Satori Life/lifestyle Update (Satorilife?)

I haven’t been very transparent about the mass of change in my life over the last few years, but there’s no time like the present! With Covid came a realization that I was in full burnout, and I had to a sparks joy/no joy overhaul.

I closed my business, sold my house, then moved onto my cousin’s farm and built out a van to live in. I have Mokihana Calizar’s art and ChristyChristy’s art hanging in my van! I love farm life between the river and the mountains, especially living where there’s wildlife and (occasionally) horses and the house my grandparents lived in. I hear there’s currently a black bear in the orchard, eating up apples and delaying the harvest. I travel to house-sit, pet and farm-sit actually, for friends and family. Nature is gorgeous and animals soothe my soul. I even figured out solar!

BabyJane just got a promotion to Manager at the boutique pet shop downtown (adopt, don’t shop! They have a rescue room for cats and kittens) and plays D&D with a regular group. Dylan is keeping his wins under wrap for now (but they’re significant and uplifting). Emme is in Los Angeles!

My first van trip was down the coast to meet Emme at the Northern California coastal inn where they’d been working after graduating Cornish College of the Arts in musical theater. Immediately afterward, Emme moved to Los Angeles (though returned briefly for a musical they co-wrote). Emme has an AMAZING agent and books really cool (truly) modeling and acting gigs. It still tickles me to see their picture on Instagram in those red carpet promo pics and reels!

However, we all know how expensive LA is, so it’s only recently they’ve secured permanent housing. WHEW! Emme now has a day job at a swanky, high-end skincare company but continues to manage other work in the entertainment and arts industries. They do costuming, voice, writing, editing, assistant work, photography… many more things — I forget, but they’re multi-talented (truly, all my children are).

To that effect, I asked them to shoot some professional images for my part in this year’s Holiday Guide again. They provided me with DOZENS of incredible shots to choose from. I’m still grizzling over the fact I couldn’t use them all.

I had an interesting time writing my part for the Holiday Guide this year. After whipping up on a lifelong heart condition (which included surgery), I was diagnosed with a spinal problem that makes it hard to sit. You know what I sit to do, right? Everything. But I got it done — even when I had to stand to do it. And guess what, yesterday I made a funky move cutting a friend’s hair and my back did a terrifying lurchy thing then stopped hurting. I’ll take it.

Anyway, I’ve read through Elsa’s portion of the guide (which is the hardest part to research and write, admittedly, and the lion’s share of work) and it is EXCELLENT. I took notes myself and am keeping them close. Hers is very like the classes we do, a style of writing that’s both personal and informative but ultimately gives one an incredible absorption of the material. After reading this, you’ll get it too.

My part is probably less funny than years past (not funny at all, really), but it’s earnest. I broke each sign out on its own, added all the transits, and had a good long sit with it before writing. I then gave a heartfelt talk to each, though you read for Sun sign, rising sign, and Moon sign — so three for you. Emme’s images are the chef’s kiss cherry on top. I’m so proud of us all. I think you will be too.

LOVE LOVE LOVE, Satori (livin’ the Satorilife while housesitting for my dad this week)

Click through to check out our new Holiday Guide!

35 thoughts on “Satori Life/lifestyle Update (Satorilife?)”

  1. Yay, Satori! So nice to hear from you. It’s courageous to do what you did; I’m happy it’s worked out, and your kids are also great.

    I did something similar in my own way many years ago. I’ve always said the fear of letting it all go is exactly why I needed to do it—the ultimate freedom that birthed a new life. Best wishes <3

  2. So good to hear your updates! It sounds like a lovely place to live. And what beautiful, talented children. Wishing you whole healing. I’m looking forward to the Holiday Guide!

  3. Wow, everything thrown up and out and landing into a new life. Hugs and admiration for your courage. And thank you for your bi-weekly insights. I read them every one…

  4. You build beautiful nests, bridges and word sanctuaries Satori San ❤️ I love seeing the van and reading this letter from your heart. Patch work have always been my favorites. All that art loves living with you.


  5. Well done Satori; for the lifestyle change, for your work, and specially for the depth of kindness that permeates your expression! ❤️

      1. Thank you for all the hard work. Just got the guide! It’s great, concise and really helpful! Thanks to both you and Elsa!! 💛

  6. Such a lovely update! Happy for you Satori, may you keep living this rich fulfilling life you given us a glimpse of 🥰 and now I’m of course curious if I’ve ever seen Emme in anything!!!! Very cool 🩵

    1. Honestly, I don’t have a full accounting of what they’ve done. My kids are known for holding back details on creative things if they’re not sure they want publicity. It’s hard not to be a cheerleader and they’re quite humble. OR, they do tell me and make me promise not to spread things. One job I’m aware of is their repeated appearance in The Sex Lives of College Girls on Max. They are often reading books or lounging as a background actor in both seasons (in Seattle and in LA). I should go figure it out myself! 😄⭐️♥️

    2. I should mention, my sister is the same. I’ll be watching tv and suddenly see her. What a trip! She only tells me after something I’d fangirl about (like working with Mandy Patinkin recently).

  7. Phoenix has arisen! Congrats on the fear/courage/surrender/serenity trajectory you launched for yourself. If only it was linear and not a zigzag of emotions, break throughs, stumbles, doubts, and successes. Great job, Sister!

    And your children are embarking on their own journeys. The greatest gifts you’ve given them is the confidence, courage, determination and love to pursue whatever they want. THOSE are the hallmarks of a successful parent and person.

    Can’t wait for the Guide Book you and Elsa wrote! Thank you for doing it, and thank you for being an incredible role model for all of us!

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