20 thoughts on “Planets In The 8th House In The Natal Chart”

  1. Moon her, square Mars. Pluto and Saturn, conjunct even…. both in a quincunx with Rx Chiron. Commitment phobic, pain regarding trust and intimacy and the like. Sexual abusive behaviors from dad and other men. Deep connections, “I see dead people” stuff. Most often “dead stuff” from my lovers’ past, I tap directly into their issues, they end up hating/resenting me. Loosing myself in relationships (Libra moon), and yet I feel most myself when I’m alone.

    Add four planets in Scorpio (Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury). The first three smack dab onto each other, opposite Chiron in Taurus, 3rd house. Sigh.


  2. Uranus and Neptune Cap conjuction in there. Close relationships are confusing and I feel like we fall in love when the other person is at their worst and I somehow heal them. Im also sensitive I often feel taken advantage of most times

  3. Am I lucky? I have an empty 8th house (happens to be in Aries). Major events seem to begin or end just out of the blue, sometimes due to my impulsive decisions.

  4. Sun, Moon, Mercury & Neptune in the 8th house (moon & mercury at 0° Sag, Sun & Neptune in Scorpio). People tell me their stories, I think they sense that nothing shocks me or is out of bounds for discussion. I’ve definitely been called ‘too intense’ by some.

  5. 8H Libra Sun, Ceres, Mercury, NN. Libra Sun trines 4H Gemini Mars. I am an energetic and healthy (Mars) person (Sun) with an active social life (Gemini/Libra). I enjoy being with and helping others (Ceres) in all capacities (NN). And, yes, I’ve inherited money (8H) from a male relative (Sun).

  6. I have taurus on the 8th cusp with my venus square pluto. I’ve struggled with my friends self-esteem all my life. I also have money problems and my sex life is fucked. I know the 8th house is where you should transform (for the better), my break to do so never comes.

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    Jupiter and Neptune in 8th… But a shitload of Scorpio in another house. Hmm… I wonder if being in the 8th means recycling the trash. Turning it into treasure again or at least making it so that it doesn’t harms others.

  8. My Asc rulers Neptune and Jupiter (Pisces) in the first and last degree of the 8th house! This must mean something. I am quite Scorpionic in nature. My Dad’s Sun was exact on my Jupiter and my maternal grandmother had her Sun on my 2′ Pisces Ascendant.

  9. I’ve got only Neptune and Sun in my natal Eighth. Once I almost drowned as a child (a bully had pushed me into a pool). So Neptune in Eighth played out already. But Sun in Eighth? I’m waiting and waiting and waiting… Perhaps it just signifies that I don’t fear death? But I met a lot of people, who don’t fear death. I had plenty of sunburns. The consequences of this is really not how I want to die. Astrologers of earlier centuries predicted a very public death for those with Sun in Eighth.

  10. I have Mars, Saturn, Pluto and Lilith in my 8th house. I’ve been in several near death experiences. Fascinated with the occult, mysteries, dark things….Suffered many, many losses including the drowning of my daughter’s father. I’ve had many unexplained phenomenon’s happen. They seem to happen only to me, or they are rare. The 8th house seems to have its burdens, but it’s not without the joy of being unique, interesting, never bored, living a life on the edge of universal understanding. The experiences the 8th house brings are profound and unmatched. We take the dare and plunged into life. Fears must be met head on and trampled or else we will suffer more. Fear, stresses and burdens are prevalent, but when the upswing happens, it fabulous.

  11. Hi I am aries sun and moon both 8th house, virgo rising, mercury in taurus also 8th house and Chiron in taurus also 8th house ie. Stellium in 8th house. I also have a stellium in 1st house.

  12. I have jupiter. Is it a lot or is it too little? 🚀 I think it’s just about enough. Death has brushed my nose by inches before.

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