Pluto Transit To Your Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven or IC

First, this disclaimer: I use EQUAL houses. When I say “angles of your chart”, that’s exactly what I mean. I am referring to Pluto transits over the angles of your chart, where the angles are the same degree as your ascendant.

Pluto transits over the angles of your chart are invariably drastic and life-changing. For example, when Pluto crossed my midheaven,  my life took such a turn! I had to live underground for close to ten years. Me! A social, outspoken person.

Prior to this transit, I’d always lived in the light. I was listed in the phonebook by the time I was 17 years old. All the sudden I ceased to exist in public (10th house) life. Not only that, I lie dormant for nearly a decade.

I know a man, he’s a Virgo with a Sagittarius Moon.  He’s a vibrant, kind, active person. When Pluto crossed his descendant, he had a motorcycle accident that wound up costing him his foot and leg below the knee.  He owned a business with an office in an open loft above the ground floor of the large open space that housed his operations.

I watched him hop up those stairs on his one leg, after that accident, wondering just exactly how he could manage.  He had a family who relied on him, foot or no foot. I guess that was that.

Not everyone has a Pluto transit an angle of their chart in their lifetime but some people have this transit twice.  I will fall in this group, provided I live a through 2021. That’s when Pluto will cross my ascendant.

Have you ever had Pluto transit an angle of your chart? What happened?

333 thoughts on “Pluto Transit To Your Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven or IC”

  1. Avatar

    Oh for f*** sake! Lol!

    Pluto is getting closer and closer to my 4th house angle, beginning to Square my Asc-Desc axis and oppose my 10th.

    I’m kinda scared!

    I have rough ideas of things now beginning to happen in my life that might be the seeds that Pluto is planting…

    A Scorpio entering my life! Who has issues! Who said himself that he’s dangerous…


    1. When pluto crossed my IC I told my parents I was gay. I moved continent (literally) and still moving. In a while, pluto will conjunct my Mars in the same house, after this I am sure I will have my home. 🙂

    2. I posted last year as transit Pluto approached my IC… things were falling apart rapidly and continued to do so for quite a while. It actually really started when Pluto entered Capricorn, subtle yet building… mainly 4th house issues. However, up until that point in my life(now 59)Pluto, being a neutral planet, was kind to me at every turn. I do have an exact natal sextile though Pluto to Sun , 29’59 Leo to 0’01 Scorpio, the planets being in mutual reception. Pluto also prominent on the fixed star Regulus…. guess that helps.
      Looking back, I have found the Solar Arc progression of Pluto to figure prominently in my life, more-so than transits as related to lasting effects… When conjunct Venus( Ascendant Ruler), my earlier quiet disposition took a 180 degree turn… I also have Jupiter exactly conjunct Venus so that personality change makes sense… and I never looked back. When Solar Arc Pluto reached my ascendant degree ( mid age)… I went through a total change in the appearance of my body – exercise etc… still going after 20 years. Now Solar Arc Pluto is approaching my Sun, still in the 1st house… ( and Neptune in exact conjunction to Sun)
      Returning to the context, yes, the transits are hard but they are not permanant unless you make the wrong choices. When Pluto hit my IC I was more depressed than ever but I just went with flow and took my beating. The Sun is rising now and Pluto is now granting the lasting effects. In the last month or so, I have felt a tremendous rebirthing process and now feel more confident and alive than I ever have. So to all, hang in there, have patience and it will pass.

        1. October 2020 and while I still agree with this a rats nest is added to the mix.

          Pluto is now exact on my DSC… harsh as hell. My whole life has changed. Now, Uranus is part of the reason but I don’t recognize myself or my life right now.

          1. may i ask how pluto conj dsc is manifested, it’s happening for my next sr soo…pluto conj mc this yr tho, why is pluto bugging me

      1. Can anyone comment on this – I will have Pluto conjunct my MH at 1 degree Aquarius and my husband will have Pluto conjunct his DSC at the same time! Any idea what will transpire?
        I had Pluto conjunct my DSC and I finally divorced my alcoholic husband, it was final the day Pluto conjuncted the DSC. In addition, my brother died and I was told I was losing my job because they were going bankrupt, but another company bought them, so I was saved.

        1. As you know, Pluto transforms people but it depends on what aspects you and your husband have as to the
          May the force be with you

          1. My progressed natal Pluto has been retrograde all my life, but goes direct when I’m 95, in the unlikely event that I live that long…Any known astrology on that?

  2. When Pluto crossed my AC, it was back in 1988-89.

    I got married, sold my home and pretty much everything that I owned, and moved to Hawaii. It was huge, but it wasn’t horrible. I was happy to do it. Maybe if I had resisted it would have been traumatic?

    I may live long enough to experience it crossing my IC (24 deg Aquarius)… we’ll see.

    1. That’s crazy!!! My Pluto has been transiting my ascendant in cap and i moved to hawaii!!but i came back lol

        1. I’ve been having
          tPluto tSaturn in 4th opp Mars Pluto 10th.
          Mars Pluto my Rulers
          In time of Covid-19, I have all the time in the world to paint but have no incentive
          As well, can’t see my family.
          But so far OK.
          tPluto conj Asc Scorpio was worst time in my life so ican cope with an opposition (fingers crossed ?)

          1. Phoenix you are not alone, So many people I know who are very creative and hardworking have totally lost initiative, inspiration and motivation and somany are sleeping more than they have ever done. Formeperosnally I amaffected by a Neptune transit as well conjunct my sun so you may want to have a look at where neptune is in your chart. Remember too This too will passsp relax and enjoy and do what makes you feel good in your heart<3

            1. Thnx. The only good transit at moment is Neptune trine my MC.
              With Pluto and Mars ruling the roost.
              In between I do have help from Pluto trine
              Midpoint Sun/Moon n I’m a Leo. All is not lost so I just go day by day.
              Thnx for reply ?

  3. Great, just great. Shortly after Pluto hits my moon at 11 degrees, he’s going to hit my DC at 15. I know change is coming, good & bad, as that train has already started rolling. Unfortunately, Uranus will also be exactly squaring Pluto just at those times, so whatever happens, I’m assuming it will happen quickly.

    I’m thinking positive here, as I don’t want to encourage my worrisome Moon.

  4. A Pluto opposition was an awakening to real life–have gone through life w/stars in my eyes to the world. Pluto, an outer planet has a very wide swing and know one experiences ‘aftershocks’ from an opposition, but I think the inconjunct is worse than the opposition — probably because then you are aware.

  5. Pluto crosses my MC in April 2015 in the 9th house. Perhaps I will finish my Ph.D. at that time??? Hope so!

  6. Pluto crossed my DC a few weeks back and will continue to go through my 7th house. So what happened? I met a man who I am having an intense long distance relationship with…it’s obsessive, it’s not light or fun like my sag stellium would like, but hey he’s got tons of both libra and scorpio…

    also for some reason I’m attracted more men than usual. I have a feeling they are pluto types as well. Oh man. Usually I’d like this but I want nothing more than to partner with ONE at this time in my life.

  7. So, Elsa, if my Ascendant is 0 Virgo, my “angles” are different from my MC/IC axis? They are 0 Sag and 0 Gem rather than MC/IC which are 20 Taurus/Scorpio?

    I did not know this!

  8. That is how I read a chart, kr. If something crosses an angle, any angle, all the angles are affected – this is why it is a big deal.

    You only have to watch this for a short time and it will be shown to you and you’ll know it without a doubt.

  9. That’s fascinating. My NN/SN are exactly conjunct my north/south angles. So I’ve always felt transits to those points but had chalked it up to that alone. And now I have another way of looking at it.

    Cool, thank you!

  10. Avatar

    I don’t know, because I don’t know enough about astrology to know if I’ve had a transit or not. I do have Pluto conjunct my asc, Venus, Merc, and Uranus. I had a bad accident in 2004 that disfigured my face,blinded my right eye and turned my world upside down for quite sometime with some effects still lingering. I wouldn’t be surprised if I did have a transit 8 years ago.

  11. When Pluto was crossing my desc, (between 2008 and early 2009) My father was suffering cancer, he passed away on Feb 2009. And my relationship of almost 5 years (I was 26 years old then)sufered two brake ups, the first one when Pluto was over my desc and the final a couple of months after my father died.
    So, all in all, I lost my S.O. (7th house) and my autority figure (Capricorn).
    My mother and I share the same ASC, and she lost her partner, who was like an autority figure for her also, since my dad was 20 + years older than my mother.
    Pretty cook-book for the transit.

  12. Pluto stationed on my IC in 2004. I was violently raped and strangled nearly to death by my then boyfriend/live-in. I remember everything going black and then ‘seeing the light’ as they say. My last thought was of God and my 5 year old daughter.

    When I came to, every blood vessel in each eye was burst and my face was a swollen mess. Looking in the mirror validated that this was not a nightmare, it in fact really did happen. I felt deeply ashamed and humiliated for being in such a position that I didn’t tell anyone for about 2 weeks. When I finally opened up and told my family what had happened and that I needed to move somewhere, and quickly, it was as if they didn’t believe me. The bruises were gone, I had nothing to show for it. I was desperate, I was wounded, I was hopeless and I felt completely helpless.

    No where to go, I rented a U-haul truck anyway. It was the day before the move and I was desperate. I asked a friend if we could move in temporarily, fortunately she said yes. More determined than ever to stabilize my little family (daughter, dog and cat) within 3 months I purchased my first house.

    From that beautiful sunny day of settlement in August of 2004, never had I ever felt more stability and accomplishment, in my lifetime.

    Thank you Pluto!

  13. Pluto will be crossing my ascendant in 2018. I must say I have a great deal of trepidation about this. If I am still blogging here at that time, I will give a full report!
    I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has had this occur!

  14. Right now Pluto is at 9 degrees in my 11th house. My MC is 9 degrees into the 12th house also in Capricorn I am not so sure it will cross any of the major angles in my life time as slow moving as Pluto is. By the time it crosses that might be when I leave the Earth plane. I have always felt it was odd that really the major planets don’t seem to phase me much. However I do notice when they affect my family members.

  15. Thank you so much Elsa and Hades Moon I am a survivor!

    Elsa, I have been a lurker for quite some time. I have thought on commenting on previous posts here and there, but this one, was SCREAMING at me… 🙂

  16. Avatar

    Yup in 1997 (conj my dsc)my grandmother, she was my best friend, died. I started to see how much I couldn’t tryst my husband. By the time it left my 7th I told my husband I was done and we lost (8th house) the farm we had moved on to. I quit homeschooling and was all of a sudden out in the public eye again.

  17. I can see how Pluto asks us to let go, but it doesn’t always have to be life threatening. I had Pluto conjunct my IC in 1987-88, and not much happened. I moved in with my boyfriend, so in essence that was a letting go, but that’s about it. Years later when Pluto trined my Moon and conjuncted my Part of Fortune in my 4th house, my grandma passed away.

    1. Good point, barb. As for how drastic this transit will be, you have to look at Pluto in the natal chart and also if there are other planets involved…planets conjunct the angles of your chart, basically.

  18. Pluto began it’s transit to my Sagittarius ASC in 2006. At the time I was also having my Saturn Return and t.Neptune was square my Sun–and creating a Grand Fixed Cross in my chart.

    2006 I gained a lot of confidence–much more than I’d had for many years. I learned I had healing hands and became more conscious of my psychic abilities.

    Not long after that the trine to my IC began. That has been very painful however part of the reason that is so is because I have Chiron conjunct my IC.

  19. pluto to MC – lost home, parents lost business, jobs, all our stuff was auctioned off etc

    pluto to asc – weird rare disability, lost parents, in-laws, friends, lost job, health etc. town was in a big flood. then a tornado.

    it’s super-concentrated.

    a lot of loss, destruction in just a few years.

    I have stuff on my angles in my chart – it’s pretty angular.

  20. Pluto AC coincided with Saturn AC, Uranus sq Uranus, my Nodal return, Chiron on Algol opposing my Moon and some other nice transits. Much of this time I was in the army, learning to kill. We have conscription, you know. In a proverbial Pluto AC and Chiron Algol manner, I went to the Army Hazmat School. I had some conflicts with authority, especially the abuse thereof. I had my first real fight against a criminal boxer/bodybuilder out on parole, who attacked me from behind. That ended in a draw, which I didn’t like, so I changed my strategy somewhat, acquired some skills and now I don’t have to give anybody a draw. I also had pneumonia. Twice. Socially, I was in a bubble, all by myself, observing all the happy people outside. Life sucked, as usual. For years, I was full of hatred and distrust for rigid hierarchical constructs. I still don’t trust them, but now my distrust is better informed and hatred has crystallized into scorn. I’m sure there must be some purpose to this. Evil does love to hide behind authority, doesn’t it?

    Currently, Pluto is in my 2nd, about to catch up with my progressed 2nd hs cusp. From the experience I’ve had with Pluto in the 2nd, I can already guess the effect of the Prog 2nd hs transit. What little I have left in this world, shall be taken away from me, to be replaced with something intangible, that won’t pay the rent or buy me food. If we had a monastic institution, this would be a good time to get me to a monastery.

  21. Well I have Pluto conjuncting my ASC, and it’s harsh. I have had lesson after lesson after lesson. But first I had to have my Saturn Return.

    I’ve had to deal with death and destruction, people trying to control me and I’ve pushed them away. I’ve also realised that that I’ve always had the power, they wanted to take if from me. This was the reason why they hurt me.

    I’ve learnt so much, and I’m still in the middle of it or starting it again. I’m finally becoming a woman with true confidence.

    1. I came to realize how abusive my family is. No respect. Takers. Sabotage.

      Really do not care. I almost bled to death. Just one brother called.

      It was shocking. I felt ashamed to tell people.

      Not sure the rest. Been so much. In hospital. One sister drove 100 miles just to say your an awful person.
      Nothing like You need anything.
      Im almost dying. Like backwards. I never stole from her anything. Confused her attitude. Then she did a dramatic hand on chest. Left. It was obsurd. Almost. Out of a movie. My daughter thought she crazy.

  22. After a bit of research–when Pluto crossed my midheaven, the decision was made to leave my emotionally abusive husband. I had spent 8 years getting him into and through medical school, and walked away with nothing.

  23. Pluto is conj my ascendent now. The pressure is intense and yet the learning is like nothing else could have done it for me. Capricorn is on the asc in my natal chart, and while Pluto has been in my 12th house chronic issues of control, loss, illness and beliefs (legacy) are redefining me.

    What dreams I chase (my moon is in Capricorn conj my asc as well) are a current theme; old ones surface and in the light of a new morning, I ask, “Still the one?” More then not, the answer is probably no longer.

  24. Pluto transited my AC in December 2007 and throughout 2008. It wasn’t horrible. I put my house up for sale and moved to the opposite side of the country. It was big change and took some adjusting but all in all not a bad thing.

  25. I had Pluto opposite during my Saturn return.

    Had surgery on my hand that didn’t quite work, for problems I’m still dealing with more than 10 years later.

    Got divorced. Moved cross country twice. Lost my entire support network, including my family (who didn’t talk to me because they didn’t know what to say – that’s how foreign divorce was in my family until this generation), remade my life twice because the first remake was a practice run.

    Gained a lot of weight due to an autoimmune disorder that showed up right before my divorce. Found a doctor that was mostly off the grid, lost it all again. Went from not being able to walk down my driveway to walking 3-4 miles a day, and 10 on the weekend. Got my legs knocked out from under me again and again until I figured out where to put my feet, literally and figuratively.

    Went to therapy, dug up shit that was 25 years old (then), learned about PTSD, found out how fucked up my brain really is, but learned how to live with it. Got sorted. Got happy. Got smarter. Earned some stripes.

    Sun/Saturn in the 1st with Mercury conjunct from the 12th, Moon/Neptune in the 7th, all sitting on the Asc/Dsc axis. Pluto was in my 7th when all this happened.

  26. Pluto has also crossed my ascendant in Capricorn.

    It has been very tough (and I’ve gone through Pluto transits to my Sun, Moon, Neptune, and Mercury).

    I’ve also had to deal with death and destruction.

    @sunnysadge – really happy to hear this.

  27. In cred ible.

    Met my ex-wife when Pluto hit my descendant. Last time I saw her (a while after the divorce) was when it exited the House.


  28. Pluto is about to square my Asc/DC-axis which is already very sensitive as I`ve got Chiron, Moon and Uranus conjunct those angles as well..
    I`ve felt the tension rising in multiple areas of my life and I hope I`m alive when this transit in Q is over. But it won`t be over for years :/

  29. Pluto crossed my ascendant in January 2008.

    It’s all here, everything that happened. A fight for my life that lasted three years. Every connection I had had to anyone, even myself, was detonated, burnt down or transformed beyond recognition. I’d say probably nobody could do anything to me anymore but that’s *probably* not true. It just feels like that most of the time.

  30. I was born with Pluto on my MC conj. my Moon. I never had a very good job until now. I had gone from temp job to temp job for a long time. But most jobs I suffered abuse from my bosses. One almost tried to rape me. The others were power players or just plain seedy. Saw a book on one’s shelf, “Winning through Intimidation”. He fired me. But I figure I was the one who won because he was such a creep. I just did a twenty year spectrum on my chart for a Pluto transits to my angles and the most significant one is when it crossed my ASC I got married. But when Saturn transited my MC 12 years later, I got divorced after meeting someone on line who I thought naively was in love with me. Another was around 1977 but it wasn’t on an angle. It was transiting my 11th house and conj. my Jupiter in Libra. I was raped by a co-worker of my father, who worked in a ad agency. He took me out for the evening at request of my parents who were traveling at the time to an event that they had tickets for but could not attend. They knew of his rep and set me up, probably thinking I could handle whatever was gonna come up. No pun intended.

  31. Pluto crossed 4th in 2001-2 (square Asc and trine mars, uranus and venus in 11th). My father was dying. In short, a big power struggle happened between other family members and me. They wanted to get rid of my father (disconnect him) and I did’t want. I was almost alone to take care of him and finally they succeed to disconnect him in my back and he died. Since then, althought I was not in so good terms with them, it made estranged from them, and they still try to manipulate my mother to completely disinherited me. Pluto is in my 4th.
    2007-2009: In the same time, Pluto opposed my sun and uranus arrived in 7th house: my husband left and a divorce followed.
    1964: pluto conjunct ascendant, started school at 5, went well.

  32. When Pluto crossed 4th House/IC, I got fired from my job for the 1st time in my life and then suffered multiple other losses (relationship) in my life. Financial status began to spiral down…so I took a retreat at a retreat center to try to get a handle on my life and ended up moving there for a few years. I moved from the big city of Chicago to the woods of WI into a one room cabin and lived mostly as a hermit. This went on for about 5 years. Was the hardest and best years of my life. Literally let go of all the non-essentials of life and molted. Overall, that period was ultimately a very healing and soulful valley in my life.

    1. It’s 2020 and I have Pluto crossing my 4th House/IC and I got fired from my job for the first time in my life! Jupiter and Saturn have been with Pluto so I also got pregnant and other stuff is going down that isn’t great, but I thought that was funny the same thing is happening to me. I certainly hope I don’t have to move away for 5 years…

  33. Pluto is on my ascendant right now. It makes me wonder what’s slowly changing about myself, my appearance, and my personality.

    Perhaps I’m becoming more open towards people than I’ve ever been before. Maybe it’s the thoughts of investing into some kind of weight loss surgery or laser hair removal that I’ve been having for a while now. Maybe, with the square to Uranus coming up, I’ll finally have the means to leave home and become independent of my family like I’ve always wanted to.

  34. Avatar
    Blessed Place

    I’ve had two Pluto transits to my angles.

    The first to my Asc when I was 14/15. I can’t remember anything specific except that’s when I fell in love with a much older married man – a friend of my parents. Everything in my life was hellish difficult at that time… that did change my mental landscape and gave me some support where I needed it. My relationship with my mother was probably at it’s worst in those years – we had one cataclysmic physical fight which sent my sister into hysterics. I hit my mother back to get her off me, and told her never to raise a hand to me again.. she didn’t either.

    The second Pluto transit was to my IC during 2000/2001; Pluto kept retrograding around that period. That too was a very tough time: I was struggling with lack of work, no money, and living somewhere I didn’t want to be. I was still trying to hang on to some of my London life, but it became all but impossible.

    I lost my car, and couldn’t afford another, which made me horribly stuck – and my health started to deteriorate quite seriously. I had my first sinus operation which was pretty horrible. I saw my mother for the first time in ten years – and for the final couple of times. I was very depressed and stressed out a lot of the time. But I did grit my teeth and get through it

    Then my mother died in Sept 2001 when Pluto was moving pretty well exact onto my IC. this was a life changing thing in many respects – materially as well as emotionally. I re-established relationships with two cousins and their families; I gained thereby a room and therefore a foothold in London again – but I lost my sister who freaked out partly over the way Ma left her will.

    It was all quite seismic, for me.

  35. I see what you mean about using equal houses. If I calculated correctly, Pluto would have crossed my IC when I was 12 and 13 years old (?). The exact degrees were the month I lost my beloved Maternal Grandmother, who was my primary resource for mothering in my early years. It also happened near the month that I had sex for the first time. I was raped by a 19 year old.

    My Grandmother’s death set me up for my career as a healer- the most successful part of my life so far. She is still with me.

    I was not mature enough to face the rape until the last couple years. I thought I could just brush it under the rug. But, now, I see that it haunted me through my attempts at partnering until 2010. At which time, I was forced to face the feelings from that experience when the a#@hole appeared at my daughter’s Christmas Pageant: the father to my daughter’s new best friend at her new school!

    I am relieved to have Uranus exit my 7th house. Lesson Learned. thankyouverymuch

  36. Pluto crossed my IC around 1991-2 and yes, a transformational time. I left my abusive ex for the first time in 1991, literally moved away from him and left him standing at the old apartment. He didn’t believe that I’d leave him even though originally he was supposed to move out.

    Then he showed up at my new apartment with a gun, which he put to my head and demanded that I take him back. So yea, I took him back. I bided my time, I worked hard on the relationship because apparently according to him I didn’t work hard enough at it. My brother got married in 92 and we went to the wedding. It was one of the lowest moments in my life as my ex got extremely drunk and made a complete and utterly embarrassing mess of himself.

    I finally left the ex again in 93, this time with a police escort. I went into hiding…just like Elsa did for many many years.

    Pluto transformation – absolutely….

  37. Avatar
    Anna in Canada

    I’ve had Pluto transit two angles so far. Both times signalled major moves. Pluto crossed my ascendant when I was 10 and crossed my IC (last year). The transit to my ascendant took place when my family left Spain for Vancouver to join our relatives. At school I was given a nickname (my real name was deemed too foreign by the teachers) and I was bullied horribly by the other girls (because of my accent, my home-made clothes, my looks). It took me about two years to fit in and by junior high school I was popular and doing well in school.
    The transit to my IC has been more difficult. It hit me hard this past year. I can relate to Blessed Place. I left a great career in Vancouver to move with my husband to a small city outside of Seattle. My work suffered. I’m making a fraction of what I used to make which has affected my pride/ego and I’m no longer a “big whig” in my industry. My husband’s ex-wife suddenly dropped the kids off with us and disappeared and the judge awarded us sole custody so now I’m raising teenagers again (my own kids are in university/living on their own) which hasn’t been easy. And like BP, I’m living somewhere I don’t want to be. I was trying to hang on to my Vancouver work life and colleagues but I’ve been giving up on that too. It seems like Pluto is intent on destroying my old life in order to birth a new one. Pluto is big in my chart as it conjuncts my Mars and both planets square my Venus, Mercury and Moon stellium in Gemini.

  38. Wow, there’s a lot of intense stories here.
    Mine wasn’t that bad. I had Pluto go over my Sag ascendant in 05/06. I got a job at a lumber mill (long, gruelling hours doing the entry-level work). I worked harder, physically, than I ever had before in my life; and liked it! Some nights my hands and arms would be so worn out that I could barely shift my 5-speed to drive home. It was how my single mom supported me as a child (and what she still does to this day), and it gave me a whole new perspective on who she is.

    I rented my first house by myself, and about 6 months later it flooded. I admit, I was pretty naive about it’s location on a floodplain, but the river hit a new high water mark of 26 feet that year. The neighbors right across the street said they had 3 to 4 inches of water in their home, and for some reason I could never figure out, I got about 3 feet of water at my place. It wasn’t sitting significantly lower, in fact there were homes that sat lower than mine, and when I talked to those people, they all had 3 or 4 inches. Beats me!
    The water picked everything up, even the fridge, swirled it around, and rearranged my whole house! The only thing that survived was the bedding on my air mattress! I didn’t have time to move anything but myself out when it happened because I had been out of town. I came back home to see what was going on about an hour before water started creeping through the front door. It was a purifying experience.

    Then about 2 weeks later my now boyfriend asked me out on our first date. And it has definitely an “authority” style, power struggle relationship.

  39. While Pluto was crossing my MC we left a stifling situation in a country we’d been in 9 years, moved somewhere very challenging and foreign for three months and then settled into our country of origin. As it went through the 10th I started a career job, then Neptune squared natal Neptune followed by Pluto square natal Pluto (mid-life crisis)and I wrecked (Pluto) my reputation (10th) by “running off with the Gypsies” A Neptune man. It did not end well.

  40. Began in 2009 with Pluto on the DC conjunct my Saturn and Jupiter, with Mars and Uranus on the MC. My natal Pluto is on the IC at 29 degrees. Lost my job, lost my home and all my possessions, lost old friends, lost my reputation and went to jail, lost my teeth; but the upside is that I realized how much my husband and family love me. Nothing can shake them loose. Can’t fathom what comes next, it’s a long time yet until it is over.

    1. I also lost everything you listed. My pluto is in my 4h conjuct my SN. My DC is conjuct my sun & venus at 23° capricorn, pluto and Jupiter transiting now. My 9h pisces moon is 20°, same degree Neptune is at now. Please feel free to contact me I’d like to chat.. nglass114@ gmail. com

  41. Pluto rules my 3rd house, and is nataly in my 2nd (Equal).

    Had it going through my IC… now its in my 5th.

    Anyway, started using drugs, and going underground when i was 19. By the time i was 24 i met this girl in which i felt like going to a long term relationship. Pluto was conj my Neptune, ruler of the 7th house… and i quit drugs in order to make she do the same.
    I started working, but kept a real private life, in which has been this way ever since… not an underground junkie anymore… but a fucking loner.

    The worst was my mom Alcoholism… and we all moved out of our neighborhood into one way farther and less accessible.

    I got hit by a car at that time… it was opposing my Jupiter (ruler of my 4th/IC), and conj my Neptune.

  42. I have natal Pluto in the 9th house, Uranus conjunct MC, Chiron conjunct IC, Venus/ mercury/ Saturn conjunct DC. Natally: Pluto sextile sun & Neptune, square Venus/ mercury/ Saturn & ascendant, and mars in the 8th house. My ascendant is at 2 Capricorn so I’ve got a long way to go but this has been a positive transit so far. There have been big changes but I feel like I have been working a long time towards them & now I have the strength and energy to make things happen. I had a difficult and traumatic childhood followed by a tumultuous adolescence and I feel as though I’m finally “coming into myself”. I’m not sure how much of that is Saturn rising and how much is just being a plutonic person but it feels like I’ve learned some difficult life lessons and now I have been given opportunities to apply those lessons. I think you give the best advice; the only advice that can really be given for these types of transits – you’re usually talking about Saturn but I’ve found that when I’m honest with myself and fair with others, it matters. Always. Again, it seems more saturn but it works for me every time. Saturn is prominent in my chart: ascendant in cap, Saturn in the 7th in cancer conjunct the descendant. My chart has obvious things to say and I do ok when I am mindful.

  43. Pluto crossing my IC in 2010-11, was the single worst time of my life. I also have natal Saturn directly on my IC. Within 3 months I went from being nominated as the manager of the year to being fired because my boss was afraid I would take her job. Was unemployed for a year and a half. Quit seeing my friends because I was too depressed. Moved to another town for a job, then found out my husband was having an affair. I got a triple whammy because Pluto retrograded back and forth over my IC. F-Pluto!

  44. Pluto was on my Asc in 2006. My father passed away after having survived Vietnam twice and having a heart transplant for 20 years and 6 months. Shortly after that my mother was diagnosed with colon cancer. Thankfully it was treatable. She is now in a nursing home though with Alzheimer’s, as is my mother-in-law.

    Wild ride Pluto! He’s still in my first house and I continually change my appearance .

  45. In 2000, I had Pluto Sagittarius conj Mc and Saturn Moon Taurus 3rd conj 4th House Cusp. My Grandmother died. She was more my mother than my actual mother. I lost the person who helped me feel grounded on Earth, and the only person who could make me feel safe (Taurus, 4th). At the same time, I felt a great sense of freedom (Sagittarius)in that I was no longer tied to the rest of my extended family, who are a bunch of lying backstabbers. Later in the year, I was able to completely cut that part of my family out of my life, which was a great relief.

  46. IC. lived on my own for the first time in my life. not by choice, my friends all decided to kick me out. turned out to be a good thing. i wasn’t good at picking friends at that age. and i had moved very far away from my parents by choice.

    and my grandfather died. first major death in my life. forced me to face mortality. was one of the greatest losses of my life to date.

  47. conch that’s how i understand pluto transits work: grinding back and forth over the angle until you really really get things burnt down :/ it’s not a day or a month but a year or so of being caught in the oscillations…

  48. When Pluto transitted my ASC (and it’s still not far off), I lost my physical health.

    And of course, when you lose your health, the rest of your life falls like dominoes: Money, career, home, significant other, indpendence, mental health.

    The phrase that seems to resonate through most of these Pluto posts is “I lost, I lost, I lost …”

  49. My parents divorced about the time Pluto had just gone over my DSC (5deg) and was about to hit n.Uranus (8deg), also opposing Venus/Mars/Chiron on the ASC. My mom and I moved out of the house and I had to change schools. Not as traumatic as some of the things in my life but interesting to correlate the transit to.

    1. Brave to be so truthful. Astrology forums are full of people bragging about meeting the love of their lives or owning their home. When you lose everything under a Pluto IC transit these Pollyannas don’t seem worth wasting seconds reading their “experiences”.

        1. Just discovered our home is ( probably) riddled with Dry Rot… about a Literal Example of Pluto in the 4th!!

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