I stupidly posted, Compelling Evidence Progressed Charts Work, without thinking it through. This post is to clarify things.
I was taken by what these personality scores for my natal chart vs my progressed illustrated. It was like hitting a rich vein of sorts. I love to study trends and patterns and variables and whatnot. I have also said I don’t think people change, many times. I have to rethink this now, all because of these stupid scores?
But what I like about the scores, is they’re objective. There’s no bias. Seeing some scores change dramatically, interested me. It’s showing me, the idea of a person, “progressing”, can really be seen via these charts. Sample of one, I know. But I can look at the score changes and readily identify the qualities, with the current “me”. And they are different.
From there, I started thinking of the possible variances. One person may go through very few big changes in their life. This could be explained by retrogrades that keep the planets from changing signs, for long periods, if at all.
When I moved across the country, I was aware my Progressed chart would degrade. I set this aside, but have seen this play out. If I’d seen these scores at this time, I would not have set it aside. I moved for my family, so I would do it again, but I would be a lot more informed.
From there, I starting thinking about the here and now. The extreme progressed chart, pictured, is mine. Provided, I lived, I was always going to reach this point.
In my current location, this stellium falls in my 6th house.
If I were in my hometown, the planets fall in my 7th.
If I moved back to the city I left, it’s 7th and 8th.
Big differences here, when it comes to the my focus in life. If I was alone, with no one else to consider, I would most certainly choose a location, based on this.
People sometimes use astrology to determine where to move. I am going on record to state, I feel this method is far superior to astrocartography. Just my opinion, yours can be different!
To get to the problem, when I posted about the progressed personality stuff; people tipped me for their natal scores. Do they have to tip me again if they want their progressed? No. You just have to ask.
You can also, make it easy on me, by including your current city, so we don’t have to email back and forth. My inbox wants to kill itself, at times. I’m sure you can imagine!
I apologize for causing this confusion. I hope you can see, it was not intentional, to sell something. I’m legit excited about this. You can also purchase a Progressed Chart Report and just make a note, you want your scores as well. I’m happy to do that for you.
What do you think of using progressed charts to help with relocation?