19 thoughts on “Don’t Betray Your Scorpio Child”

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    Great words Elsa thank you! My kids have Scorpio. 2 of them strongly. My youngest is scorp sun conj Venus at apex of tsqaure to Uranus in aqua and jup in Leo. He also has a Leo moon and a kite in his chart. The other odd often think I’m to easy on him because I dont jump fast and hard on him. I don’t on any if them but he pushes faster than the others ever did and his mouth and temper have taken alot of work. I usually give him space after calmly very calmly explaining the issue. 99% of the time he apologizes without being told to within 15 min.

    But lately I’ve felt like jumping on him and it’s took alot to restrain myself. This video reminds me to keep taking a deep breath. I’ve always felt like he’s going to really need his family and need to be able to come to us as a safe harbor.

  2. Perfect, it’s like you were reading my mind. I’d been asking myself, ‘am I supposed to be this person’s saturn figure?’ for the better part of the last 6 days. I really didn’t want to be, as they don’t listen to me anyway. What wonderful news 🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. “maybe they need hear it from a cop, maybe they need to hear it from a judge”

    very very valuable information here and very true. I wish I would have learned this a long time ago. To me, it was solely my responsibility and if the message didn’t take then I was to blame (part of codependency here, I believe). I had no trust that it would come from anywhere else–it was all on me which made me the perpetual bad guy/heavy. It’s much easier now knowing that it just isn’t true. I’m not saying i stand by and do nothing. I say my part and let it go.

  4. Sage advice Elsa. Will come in handy babysitting my niece and nephew next week – it’ll be me or the Universe.

    You look great!

  5. Wonderful video. Lovely:) Made me sad, thinking about how badly my Scorpio Moon/ASC fiance has been betrayed in his life. Ongoing theme. 🙁

    But not by me! 🙂

  6. OK..I just want to say.. Elsa.. LOVE your BIG curls. Lookin’ fabulous!

    One of my step-sons is having a Saturn transit, and I see his parents trying to tell him to do this and that. He just dismisses it before they can even finish their sentence.

  7. My moon+mars@6*,merc@8*, and nept@10* Scorpio. My Mom forced me to go to a therapist at 17(or get kicked out- she put me in a foster home anyway because my sister beat me up regularly, and she refused to believe it wasn’t me), and she didn’t know that they said I was perfectly fine but that she was a nutcase and that I was on my own. I didn’t bother to ever tell her what they said. Scorpio secrets!
    10 years later she told my alcoholic ex that I was bipolar, and he repeated it in court and eventually got custody. Now my daughter is an alcoholic too, and my Mom still spreads horrible rumors about me because she was teed off that I refused to abandon my father. Now she is older and all those little lies she tells herself seem to be expanding into a permanent dementia regarding me. I am horrified. Permanently.
    PS: I LOVE the way you say “the universe” will provide someone to convey the message, if not you.

  8. Whitney: “What if I’m a Saturn-figure?”
    Husband: “Are you?”
    Whitney: “Well, I’m always right.”


  9. brilliant.

    both parts are SO true!

    scorpio needs at least one person to trust. if you are that rare breed worthy of their trust, they will give you their highest self for all eternity.

    and saturn cannot be evaded. if it doesn’t hit you going in, it will hit you on the way out!

  10. This is a really interesting idea of how the universe works and how we work within it. I am skeptical in some ways, but I think I understand where you’re coming from. It’s like working with the wind- you can utilize it to a certain point, but if you apply too much force, it doesn’t work for you at all… I just don’t know why another, kite, for instance, would come along to harness the wind simply because I fail or give up or let it go. I can see how it’s probable, but I don’t understand how it could be absolute.
    (Except you don’t look like Elsa from the desert in this vid! You look way more refined and even more mature in some way. And your hair looks better than ever I think! )

  11. Okay, am I the only one going to mention the SHININESS of Elsa’s hairdid? Shiniest hair in 15 (?) states indeed! *lol*

    Very good info, E. I’m going to have to remember that about Saturn. “They’ll get it from another source, they’ll get it from another source…” *drills.into.memory* This is a message I need to craft into something I can share with my sister; Sis is having a rough go with my Cap niece who’s going through a sun-Saturn transit.

  12. Wow you look Beautiful Elsa :). And yes like everyone else has mentioned, your hair is FAB!!!! Loved this video too. As a scorpio I think think is the best advice.

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