Saturn With Neptune: Hiding Reality

skyscraperI have written more than 100 posts about Saturn mashed with Neptune and here comes another one.

The other day someone started a thread on the boards, asking if people were real, basically.  Do you have a facade? I said I was real and think it’s obvious. My flaws and farts and my finery are on display here on a daily basis for the last ten years however, Saturn Neptune types (like me) hide things. We hide BIG things often enough, I sure as hell do.

This has been going on since I was very small. I am from a criminal family for one thing but that doesn’t matter. The aspect(s) are in MY chart and this is why I end up in a bar with 50 people singing, Happy Birthday to me to celebrate my 23rd, when I was actually turning, 16. I didn’t like that. I was scared!

I am telling you, I don’t like to hide reality but I always have a compelling reason why it’s just got to be done.  And the reality I have to hide is never small. It’s not a detail.  It’s something big as a building.

I had to hide the fact I’d initiated a lawsuit against my boss for sexual harassment when I was 17, so my boyfriend (who is now my husband) didn’t go punch him get blood all over my job and the restaurant.  Does that sound like an easy thing to do?

I am old now and still hiding epic chunks of… whatever. But here is the squirrel-y thing:  When I tell people something, they don’t believe me anyway. This means either way, reality is obscured. Isn’t that queer?

I, like Pinocchio, would like to be a real boy but I just don’t think it is ever gonna happen.

20 thoughts on “Saturn With Neptune: Hiding Reality”

  1. I have lived much of my life the same.. Bartending underage at 19 when everyone thought I was bout 24. And many other examples…
    I’m not sure what it exactly it is, maybe pluto opposite sun. Ascendant opposite pluto? I dunno

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    @ Elsa LMAO at this: “and this is why I end up in a bar with 50 people singing, Happy Birthday to me to celebrate my 23rd, when I was actually turning, 16.” Whew, that’s funny… *wiping tears* I have saturn sextile neptune, so this is something that I can definitely relate to.

  3. I have Saturn square Pisces Sun… and Capricorn Moon square Neptune… but not Saturn/Neptune directly linked. Do they count as Saturn/Neptune?

  4. I have Saturn inconjunct Neptune, and hid my anxiety problem for years. I finally told my mother, when I dropped out of school, but continued to hide it from my friends, for six years (long distance), because I didn’t want to complain, didn’t want to burden others with my problems and emotions, and I was happy enough with what I was doing (studying and working), thinking that I’d be fine one day.

    Some things are just on a “need to know” basis, and anyone who knows me well, will be able to see that something’s wrong with me. My mother told me that she knew something was up (in regards to what I wrote above), but she also knew that I was handling whatever it was. I hadn’t wanted to burden her, so I didn’t say anything, until I couldn’t take anymore (when I was, of course, informed that she’s my mother, and she wanted me to go to her with anything that I needed help with). Saturn is in my 9th, and Neptune is in my 2nd. (Cancer vs. Sadge.)

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    curious wanderer

    Saturn sq. Neptune. Saturn is much stronger and better supported in my chart than Neptune. I’ve, at various points in my life, felt like I was firmly grounded in reality, but surrounded by fog created by others. I also have an ability to see through the fog to the ugly reality, whether or want to or not.

  6. God, Elsa!

    You wrote: I am old now and still hiding epic chunks of… whatever. But here is the squirrel-y thing: When I tell people something, they don’t believe me anyway. This means either way, reality is obscured. Isn’t that queer?

    I’m thinking: “I am older than you Elsa and I keeping writing and ‘telling people things, they don’t believe me anyway’ …” I do think it’s very queer. Saturn conjuncts and retrogrades my natal Neptune in 9th house. At this stage/age of life, Saturn is aspecting my chart in major ways, clearing things up while creating fog in other places. Like the current 9th house conjunct. My sense of my Self is solidifying, even with my porous nature. Ha? Funny.

    I’m feeling: Okay. Life and lessons have been long and rough most my life. At one point it was all a secret … who’d believe it, right?

    Now, my philosophy is being strengthened even with the fog. I lays down the words/burdens and lets it be there.

    Is THAT what getting old is about?

  7. “Now, my philosophy is being strengthened even with the fog. I lays down the words/burdens and lets it be there.

    Is THAT what getting old is about?”

    I think it’s probably different for the individual. Personally, I like things I do to have purpose so discovering there is no purpose to “x” make me try to do “y” or “z” or “a”.

  8. My Neptune is in the 1st House and it’s square my Saturn. It’s been a challenge to figure this one out. I think, because it’s also in Scorpio, it might enhance the ‘secrecy’… But, there’s also the ‘invisibility’ factor that happens even when I’m not being secretive.

  9. I have Neptune in the 1st, as well, inconjunct Saturn in the 6th. My life is full of projection (“fog”), especially at work. Plus, Nep in Scorpio sextiles my Ur/Pl conj in Virgo, which is also inconjunct Saturn. I tend to be able to see right down to the bottom, but people never believe what I tell them, either. I find it weird, too, but now I know I’m not the only one! 🙂 I was once in a meeting where I posed an idea which was torn up by the group as completely ridiculous; not 20 min. later, someone else presented the very same idea to great acclaim! Life is weird.

  10. I’ve sort of gotten used to being invisible with a certain crowd. Is it Nep in the 1st? People really can’t see you, and there’s no amount of jumping up and down or making a scene that seems to change that. Everyone operates at their own frequency, so to speak. Needless to say, I don’t work for that organization anymore… 🙂

  11. I have saturn (6th H) trine neptune (1st H). Does that make me a saturn/neptune type or does it have to be a harsh aspect? I’m definitely a private person, but thought that was because of scorp rising. There is much I keep to myself/hidden… and it’s big stuff!

  12. leah, I don’t think it has to be harsh but I would not give “hiding big things” to something like that. I’d be looking for another explanation. Maybe just Neptune on the ascendant, don’t know without looking at the chart.

  13. Saturn Neptune here! Yes, have been known to hide things from various people in my life. Also can be good at hiding things from myself lol!

  14. I have Neptune Sagittarius 6th trine Saturn Leo 2nd/3rd

    I guess I tend to keep many of my thoughts and feelings to myself without realizing it, well,most of the time I don’t realize it,but sometimes I just don’t want to say anything because of what people might say or do.

    I also feel like I have one foot in the world and the other someplace else.
    my friends used to sneak me into bars when I wasn’t of legal age. 🙂

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    This whole saturn/neptune thing makes me roll with laughter. I have it in my chart. I was first “online” when I was 15 and told everyone I was female. No one believed me and some awfully nasty things were said to me about lying. A year or so later… I got calls and more calls from the military because I tested so well on the asfab or whatever military test they gave in high school. No one bothered to believe that I was female and they got rude and angry when I said the only “Mr” in the house was my father.

    So next time I’m online I don’t bother identifying myself as a man or a woman and I get accused, nastily of being one or the other and lying. This has followed me for nigh on 20 years now. I still get mail addressed to “Mr…. my last name or my first name mis-spelled”

    I’ve given up and mostly just laugh now at people’s attempts to tell me I’ve gotten my sex wrong, online or elsewhere. If they meet me in person there is NO confusion that I’m quite very female and while a bit more of the skilled in mechanical/real life skills still quite feminine. (I’m just not well versed in the makeup and high heels dept. but that doesn’t make me less feminine) All I can say is that it’s a relief to see that the saturn/neptune thing isn’t mine alone. 😀

  16. I always feel like I’m lying, even though I’m not.. or am treated like a liar, even though I’m not. I’ve thought about it this way too: Maybe I should just LIE.

    I don’t, it just seems logical.

  17. I have Saturn semi-square Neptune. My father has Saturn inconjunct Neptune. I am 55 years old now. Just this past year I began recalling being sexually abused by my father as a small child. All my life, I have hidden this from myself. My father’s Neptune is exactly conjunct my Venus. I have just gotten up the courage to confront my father about this (by email and snail mail, not in person). It is a scary thing to do. As someone above said, “Even when I tell the truth, I am not believed.” Thank goodness, my mother believes me about the abuse but neither of my sons believe me. They think I am making it all up. This hurts, as it was a tremendously difficult thing for me to admit to myself. This is not something I would ever, in a million years, make up!

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