I’m Sick Of Feeling Stuck And Unhappy In My Life!

The feeling you get when you break through some kind of block or barrier in your life in incomparable. Uranus transiting a Fixed sign is going to help people break our of ruts over the next six years.

I wrote this for a client:

“You’ve got to move beyond stating what the problems are and start acting to sort these things, come to terms with them and resolve them. If you commit to this, I think you’ll feel a lot better. It will reinvigorate your intellect and your hope for the future.

I am suggesting you get in the car and drive. Take control of some of this stuff. Maneuver! You are a creative person and I’m pretty sure you can get back in the game without hurting anyone…”

Do you feel stuck? I hate that feeling. I just can’t stand the idea of having driven into a ditch, at which point I’m supposed to just sit there? I don’t think so!

I’ve made it my life’s work to continue to grow and thrive, whatever my circumstances are.   Further, I’m so sick of seeing people stuck in bad places, I created a workshop to help them.

The workshop is unique and original. If you are simply sick of how things are, check it out –  Using Astrology To Solve Your Problems & Get What You Want.

Such a small price to pay to turn things around. I mean, we have astrology. Why not use it and better yet, use it effectively!

Update –  I had a gal ask me how much astrology she had to know, to benefit from the workshop.  I was stymied by her question. I’d never thought this in that vein before. I couldn’t answer the question!

I told her I would look at this workshop and try to discern the answer. I did this today and I’m back to say that anyone can benefit from this class, whether they know astrology or not!

If you want someone to help you with your individual chart, a consultation is the best way to go about it. This workshop is about solving problems. All problems. Any problem!

I teach this skill, by doing. There are numerous problems presented; some large, some small, some long-lasting and others, short-term.  In every case there is an answer. Yes, the astrology is included but you can read right over it.

When you see one problem after another, be addressed succinctly and effectively, it dawns on you, there is probably a solution or some kind of help for your problem too.

As you continue to see the problems presented and dealt with, chances are, you’ll see yourself. You’ll see you have the same mindset as the person in the workshop or the same aspect or whatever.  I hope you can see what I’m getting at here, your block begins to dissolve.

There is so much content in this workshop, and so much (condensed) experience, you can’t help but learn. I applied thirty years of consulting experience to create this, never mind my life experience which is pretty significant.

Now if you’re serious about getting unstuck – the buy this workshop… which by the way, costs less than twenty minutes of therapy! Using Astrology To Solve Problems & Get What You Want.

Matter of fact, you might want to get it now, because I’m going to raise the price.

11 thoughts on “I’m Sick Of Feeling Stuck And Unhappy In My Life!”

  1. What a brilliant post, Elsa!

    I have my Uranus opposite sun coming up, and in the proces it will touch my Venus and Jupiter and Mercury as well. Every one of those planets are the definition of fixed (try “can be obsessed”) and I kinda look forward to Uranus shaking things up a little the next 7 years. I think it will be liberating. And funny how “liberating” is rather close to the word “Libra”, hm?
    My moon is in Libra, stuck in a constant square with Mars.

    As 4 x Scorpio I lived for more than 30 years before realizing I COULD do something about problems, that I could take action and make goals that are SMART. So I look forward to when Saturn-Uranus talks again in Cap – Taurus. That will be nice for all my water!

  2. “I mean, we have astrology. Why not use it and better yet, use it effectively!” Gold words for loving astrology.

  3. Well, I can’t solve any of the problems at my job (can’t get another job and so far can’t get TPTB to fix 95% of things), so I’m letting them go and accepting that that is how things are. I am slowly trying to work on pursuing my own interests outside of work, so there’s that. I am really curious to see how Uranus in Taurus plays out in my 7th because I am very sick of it being in my sixth (see above work drama) and I don’t have a relationship to break up anyway 🙂

    I think I bought this class ages ago but can’t recall how I accessed it at the time? Was that the Udemy one?

  4. I’ve been stuck for years in a place I hate. We moved in July 2011 a few months after Uranus went into Aries. A sudden decision. But, Uranus will be moving through my 4th house in Taurus. Opportunity to move again?

  5. It’s funny howsome signs or people, tend to get stuck and go nuts while others will just bide their time until the tide rushes in again. I feel like I have been stuck many times off and on…life deems to rake care of itself.

  6. Stuck? Yes.

    The Mars opposing Saturn/Pluto transit, where Satur/Pluto is conjunct my Venus, Mercury, opposite my ASC, square my MC.

    Need I say more?!

    No job? I’ve found creative ways to make some cash. I hustle the streets when needed too. My unkempt upbringing allows me to change gears, even when I don’t wanna.

  7. Uranus just entered my husband’s 6th house and he was suddenly moved at his job. An involuntary move. This is throwing him for a serious loop and he is not the type to welcome this kind of change. But the optimist in me is hoping he’ll enjoy it. From what I see from the outside, he is better off. Granted, Uranus is also opposing his Scorpio Mars, so….

  8. This is so relatable. Transiting uranus is opposite my pluto and I cant even tell how intense the energy is. It feels like breaking every cell in my body, last time I experienced this it was back in 2011 when transiting pluto conjunct my natal neptune. I killed my dreams literally.

  9. I remember comic article on Eurosport about Wimbledon, to guess “who likes grass and who don’t”. And there were answer-quotes, such as Nadal: I like play on grass. And someone: I like smoke marijuana sometimes. Or I hate playing on grass or I hate smoke grass. And I was very encouraged by Miley Cyrus words about marijuana: There is nothing, that I can’t drop. I don’t remember verbatim, but approximately.

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