Oprah Is A Cock-Blocker: Mars (Raw Male) Energy In Nature

Oprah Winfrey is a cock-blocker. You know how her friend, Gayle is sort of notorious for not being able to get a man? Well, it’s because of Oprah.

A friend of mine is close friend of Gayle’s ex-husband. And apparently he loved her and tried very hard to have a relationship but it went like this:

Gayle would say she wanted a new car and her husband would say, “No. We can’t afford it.” The next day, Oprah would buy her the car.

This may not be malicious but it is extremely effective cock-blocking wouldn’t you say?

Oprah has a very yang chart and a Scorpio Mars. I may not be conscious, but my friend said that his friend said there was just no way to compete…

Does your friend cost you a man?

Skip to Elsa P – Cock-Blocker For Hire

11 thoughts on “Oprah Is A Cock-Blocker: Mars (Raw Male) Energy In Nature”

  1. Wow. What a sentence to start the day with!
    You’ve really got me thinking about this in regards to people I’ve known and aspects within myself. In addition to astrological signifiers, any thoughts of the psychology behind it?

    I’m thinking of someone I know and the cb’ing is done very subtly. I’m from the South where I think outright assertiveness is sometimes less prominent in women, so I’m wondering if their cb’ing is more passive aggressive. ie. I remember a woman questioning her friend sweetly on why her boyfriend had not yet proposed.

  2. I don’t know, but I feel that this scenario is not so much about cock blocking, as much as it’s about something that could be described as ‘Impotent Cocks’. That is, a cock that can’t satisfy someone’s needs and but doesn’t want anyone else to do so.

    This guy seemingly married a wife with a large appetite for material things and a big sis/mommy figure there to provide them. It’d be exactly the same if he’d married the daughter of rich adoring parents. There is no way she’s going to be deprived of anything she needs that her parents can buy with hard cash, whether you like it or not.
    If the guy then feels emasculated because he can’t compete with the bigger wallet, who’s to blame here? If he truly loves her, why would he even want her to go without, let alone end the relationship over it. Why not either work harder/smarter to provide more or accept that someone else in your wife’s life is doing that job for you?

  3. They would make an awesome high-powered lesbian couple. Too bad they’re not lesbians – it would be so much easier for the men involved!

  4. I could have used a cock-blocker or two in my life, I must say. I can quickly think of two or three relationships. The first time in my life I was *seriously* screwed over, I discovered after all was said and done that EVERYONE knew this person was a serial cheater, and still others knew he was lying when he told me he had left his girlfriend (they were still living together).
    When I asked questions, I got answered, but I was devestated no one (even my male roommate) gave me any information. Nobody knew it, but I was still pretty virginial at 19 and everyone THOUGHT I knew exactly what I was doing and I had no clue.
    I was more upset that no one would say anything than I was at the jerk who screwed me around.
    I need my friends to help me because I can be–what’s that word? Deluded.

    Not all cock-clocking is bad. And Oprah and Gayle are sisters…if you want to buy your family member a car and you are a kazillionare, then why not?

  5. plural men. *shrug*
    we’re getting more grown up about it.

    it helps when she’s not single. because most of the scorpio stellium is sitting on her ascendant and when she tries to get attention i might as well not exist. and she’s not usually conscious she’s doing it. (12th house.)

    feh. anyway, i go looking for men _on my own_. but any friendship has its limitations, and as long as you’re aware of them…?
    and we’ve talked about this more in the past little while. so it’s out in the open, which makes it easier to work with.

  6. p&pp – I get Aug 21, 1956, chevy chase Md. Don’t know if it’s correct, but Sun conjunct Pluto in Leo..\. square Saturn.

    Pisces Mars and Pisces (my guess) or Aries Moon. Either way, the Moon looks to be involved in a T-square with Sun Pluto / Saturn. Venus in Cancer, no hard aspects.

    Saturn is trine Mars so if in fact she is cock-blocked it doesn’t hurt as much as it could… and again this data is not verified.

  7. I didn’t realize that it’s cock blocking when a woman tries to buy things for another woman while her man can’t get it for her. lol but it makes sense. it is the same thing when a man does it, buys something for another man’s woman. that would be terrible. I like reading the cock blocking series. 😀

  8. Mmm…I would say this woman had major problems. First she shouldnt have mentioned it to Oprah. It was a private decision with your partner.
    But even so Im sure she knew Oprah would do this. She should have expressed gratitude but politely refused it. Or at least talked about it with her partner. Sounds like she didnt.
    Just saying. Not enough information to determine if Oprah was being a possessive cock blocker who wanted her friend for herself sans the husband

    or if this woman was manipulating her generosity

    or the husband was a jerk.

    Clearly neither one considered how the husband would feel in this case(again assuming hes a nice guy and he isnt a controlling jerk…just proud).
    How would she like it if the tables were reversed.
    Second if as a partnership they couldnt afford it because there was a real money issue so….what…she runs to her rich girlfriend with her thumb in her mouth to solve it for her? Or do they figure it out as a partnership and maybe grow from it.
    Again dont know the dynamics. I could be wrong on all counts.but thats the taste left in my mouth

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