers was using, grains of paradise.

      Not knowing what that was, I typed “grains”, it filled in the rest. Tells me my tablet is listening, real time. I searched, 15 seconds after hearing it spoken. This happens within the last three minutes.

      I have Bluetooth and the mic on my tablet, both off.

  6. Listened to it today and loved it. Proud to hear you out there in the airwaves!

    I would so love you to have your own call in show. Like on public radio. That way you wouldn’t have to worry about creating content. The callers would bring their questions and you could go to town.

    I know, I can dream! (I wonder if Caroline Casey still has her show?)

  7. Elsa,

    You were fantastic! I just got done listening to the podcast.

    I didn’t know you were a fellow Virgo lol

    I’m fixing to set up a time with you for my birthday!

    Great work!

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