I figured the title would get your attention. Scorpio always gets attention but I really think most miss Scorpio like missing the side of a barn. 8th house types too and I will explain.
Scorpio has and ungodly amount of power. This is why people are attracted (and repelled). They are disturbed.
Scorpio gets you by the balls basically and some people don’t like to admit they have balls so you see the problem.
But even people who like Scorpio or love Scorpio seem profoundly confused and unaware of what they getting from the the bug because the energy is just so hidden. They don’t realize they’re thriving because of the Scorpio in their life. They don’t realize they are being fed at the root and they are thriving because of it.
So scared of the power, they don’t realize it is the Scorpio providing their vital nutrients and consequently there’s no appreciation. Scorpio is the bastard you have to defend against – he or she is going to come in and rape you I guess. Scorpio is the shadow, the thing you want to cut off from and defend against. I see this every day.
I am forever having to tell people what they are getting from the Plutonian in their life – high quality energy. Want a tiger in your tank? Scorpio provides this and hardly anyone recognizes it, so concerned they are that the Scorpio is going to do something nasty.
Are you energized? Are you blooming? Chances are a Scorpio / 8th house type is involved.
I get so sick of hearing what the Scorpio did TO you. Ever think about what they did FOR you? Like maybe brought you back to life for example???
Tell us about your experiences with Scorpio…
I have Scorpio Sun and Mercury and I’ll say that never ending energy is the basis for my life. Although my Moon in Capricorn keeps me in check sometimes I “let loose” and it’s just an other worldly experience for other people, but I’m just having fun. Like an actor who has to be the Villain of an intense crime scene or the Hero who jumps from building tops…I’ll stay contained for now (Moon) but when the time is needed or to help the power of Scorpio Sun will shine through and rescue the world from the tragedy that lays bestowed upon her. ♥
One of my favorite blog posts ever!
My father is a Scorpio and he is the biggest asshole I have ever met. Judgmental, selfish, manipulative, secretive, controlling, two-faced. He is nearly incapable of empathy which is odd because he is intuitive. People who don’t know him well say he is happy and enjoyable to be around because he keeps his horribly dark interior hidden from most. I am an aquarius.
Yep! sounds exactly like the scorps I’ve known (female).
They are borderline criminals with what they do to people’s hearts without mercy. And we stupidly give them that power in the first place.
Scorpio are nothing without other people to use. Remember that and avoid.
Borderline Criminals? omg….
I’m bookmarking this to visit it and reread when necessary. I think I’ve had more friends/lovers who are Scorpios. I’m drawn to them without knowing it. I find them to be very unique, they often make their own rules, and are very compassionate. Quirky, yes. I’m an Aqua, with Pluto in 1H 10° to my AC and hits alot of my planets. Anyway I don’t know if thats it or not but i appreciate tham and this is a great article for me to keep in mind.
Hey Elsa and All,
I guess I’ve been lucky in Pluto’s realm, with an 8th House retrograde Pluto in Virgo (discerning, analytical self-analysis, deep insights into others, which includes recognising shadow energies), Scorpio MC and 10th House, together with an 11th House Scorpio.
I totally get where you’re coming from. The assumption that Scorpio = bad news is both correct and incorrect; it depends on your personal views/perspective/model of the world. Self-transformation isn’t a Disney affair, from personal experience, but neither is it all doom, gloom, jealousy, hatred, etc.
Pluto/Hades is domination power, covert control and compulsion. It’s consuming passion, vitality, intensity…blah, blah, blah 😉
Plutonic power just ‘is’. The distinction for me is what we do with that power.
Oh boy.
I’ve read through this whole thread
and have felt a lot of positive and negative
vibes for and against Scorpios. Okay, I am one
and I’ve always polarized people. Thankfully, I try to
be as positive with people as I can and give
happiness without expecting anything in return.
I can be arrogant, annoying, intolerable, and
downright adamant too. However, I’ve learned to
get these out of myself as much as I can. I hope,
above all, I turn out to be a good human being.
Cheers to life! 🙂
Was super happy to come across this article, as Scorpio/8th house/Pluto influence (especially in the heavier doses,) does tend to get a lot of flack.
I’m not gonna be biased and act like only those with these influences are the most and only loyal, but in my dealings with it in others and having it in myself (Ascendant, Pluto, and Moon all conjunct in Scorpio,) it does give me a good feel into it. However, I’ve come to find that these are people who will stick with those they have entrusted like no other. What gets them the flack is that once they’ve been brutally burned, they’re stinger will ignite and things can get pretty nasty and volatile. It comes across as they’re betraying and just being hurtful to those who they got a long with before because we were so giving before, but once hurt we can hurt back; people who use us again and again have a way of not liking that.
The biggest thing with this energy is that there’s such a potent presence to the aura around someone who carries these trademarks astrologically. It has a way of getting extremely strong reactions out of people. Speaking from experience, it leaves me on the other end often times feeling extremely powerful, but also very insecure. We are people with emotions and feelings just like any other, and that seems to be disguarded with others a lot with us.
” it leaves me on the other end often times feeling extremely powerful”
Well, that statement really sums up ‘scorpio’ doesn’t it? How anyone can feel power from another’s pain is beyond me. If I hurt someone, I hurt too. I don’t get off on someone chasing me or showing that they are genuinely upset by my coldness, or absence. Instead I feel their pain and consider it in with my own. If (my) one time scorpio girl had been in pain I’d never have felt power and I’d never turn my back on her even if in truth I didn’t want to be with her, or she annoyed me to the point It wouldn’t work out (unsuitable/badly matched). Yes I’m probably too soft at times like that but if someone is at least acting like they are genuinely upset by me then I feel nothing but remorse, no power.
I’ve seen (scorpio women) smiling at this power they feel, without realising it’s not some power they have, they steal it in some respects – given freely on the same terms we assumed they were on, mutual love and concern. The only shock in this is how a person (scorpio) can be so emotional, almost needy at times and down right difficult with the most intense mood swings until you are convinced they REALLY DO mean it when they talk of undying love only to find you were just another chapter in their book of life, a book they seem all to happy to believe is only about themselves and to hell with whoever else’s heart they destroy and abandon along the way. It’s not that they are not allowed to move on, anyone is, but that they play you like a fool until they get your undying commitment and once they have you there they have STOLEN your power and you are no longer a challenge. Then if some shit hits the fan, you will more than easily be thrown away and treated as if you never existed.
Honestly it’s the most wicked and cruel thing in the world to do that to a human, for human errors and faults. Everything can be talked through, every one deserves the right to not be treated so cruely when the ‘problem’ that causes the rift is exactly two way and both parties to blame (and actually mostly trivial stuff).
I won’t ever trust a word from a scorpio woman’s mouth until the day I die. I’ll stick with a fellow pisces who know about true compassion and are the least cruel people on the earth.
Loved reading your insight and opinions, but I think you may have taken what I said out of context. I didn’t mean the Scorpio energy was directly and purposefully taking others power, rather the own embodied power that they bestow from their strong sense of self.
It sounds like you’ve been burned before from a Scorpio, and understandably have the right to be upset, but that’s not EVERY Scorpio influenced person. That’s someone, who yes, is taking the qualities of the archetype and operating out of it’s lower expression.
Every sign and aspect of astrology, Pisces included by the way, have their higher octave and lower octave of operating. I’ve found it’s about integrating each side of both and finding middle ground and balance between the polarities.
Another tidbit to throw in, I wouldn’t say a Scorpio typically feels power from someone else’s pain (unless the individual is just kinda f****d,) but that they have an icy exterior when someone else has hurt them and then they have to pull the chord and leave that person behind. To the person who has been left behind, yeah, it could very well be painful, but they may have had it coming. Of course this is just one instance and example, though.
Thank you for this. I am a Leo with Scorpio Ascendant and Pices moon and a whole bunch of Cancer in other places with a couple of Earth signs and no air signs in there at all.
I am incredibly sensitive and astute for subtle changes in my environment – especially when it comes to reading other people. I recently got somewhat involved with a Gemini who acted very two-faced and cold to me. What did I do?
I posted an obtuse but obvious poem on Facebook to a limited audience for just an hour. I do not know if he saw it or not, but I am having to pull the plug and disengage. I am all heart and passion and sensitivity. I don’t do well with head games and head types who function lower on the feeling levels.
I am not very good at keeping up facades of decorum so when I see him again, my style will be to avoid him unless I have to talk to him and feel incredibly intense about the whole thing for probably another year.
I normally worry about everyone else getting hurt – everyone but me – and then I end up getting hurt because I thought should be nice when I should have walked away and not been as polite. But I don’t suffer fools for very long anymore.
They tend to know it when I’m finally gone and come sniffing around again at some point. Half the time I don’t know what they want, but feel my energy is being drained. So I look for people now who are a bit more conscious and more deeply connected to something bigger than themselves, their games, and their needs.
yeah may have had it coming, but perhaps the scorpio had it coming too but pisces found it easier to forgive relatively trivial things in preference for protecting the other person’s feelings. 🙂
In other words, had [ insert anonymous piscean man with violins playing 😉 ] done the ‘moving on’ when hurt, the scorpio wouldn’t ever have given them a day’s peace. The tears would be ten fold, the anger too, the knives would come out (from the scorpio), but you know, with pisces at least the worst kind of hurt for us is thinking we walked away from someone we did still care about and who may care about us, and leaving them in some kind of pain – so we don’t. Sure we can be cold and switch off (and do eventually) especially if pushed beyond even our legendary limits, but in that moment when ‘love’ is spoken of as being eternal, pisces doesn’t doubt it and doesn’t revoke it based on the material every day world – in fact nothing shy of total betrayal (adultery/affairs) would cause us to turn out back coldly on someone we genuinely care about, even if just ‘as a friend’. Yes scorpio was hurt, yes possibly even more than I was but it was over understandable stresses not evil motives or even actions of will – emotional instability both sides brought on by passion, insecurity and mild paranoia and some other mitigating factors I won’t bore everyone about haha…
Anyway, I know a few scorpio females now and I like them as friends, I think they can be very straight talking and when they are warm they are beautiful, but when they are cold? ugh.. also they definitely live on ego more than pisces and that’s why we clash. especially when they apply their thinking to our actions, as if we do X,Y,Z based on why they would do it (ego, power, flirtation, attention). Not to say scorpio is the worst for that – no, leo, gemini, many others are worse but it’s the one bad side of scorpio that clashes with a true, spiritual altruistic piscean in an otherwise beautiful combination. That and not taking pisces feelings seriously when ‘accidentally’ surrounding themselves with members of the opposite sex (but watch out if YOU/PISCES does that – drama from nowhere, scathing, hurtful words over totally innocent actions… you know the score).
And no pisces isn’t perfect either, we are confused and confusing but we have a massive heart that is UNCONDTIONAL. Scorpio has too many damn rules for my liking and I don’t play power or mind games with anyone. I’d rather switch off than waste my life playing games. Either way, still wouldn’t turn my back, but when scorpio does – finally – there is very little concern for the shock, pain and bereavement feeling they cause in those that were their closest companions. They talk good when in love at first, but when they get bored or too stressed it seems they have to find new sources of energy, having ‘ruined’ the one they just drained from the balls up. 🙂
good day to you.
It seems you have your mind made up on all Scorpios in the world, huh? If they’re that bothersome then why spend so much of your energy and attention focusing on thinking about them? That’s one thing I love about them…it’s so hard to stop thinking about them. They just have that affect on people.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had some ill experiences with other Scorp. influenced people, but nothing to extreme. I just know I’ve dished out some crappy cards to past lovers, but a lot of it has to do with Scorpios having a lot of trust issues because we’ve been so burned in the past.
I know a lot about the Pisacan world as my ex was a MAJOR Pisces. Loved her to Pisces, and your right, they do have an unconditional heart and outpouring of love, but they can’t go around blaming everyone for their hurts because of stupidly wearing rose colored glasses all of the time. No one forces them to stay in an abusive relationship, that’s they’re choice…and that just goes for anybody. As much as I love Pisces, the one I dated was EXTREMELY manipulative and had excessive lying problems, but that won’t make me label every Pisces that way. That was her and her persona to have.
As a Scorpio, I know we can be extremely defensive and on the edge a lot of the time and will get pissed when our partners cross the boundaries of what we think is okay and often times have a lot of power and control issues to work through, but when you look on the other side of the coin they can be the most loyal lover you’ll find when you find one that’s worked through their issues and is in a good place. Without sounding biased, a Scorpio knows it’s boundaries and a Pisces doesn’t a lot of the time. That’s not a Scorps fault that a Pisces hasn’t learned when to draw the line…
Either way, they’re both water signs and do trine with one another. I think they can be a fabulous combo when in resonation and good standing. I personally do love Pisces. Having a lot of Virgo influence I seem to heavily attract them into my life to balance me out haha
well I certainly don’t lie. Far from it. As for manipulative? we all are a bit but in many cases it’s to retain a peace not to gain an upper hand.
One thing scorpio do do a lot and don’t seem aware of, they blame everyone and everything else for their problems and are extremely stubborn in seeing the big picture, or another’s point of view. Great for business, not so hot when dealing with personal relationships that are meant to be give and take. Generous yes, loving yes, romantic sure but very often all dictated on their own terms. In control and that’s that. If anyone stands up to that then you get conflict, drama, mood swings. Pisces is good at standing up to scorpio, one of few that can/do. We see through scorpios harsh exterior and can reflect back both the good and bad. If a scorpio dishes it out (flirtation, jealousy causing, moods, domination) then a pisces male worth his salt will stand his ground and reflect it, for his and their good. Scorpio claims to want this kind of man who can stand up to them but I think it’s an act, they want to get their own way ultimately in everything and like a pretence of ‘battle’ when really it’s gonna be their way or no way. And that is frankly what really fucks me off, because I can yield and compromise due to having a heart that puts others before myself (to a point) while many (maybe not all) scorpio females appear to have you like some kind of puppet.. devoted while it suits them, as long as their emotional support is coming, so long as they can prod, tease and cause insta-drama from literally NOTHING and you basically have to not insult or get ‘too angry’ with them (like children). If you do? you are toast! They find it hard to understand human nature in respect of transient dramas and fail to forgive far more than most signs. If that is the sense of power you spoke of, when you get a reaction when you suddenly switch the rules on someone who trusted you to be ‘the way you claimed to be’ then frankly it’s still cruel, it’s also cowardly because it gains power through acting and guarding your true selves.
SO yes scorpios can be very sweet, beautiful people and are without doubt one of the better signs on this earth but I really think they should temper some of their less altruistic sides with a touch more humility and compassion. What they see as ‘power gain’ has possibly just left someone scarred for life for doing nothing more than entering into the spirit of a relationship that was said to be equal.
Cutting off/amputation as scorpios do is just one step down the selfish ladder from suicide and leaving loved ones with many unanswered questions. WOrse in many ways when they pile loads of BLAME onto you while (pisces) only tries to remind/remember the good in the other person to part ways with.
And you won’t ever be on the end of that as you are a different person to a pisces, you’ll genuinely pack your heart away and not give a fuck way before you even let the other person know – they will always be playing catch up having taken your deep words at face value, via trust – the same trust you rarely ever could keep more than a day or two in the other person.
Anyway I don’t know you, nor all scorpios obviously but I learned a lot about them in my 5 years with one and the ones that remain in my life.
They are still one of my favourite signs, and pisces is sadly compatible with few signs as it is but I guess scorpios (esp female) to male pisces have to trust more, treat them with more respect and watch their feelings more – do not treat pisces like you’d treat leo or something, test all the other men daily if you have to, disbelieve their romantic words, fight with them weekly to feel ‘renewed’, that’s fine with other signs but with pisces? it’s BS you had no need to be that way, you already had our loyalty and our bond. Problem is you very likely didn’t even want it, just some attention and power – so the cycle continues.
BTW I’m aware I’m talking to a man here not a woman and can’t say I know much about male scorpio’s but I do know one who other than his week long moods with his wife is a very kind generous friendly guy to know. And I like scorpio girls as friends now only. I can’t trust them again. Luckily I don’t need to as I’m now in a long term beautiful relationship with a warm, kind pisces girl who never plays games and doesn’t need to ‘test’ me, hence rarely any undue drama and stress.
life story over. Peace.
I’ve really enjoyed bantering back and forth on this actually, it’s always cool to get different perspectives on the signs and how a lot of factors come into play.
Happy to hear you’ve found a compatible match who seems to be providing what you need and vice versa.
Just always remember that generalizing a group of people based on their sun sign or any aspect of the chart isn’t cool.
I would not be surprised if the Scorpio you were with for those 5 years had some of kind of conflicting and detriment type of aspects being made in her chart from other planets that may have contributed to that. As always, our astrological placements don’t keep us from free will and just personal experiences from life which contribute to our persona. A lot of the time, the astrology can just be a catalyst for some of our behavior.
Peace be with you.
Thanks for this post Elsa, as always you post provocative themes for conversation, and so with that said, here’s my 2-pence worth while sitting on my the couch in my living room in Nottingham, drinking strong black coffee (with a couple o’ brown sugar cubes), and listening to Radio Paradise (CA) :{D
After reading a fair number of comments from fellow Scorpionic folk – I count myself in that transformative lot, with Pluto in the 8th House in Virgo, opposing the Sun in 2nd House Pisces, together with Pluto ruling both the 10th and 11th Houses, and top that off with Pluto ruling the decan where my Sun’s located. Old Dis Pater reaches out across my natal horoscope, so the theme is pretty much ‘evolve or die’. I guess that applies to us all in various ways, right?
As a therapist, I take a look at myself, and consider the possibility that I ‘identify’ with those Scorpionic/Plutonian traits in natal chart. It’s a bit of a paradox, in that we’re required to live our Sun’s ideal (queue “The Hero’s Journey”) qualities, which requires us to at least, in part, identify with those qualities, e.g. “I am a 2nd House Sun Pisces and therefore I…”. I don’t think, nor intuit, this applies, much as Pluto’s power may be evident in a person’s chart. We are far more than the sum total of a set of aspects, and the Sun points the way towards that potential for transcendence.
What helped me to make sense of my life-path, of the choices I’d made, of the what and how…and I live in hope to know the why too…was and is familiarising myself with the Draconic chart.
Have an awesome day!
Found this article browsing for some info on Scorpio men. Looks like it’s been inactive but hopefully I can get some help.
I have Virgo sun and Scorpio Venus and am currently dating a Scorpio sun/Scorpio Venus. Is this a good match astrologically? I can’t figure out if he really likes me or not. He was 100% on in at first, then became distant for a week. We still talk but I am wondering if his interest has diminished. But I don’t know why it would. Out dates were progressing, until under last time when it became quite intense physically (no, we haven’t had sex yet), at which point he has withdrew. Any tips would be appreciated!
lol This thread always pops up. It won’t die and it’s a great source! A lot depends on the make up of your charts. He is doing the very Scorpio thing by going away for a while. He may be trying to porcess all his feelings. It’s not you. Just let him have his space. Don’t push. It won’t work. There is A LOT of Scorpio info on this blog.
Allie, thank you for your reply. But how would I know if it’s him really doing “need my space” thing or if he has just lost his interest? I can’t stand ambiguity, especially when it’s a new relationship. I don’t date multiple people so when I like someone, I drop everyone else and focus on that person. But if I just sit here and wait for him to come around, that’s pretty much a waste of time, especially if he is really not all that interested in pursuing a relationship with me.
How can I let him know about my feelings and that it doesn’t feel OK to be left in the dark and him disappearing?
Thank you, Elsa! I just went and logged in to the forum but was unable to add my topic. How do I do it?
Are you signed in and you clicked “Add Topic”?
Yes, I am. I clicked to Add Topic and was able to type topic’s name and there was Add description section, so I added my text in there but when I clicked “Post” at the bottom, I got a message that I didn’t enter anything. ???
The description is an optional field. You can write a subtitle there if your like. Your actual post should go in the box below. Sorry it’s confusing!
Scorpios scare me, I feel they will dim my light as a Gemini, but I am a Gemini Sun with a Scorpio Rising and that scares me the most. My mine can go to deep dark places but I believe being a Gemini helps bring me back to the light.
Being a Scorpio female, I have NEVER had someone understand me so easily. I try to be the most giving, faithful and caring individual I can be. Naturally. But if the person I am caring for or love hurts me in any way I will without thought burn them down with no remorse.
I see right through people and will call them on their BS as well as acknowledge their strong traits. I prefer to be alone a lot of the time because I feel so strongly the pain of other sand if I’m unable to help them it drains me. Nearly to depression. So I go into my shell and regenerate (about1-2 days). When I’m ready to conquer the world again I come out guns blazing.
I am very social and nonjudgmental. I’m popular but do not seek nor enjoy the limelight. All I need is a good novel and a decadent snack and I’m happy.
I can’t say I’d kill for my friends and family, my spiritual and moral compass would not allow that, but I will tear you down. ex: my ex is currently rebuilding his life and ego after cheating, not physically, on me. He did it to himself.
I’m often told there is an irresistible aura about me. So sometime I keep people at a distance just to avoid them becoming too attached. Outside of my inner circle that is.
-just a little piece of me
“I get so sick of hearing what the Scorpio did TO you. Ever think about what they did FOR you? Like maybe brought you back to life for example???” so very true.
thank you
Wow….this is some kind of thread. HA! Y’all sure are passionate about the Scorpio’s you’ve known.
It’s flattering. Love us or hate us you don’t forget us teehee…..
5 planets in Scorpio with an old handle of ScorpioandProud (or S&P for short) but changed it as it seemed to bother some people…so now I am just a big ol’ bowl of Soup…and don’t mind being one a bit!
I have never felt so hated and popular in my life hahahaha…. this thread is what??? 6 years old. I love love love it!!!!!!!!
I will agree with the haters. If necessary you will be stung to death and die and wish you’d never met us. And thank you to the people who understand that we would walk through hell and high water to get to you if we love you!!
You are actually all correct depending on the age of the Scorpio you are dealing with. Factor in the way they were raised and the other planets in their charts too…. but sure…I will sting you to death and bury you in the yard if you F with me. And sure I will love you forever and do what I can all of my life to lift you up if you are my friend or family. So.
Fucked in the head? hahahaha naw, don’t let us off that easy, but I would look at us side-eyed too if you’re up to no good 🙂
Seriously?? I’m a scorpio aswell and you just sound demented. YOU need to chill! What’s wrong? Someone break your heart? like wtf….
I would stay away from you at all cost.
crazy ass lol lol *side eye*
Soups not demented. She’s awesome.
Well I am sorry you feel that way ~~ really??. I was just being silly as this thread has gone on for at least 6 years. Okay, I am demented. A real first class lunatic.
Of course someone has broken my heart. Someone has broken everyone’s heart.
HAHA crazy ass side eye….
Did you say {‘like, wtf’} ??? lol….
If you actually followed the boards you would know I was just being silly. Come on….lighten up.
I don’t think we do this here at EP…if you would like to continue please inbox me, email me, facebook me, instagram me or ….call me. 🙂 I would love to talk to you 🙂
For goodness sake don’t attack me from behind a computer screen. Please step forward and speak to me about how you feel directly. Not on an astrology board.
Ohhh k.
I do not follow these boards. I came across this one while looking something up. Now, if I offended you I apologize. I dont know you BUT from your op I’d probably stay away from someone with those qualities.
I prefer to socialize in person. Not online.
Take care!
I am no longer sure who I am replying to. I was responding to the person with the handle “really??” below my silly comment.
Either way I was just being silly. There is even a comment above calling Scorpio criminal. We all know that you can’t lump everyone into a giant bucket because of their sun sign.
I can tell you I run a compassion based business. I’ve raised two awesome young men. I am helping to raise three beautiful little girls and take care of an elderly mother. I have been married to a sweet and caring Pisces forever.
We can all be a little crazy now and then. But I have no history of ever in my life hurting a fly. And I have no record ….not even a traffic ticket.
It’s not fair that all Scorpio’s get thrown into a big lump and described as crazy and will hurt you. I think Elsa had it right above. Read it again. If you’ve come across a Scorpio sun that has hurt you please don’t decide that the whole world of them are hideous. I know one right now that is taking care of her whole family while her husband is barely hanging on with cancer.
I have been burned by Aqua more than once. But I also know a few that have held my hand in crisis. So, I just cant lump them all into the evil pile. We are just different. And long term have a hard time as a couple for sure.
I sure hope everyone has a chance to meet the kind of Scorpio Elsa is referring to. If you do, you will change your mind. I wish I could apologize for all the bad Scorpio encounters anyone has had. But, I cant. I didn’t do those things to anyone.
I can tell you this….. a person with Scorpio Asc. and Scorpio Mars and any other sun or planets in their birth chart has been the hardest for me to deal with. No Scorpio sun….Scorpio mars or Asc. I’ll be they are not all that way but that has been my toughest personality to deal with to date.
hey there :
I have a problem, I wish you can help me understand what’s going on !
I am a Leo, I got married to a Libra 9 years ago, unfortunately will lost passion & love 3 years back, but we got a baby boy “he’s 2 now”so we decided to stay together for the sake of the baby ” which is worth doing”cause we highly respect each other & it’s good for him I believe.
the thing is which may sound weird to people , since 5 years , each year I meet a Scorpio female around april- may months, 100% not intentionally & without bringing up the leo-scorpio thing , we hock up for around 2-3 weeks “I know it’s wrong” then end up hating each other ,,, longest period was 2 months & it was serious … anyway, it happened again this year , I met someone last week, i found out that she’s a Scorpio just this morning, she’s different , I can’t explain what happening , what are the chances for this to happen every year … honestly I can’t understand it …can you help me out ?
thanks, will do 😀
Natalie writes, “If somebody hurts you, this is a mirror for who you are! If we do not use this tool for growth, that is, reflecting on why we might attract certain types of problems into our lives, we are stuck, there is limited or no development or transcendence!”
Wow. What a great observation. I can use that. Thanks!
Lol. Just when you think star signs are all a bunch of over-amped generalisations… Clearly not.
Like a scorpio this thread keeps getting resurrected. I appreciate your point of view on scorpio energy a lot elsa. It’s what brought me to your blog and it’s helped me immensely in my journey to self discovery and self acceptance.
I’m not a scorpio but I’m sun conjunct pluto and scorpio stellium. I feel like the bad guy a lot. And I’m cool with that. I’ve accepted it. It’s kind of like my purpose or something. But it’s nice to be appreciated every once in a while. It’s a good reminder to me that i can be destructive but I can also be nurturing and healing. Sometimes it’s so hidden that I can’t even see it. Many times actually. Looking at it this way has helped me realize that I can direct my energy to help people and that I can actually be positive force in others lives ! What a revelation for me.
So grateful.
Nobody wants to be blamed but bad guy can be kind of a cool role if played right. It’s more like “bad-ass rakish guy” who everyone thinks is up to no good just because of who he is and how he affects others in their gut.
You’re right gto:)
Ahaha- I’m just recalling once-upon-a-time when I worked with two Scorpio males. One was just infatuated with me- you know what I mean: staring and calling and whispering sexy things and checking out my butt and whatnot. I didn’t really have any feelings for him at all, but I have to say, it made the work day a lot more interesting to anticipate what he was going to do each day. I was like a spy, watching a spy. Tehe. Anyway, guess who the only person in the entire office was who caught on to our secret flirting? Lol-the other Scorpio, of course. No one else caught on. Even our bosses were like, “somethings gotten into him.” “So n so seems in an unusually good mood today” Hahaha (I’m just laughing my ass off inside, cause I know why) The Scorpio who had caught on, would just walk by with this huge grin on his face. Lol. Scorpios LOVE being secretive. I love it too, (8H) nothing beats what’s forbidden.
“Nothing beats what’s forbidden” – how true : )
LOL that is so funny. And true! It’s even better when you’re (secretly) on to them.
Cancer female currently dating a scorpio man. We argue quite a bit since the third week into our relationship…but we are still together. I believe if there is a will there is way. Hes Very jealous vindictive etc kind of man. Well we have a baby boy and well in feb. 2015 we broke (i broke up with him). Then i wanted to make things work but he was having doubts… i broke up with him cuz he was always out every weekend going to bars with jis friends while i was at home with baby…long story short we got back together in may 2015. We are still working on things but it seems like since we broke up I have this insecurity of him still hiding old flames numbers. Mind you while broken up we still lived together he just slept in the living room. When we were broken up he contacted his old hook up on fb and when we got back together he removed her from fb cuz I asked him to. And on his contact. However just today I found out he had his exs number on his contacts. Mind you again. She did him wrong BIG TIME! She had a baby and claimed it was his & gave baby his name and all. Well I confronted him if he contacted her or her contacting him..he said no and the last time he was in contacted was when she was trying to change her baby’s name to the real baby daddy….well back to me catching him with her number…he said he has her number on there in case he needs to contact her in regards to the name changing of her baby. I said he doesn’t need to have any contact with her by having her number. She would need to be the one to change her baby’s name and if the judge needs u to be involved of his last name to be removed they will let u know. To me that bs.he was studering for a quick second… I know about how the system pretty much works. I’m dealing with a dead beat of my first child..well anyways, I asked him to remove her number…he said he will. His ex screwed him over. He always talked bad about her too, how dirty she was and how they always argued and they would always break up ALL THE TIME. He found out after they broke up and he took the over the counter DNA test. so my question is why did he add her number on his contact after she deceived him about the child not being his…? He said he just recently added her number….wut is going on in his mind and what does that tell me? I love him but if I find out he’s cheating on me I won’t get back with him..EVER! what can I say to him for him to honest with me?
Scorpions are best if you dont ditch them
They are best for those who love them and worst for those who uses them for their own good.
So partially true..beware of Scorpions if you are not loyal to them
This topic had catched my attention, cause i did broke up with three Scorpios friends last year. One girlfriend i knew for 17 years and other two guys which were actually friends of my partner also for about 20 years and were my friends as well for almost 10 years.
Yes, they are strong people, yes,- they are capable of great sacrifies, yes,- they are loyal. Eventually the Saturn return came in their lives …
They could not handle their own shadow. Manipulations, power games they did projected on everyone around, keeping all the greatness of friendship to themselves like : ” We were all that great, we are the leaders, always have been. You guys have not contributed anything, just bunch of fools if we were not around”. Those games went on and on…
Again itś not just about all the Scorpios…Itś about shadow in all of us where Scorpio resides inthe chart.
I do love PLuto energy, facinated with that girl called Muerte, i love darkness, but not the distortions of it.
In Scorpio case biggest distortion i have seen not just in Scorpios Sun, but in Pluto in Scorpio – 8th house Pluto, Venus In Scorpio, Mars in Scorpio and the Ascendant( I must add that Jupiter,Saturn, Moon in Scorpio do not apply here in my observations) – is that exchange of energy is conditional. Nothing goes out without reassuarance, absolute certainty what is that that will go back to them, they will gain from, and in what amount of energy, what kind of form – material gain, status gain, attention, entertainment, physical pleasures,- your physical appeal included,- they can show off around with you…They do understand on a very instictiv level that everything in this world is the exchange of energy. You must give them credit for that.
Watch out to receive from them especially if they already convinced they sacrificed for you because price will be high to pay in the most unexpectd moment and pay day will be unavoidable.
I believe we all have the Power. The responsibility is how you deal with it. I have learned from Scorpios, watched my behavior carefully, became aware of my Power exchange, payed my “debds” to them,- which i did not have (they demanded it subliminally) and mooved on without them.
I am sure there are fair Scorpios out there. Was not my lesson to experience. I must say it was one of the toughest painful decisions i and partner had to make – to break up the friendship. Our Scorpios did try to come back and reconcile, but their methods they were operating with were the proove to us tht we made the right decision at first place.
I’m a Scorpio, DOB 10/31/64. I feel the same way. I see and feel the positive affects when my presence is established for a period of time. I don’t do anything on purpose to make change happen, it just does. People around me start to want better things for themselves and/or they intensify and maintain the good they are already doing. Like they feel challenged by my presence. I rarely am recognized in person and when the true hearts do give it, it’s cherished. My daughter once said its like I’m invisible. This invisible mark I leave sometimes intentional but mostly not can be hard to live with because it feels like a responsibility and sometimes it’s nice to have someone look out for and care for me. Although my fierce independence doesn’t allow it for long periods. Lol!
I have met a Scorpio online 18 months ago. First he said he will buy me a ring and het marrued than he said he will come meet me, move to my country and get married. He kept giving empty promises. He controled my mind, where I was going, who I was meeting, what time I was leaving the house and coming home. He told me not to go too far from my house, he never ever met me, never sent anything…he just kept me hanging aroynd for almost 2 years. If i said one wrong word, he would curse me and block me. Than unblick me. He wanted regular cyber sex. He never told me who he was seeing. I know hes cheating on me. I cant ask any questions. I have to stay faithful tohim. Nit to even say hi to any guys. Nothing and nothing. He has done nothing for me!!! Scorpios hypnotize you, hook you up to them forever and self assure that you are not the only woman he has in his life. He has a harem of women around but you dare to leave home after 7pm or say hi to a guy, he will be furious and mad at you!!! My scorpio man have done nothing at all. He just lisyen to you, collect data and use them against you one day! They jusy keep yoy around and put you part of his haram!
so i am scorpio with pluto, venus , my sun all in the fourth and a taurus moon. I have never understood this love hate relationship that so many people have for us scorpios. i know people resent the attention that we receive from so many of those around us and i cant blame them either.i can tell you that it is not intentional i just happens whether we want it to or not our energy and optimism give people hope. also they know the discussion will be lively because we dig deep into EVERYTHING, and not the just the text and facts about it but down into the depths on a instinctual intuition.that will tell us everything we will need to know . and that includes people.i know that one valid reason is that our energy is so intense that it overwhelms even us sometimes so yeah i get it but have to admit that a scorpio can be a very valuable ally because we hold honesty and above all else loyalty to those we have let around us and those who we dont want around us a simply just cut out. believe me i say that is kindest thing we can do . we really dont want to hurt anybodys feelings. and wont unless forced into it. and yes we can be dark but this is not a bad for us because we use to walk into darkness and pull out those people trapped inside and and bring them back to their own path.
Nope. The Scorpio in my life didn’t bring me much. Mostly he drug me into the depths of hell and 32 years later walked – abandoning me there. He did and does, however, very much against his will, support me through alimony. So, yeah, he does still bring me something.
I know a friend who is a Scorpio. He is appears casual on the surface, but I am sure there is a lot churning going on inside him. Sometimes I get glimpses of his Self which are not palatable. He is still my friend because it is natural for friends to harbour grievances. I try to keep it as casual as possible. It is in my nature to be casual. I am natural in my approach towards others. Nothing out of the way.
It is only in one place where I have been admonished for such behavior.
I would say RUN from most scorpios. . . because most scorpios are completely unconscious. However, everyone has Scorpio somewhere in their chart. . . best to learn how to deal with it, consciously.
Hands down, the best life advice I’ve ever gotten has been from Scorpio friends. They are gifted for talking this hotheaded Sag out of doing many unwise things she might otherwise have done in a fit of rage or passion :). I have a Scorpio moon myself and their counsel reaches me the way few others can. The only problem I have is with those Scorpios who feel people who allow themselves to be taken advantage of deserve what they get. The higher types don’t go predatory on people who have trouble saying no, they try to help them.
I’m Scorpio, although depending on house system you choose to calculate charts in my 6* Sun ends up in either the 8th or 9th house that said my husband is an Aries with a very packed 8th house his Sun is in the 8th house no matter which house system you choose. His rising is Leo with Pluto in the 1st house and his Moon is in Sagittarius. I just can’t imagine another mate. I on the have an Aquarius rising and my Moon is in Taurus. I have had two others spouses and they just didn’t get me. I don’t like a lot of attention on me. I often tell people I will be the wind beneath your wings but please keep the limelight for yourself. My husband doesn’t mind the limelight and is a fine public speaker. We work very well together my only thing is wish I had met him before I met either of the other two.
I love this article! That is so true!! Scorpios plunge into your darkest depths and for many this scares the hell out of them. And Scorpios can be brutal in every which sense of that word. BUT they can also be the first person there to help you when you need help. They will take care of you when you are sick and they will fight to the death on your behalf against anyone that bothers you. Their loyalty is fathomless and if they love you, they stand by you.
The beast can be beautiful.
Yes, its true, brought me back to life after they killed me. Being very mutable and always having to much to do so the best I can do is be friendly under trying circumstance and there is scorpio to tell how shabby I look, how shallow nice I am, how they don’t like my tone because their energy field keeps out all the distraction so they can always speak from a deep place so well thought out no one could measure up to such high standard.
You will start out standing proud to steal her anything she see’s
but you wind up peeking through a key whole down upon your knee’s.
She never stumbles she got no place to fall
She’s a hypnotist collector you are a walking antique…Bob Dylan
It’s my experience only. And yes to light my fire on stagnation they could be said to be useful but my experience is they don’t know when to stop cutting and igniting. I still have scorpio friends but as of now I keep them at a distance. Too much emotional intelligence without what I see the necessary wisdom and compassion. I just have not found the stand by you. The opposite, bail when it gets too chaotic and they can’t control the flow so too speak.
I’m thinking people don’t get astrology. I have met lethal Aries, Cancer, Libra’s etc. I’m scorpio sun with cancer moon, rising capricorn and venus in Sag.. I have to say that many scorpios scare me because I’m a nurturing one. Aries scare me too. BUT, some of the finest, most loving, charming, and yes even funny people I have met, are Scorpios. Most Scorpios will lay their life down for a child or a friend. Lets see other sun signs pull that off. They are deep, they are SPIRITUAL ! in the most intense loyal way. They care about humanity. They are the ones who give a listening ear to those that others would not listen to. I think its a wives tale that Scorpio’s are vicious. I’ve not met many like them and the ones that are have severe afflictions in their natal charts. AND most of all are raised badly, hence why I know lethal Aries, Cancer signs and Leo’s who are. Its NOT about Scorpio, its about everyone’s natal chart, the entire chart and MOST of all how they are raised!!! I would trust my life with most all the Scorpios I have met, I would be there for people when others would not ever be. I don’t know any Scorps I hang out with who would maliciously not be there for anyone. They, including myself hug strangers who are in pain all the time, I am working with the public. The Scorpions that I know would share a tear with and for others, many of which are people they don’t know. But in all fairness, I know plenty of other signs who are vicious, backbiting, backstabbing and who would run you over if they could. LOOK at the entire chart but most of all LOOK at their upbringing !!!!! Astrology doesn’t rule the person, it has an influence, that’s it ! This is a spiritual journey of the soul. Lets try to love one another through it.
Scorp, with Scorp rising, and Cancer moon in the 8th house. I love this post so much I could frame it. Much loved by my fellow Scorps too. Thank you Elsa! 🙂
I’ve been fed at the root and brought back to life by many Scorpios. It’s their appeal. Admittedly, because their sign falls in my 4th, I become a bit emotionally dependent on them as friends or lovers. But it also always ends on a complicated note which is why, unless they’re family, I avoid them. It’s painful to let somebody in like that and then see them go. Uranus is in my 4th as well.
The Scorpios in my life of both sexes have given me an invaluable amount of understanding, love and support. And were friends to me when I didn’t know how to be a friend to myself. Not to mention life-changingly wise advice and insights. Love them to my core.
Scorpios are all mean and heartless. They will pretend to be kind just to prove you wrong because they know deep inside they are a black hole. My mom is one, my oldest uncle and my ex lover. All are cruel, heartless, insensitive human beings. Selfish as parents, terrible as family members and omg don’t ever give them any form of affection because it’s lost. I feel the expert on this sign as I’ve dealt with scorpios since childhood on all levels and they all do the same mind game bs. Who has time or even cares? Avoid them like a disease if you are smart.
You sound when writing your post that you are those black hole, I’m very sorry your hurting… Ya they say that when people speak thoughts such as yours in a cruel way, that you are reflecting your own personality flaws or hurts, or both. We all have to love one another upon earth the best you can. Often when we are mean in writing about others, its our own pain, our own anger that speaks out and not the person you direct it at.You come across as having a very negative outlook on the world and you are reflecting it onto scorpios. Instead realize your speaking the way you feel inside about yourself, empty, lost and negatively in pain. Reflect more on your words and realize life isn’t a bowl of cherries but a huge dose of compassion towards others goes a long way to healing what troubles you inside. There is no such thing as you described about Scorpios AND this type of negative personality is found in all sun signs, ask Jeffrey Dammer, a May baby (Gemini), or John Wayne Gacy (killer clown) Pisces baby… Or Dr. H. H. Holmes (Taurus), Richard Ramirez ( Another Pisces), Ridgeway (Aquarius) , Ed Gein (Virgo), Dennis Rader (Yet another Pisces), Edmund Kemper (Sagittarius), Aileen Wuornos (Peaceful Libra Serial Killer), Son of Sam (Gemini), Leonard Lake (Scorpio) with Side Kick Charles NG (Sagittarius), Albert DeSalvo-Boston Strangler (Virgo), Albert Fish (Taurus), Richard Chase (Gemini), Ted Bundy (Scorpio), Ottis Toole (Yet another Pisces), there are lots more but THE point is it does NOT matter your sun sign, it is your upbringing that creates black holes, your upbringing creates a good human being or a negative one, DESPITE DNA or Sun Sign. I have no idea if you are talking about some alien from another world or you speak of yourself. My heart goes out to you though. Please go get help… Om Shanti, from my Scorpio Sun Sign to you, one who is prone to angelic experiences of the Light-Kind…..
Kimberly, it sounds like you gravitated towards people that are ill, and so you were attracted to your ex-lover a Scorpio maybe because your trying to fix and issue with your Mom and her issues, her issues are your issues unfortunately that you inherited. This is very common to go out and look for the exact people that have already hurt you in the past. Its a mechanism inside ourselves to try to make sense of hellish things we go through in life with so called family that should have loved you but instead deserted you. Your Mom perhaps had family that did this to her. If she was born a Libra, she may have still done the same thing because its the pain that follows from generation to generation. There is something in the depths of Scorpio you sought after in your ex boyfriend.. your uncle maybe is like 2 peas in a pod with your mom but that does NOT mean every single scorpio has a black hole for a heart… Cheer up, go find people that can uplift you.. Just because someone is flesh and blood does not always mean that they love like they should. You can often find strangers that have more compassion then family members in that situation… Let go of it, you can rise above it. But clearly you did stereotype every single Scorp on the planet and its not very fair. I have seen vicious people in virtually every sun sign but I have also seen lovely people in all signs as well. Just depends who you are attracted to. People do not realize that they seek out those that hurt us ONLY because we are trying to make sense of the pain… ESCAPE away from it..
Bang on. Double Scorp here with Mercury and Sun conjunct the Ascendant and Mars in the 8th (I use the traditional rulers and only interpret the outer planets when tightly conjunct an inner planet or angle). According to friends & family, “nothing like a Scorpio!” – except for those odd moments when I’m seriously peed off & give the Scorpio “don’t **** with me” look. I’m not intense, moody, jealous, controlling, manipulative, or any of the things Scorpio is supposed to be. I’m quite quiet, but pretty straightforward and blunt and what you see is what you get (Sun in the first, perhaps?). I’m the same with everyone, no “mask” or pretense. However, people sense a steely strength. My best and oldest friend recently described me as “hard as nails, one of the genuinely toughest people I know”. I do look very typically Scorpio, and some people are scared of me at first meeting (& beyond), which can be a Scorp thing. Scorpio is always portrayed as intense, but a better word is powerful; but that power is an energetic thing. A couple of times when I’ve had bodywork / energy work done, I’ve had the comment that I’m like a nuclear reactor.
I have joked that I’m a one-woman emergency service, as I seem to be on-call for every crisis in other people’s lives. I tend to get tangled up with people who “need” me, for some reason or another. It’s not me, per se: it’s my energy, I think. I am almost always tired, and I’ve been told that it’s from the effort of containing all that energy. I’ve found martial arts training and yoga helpful.
I completely agree that people just don’t SEE 90% of what I do. I’m the person who gets s*** done at warp speed whilst everyone else is just talking about it, and the person who is just THERE to support everyone else…yet few people notice until I’m not there any more. On that note, perhaps I am more Scorpionic than I realise, as on a couple of occasions I have severed ties completely with people. Only when I feel that the person is deliberately using / manipulating me, however. I don’t retaliate. Ever. I just walk away. I have felt in these situations (thankfully it has only happened three times in 40+ years) that the person is kind-of feeding off my energy and draining me dry, & however much I gave it would never be enough. Generally I tend to stay friends with people, though – even my exes, having a “live-and-let-live, sometimes stuff just doesn’t work out,” attitude. Doesn’t sound very Scorpio, does it?!
So true! I am a Scorpio. When I appear at a business, the business will thrive. When I walk away, it goes bankrupt. Seen it countless times. We give, give, and give some more. yet, it’s unappreciated. But when we step away, people suddenly realize what they had. (well, even then they don’t realize it was us, providing the fertilizer for them to flourish) so we crawl back into the shadows and chuckle when we see their downfall. We’re thinking: I told ya! hehe… Having a Scorpio means business. Honest business, unlike a Leo who only does it for the money and their own ego, Scorpio’s run a business to help others. In a way, Leo’s are the real danger and who you really should be worried about, their disregard is darker than ours. It’s funny how things are so reversed! yin/yang I suppose!
And about Scorpio’s fury: We could tear someone apart is we wish to do so, and take ourselves with it. No problem. If you come for us, we will take you with us. We won’t go alone. But most often, we don’t feel it is necessary. We want peace. We value our life. So don’t mistake this as big talk. Don’t try us out. Don’t tempt us. Once we loose our cool, and that takes a lot, we will never return. There will be no way back. We’ll go right through you and think nothing of it. I know I am like that. I have that capacity. But, as said, we want peace. We want love, we want life. But corners us, and there will be Hell on earth.
I totally disagree. I’ve never met an evolved Scorpio personally. And as an 8th house Sun and an empath, I attract Scorpios like moths to a flame. They love me and then hate me, mainly because I call them out on their bs and won’t stand for their mind games and their weird double standard merging creepiness. Ha. Funny thing is I’m the one who leaves them better off than I left them giving them new life, and I usually end up feeling drained as though I dealt with a narcissist.
Interesting reading, that’s for sure! Well, I have a female relative with Scorpio Sun, Mars, Mercury, Uranus and North Node. Absolute Angel!!! A Rock for everyone…capable and efficient, excellent cook and homemaker, a gifted natural psychologist…and the most giving, wise and caring person you could find. I can’t heap enough praises upon her! Then another Scorpio in-law turned out-law, a male…the absolute opposite! Although divorced for ten years and remarried, he has threatened to “destroy” her, and says he “owns her”…and he has set out to destroy her in several ways. Lucky she is a strong woman. So, it’s just like others have said: You can get both types in each Sign. So, please people, don’t write off Scorpios…they can be the most amazing Angels…(and others can be absolute “devils”!) Just do your homework and find out which one you’ve got in front of you before getting in too deep!
…stereotyping people can be odd. (I mean interesting to read those first two “sort of hate I guess” comments- one against Scorpios, the other against Libras). I think it’s kind of sad that astrology would be yet another pretext for us to project our sorrows, pains and frustrations on (without trying to de-legitimize pain as such).
On topic, well- there are no Scorpios in my life, except a few I’ve met professionally lately. Some difficult stuff- one appeared to have power issues and major insecurities (I mean felt threatened by me- while being the boss, older in the company, older by age etc.), a couple (there were really many Scorpios in one place) were paranoid (not judging, I felt kind of empathetic toward it), one was the sort of a person I felt would have sold his mother for [insert something desired here…power it seemed]. So of the three, only the last was what they call a bastard, the other stuff is just human I think…
Positive outcomes: I realized I’m kind of bad-ass at my job seeing how people feel threatened by me or resort to playing dirty to win against me, so I went on to do my thing and I feel much more mature and clearly positioned professionally after the experience.
A Scorpio reflects back to you who you are. We give you back the energy you give us. So if you don’t like the side of Scorpio you are getting have a look in the mirror.