Scorpio Being Stealth

miniver cheevyI heard from, Ben, yesterday. He’s having trouble getting the newsletter. He gave this bizarre email address. I was taken aback and curious but I didn’t ask.

I didn’t ask, because I recalled when he used to visit and occasionally comment on my xanga blog… this would have been 2001 or so. I didn’t know it was him. When he outed himself, I was shocked. He was calling himself, “popcorn”.

“Popcorn?! You’re nothing like popcorn!”

“What? I’m not white and fluffy like popcorn? I know. That’s the point. I don’t want anyone knowing it’s me!”

My husband did the same thing, back then. He called himself, MiniverCheevy.

If was interesting because while I did not recognize either of them, I did note both, “readers”. By that I mean, the energy of their comments got my attention and in a good way.  They seemed like interesting people!

For the record, things like this don’t bother me at all.  There is nothing better than having friendly operators in your midst.  Life is for living, after all.

There’s also this:

Scorpio The Eagle

So in a way, I felt watched over and deeply stirred.

3 thoughts on “Scorpio Being Stealth”

  1. Thanks for this, Elsa. When my husband and I were floundering in my approach to new life I learned to blog, early 2000’s. A longtime but astranged friend started reading, a Taurus, without me knowing.

    Later, a Snailmail package arrived with amazing artwork and “supportive words.” We were being watched in a good way. I don’t remember how she knew where to find us??

    I can relate to your sense of being a Scorpio privately clothed, by a Taurus 😏

    1. My husband has a Scorpio moon… and he was dropping hints. He made it possible for me to id him… but I would not allow that.

      This was in the dead zone period..

      We got in contact… then I cut him off, totally and utterly, by bouncing his email, with a utility that was available back then.

      He lurked for three years… which I can’t say surprised me as he’d told me he would track me like a dog on a scent, for the rest of his life.

      Three years of no contact.. her surfaced. We got together and married… ff to today!

      Anyway, I saw Miniver Cheevy and specifically, the profile picture he was using. I got a whiff, but stepped away.

      I was in a serious relationship and I did not expect to interact with him again.

  2. A few days ago, I heard an employee at a store tell another customer, that her birthday was in a few days. So, when she turned towards me, I said, “Hey, you’re a Lioness!” (In French, Lionne, as the feminin form for Leo/Lion works more smoothly than in English.) She replied, Yes, and, Scorpio AC…! To which I said, Yay Scorpios! (She eyed me a long moment – I guessed, maybe asking if I really meant it.)
    A few minutes later, when she found a solution for my difficulty for my bank card, I said, Wow, see, that’s what I mean: Scorpios find solutions. Later, I wished I’d said, “master strategists” which says it better…
    All this made me think this: so very, very many texts about astrology repeat the same versions of ideas, of viewpoints, as anyone who has published before. Where are my fellow/sister empiricists??
    Hey, sorry, I neither, I don’t publish – nor write, except here, on ElsaElsa. Just saying, there’s a dearth of original thoughts, re paper publications.

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