Should I Go On First Date With Mercury Retrograde?

Hi, Elsa!

I’ve been doing internet dating for the last couple of months and finding that I am really enjoying it and meeting some nice guys. At any rate, I don’t usually initiate contact with guys online; I wait for the guys to contact me. But I really liked one guy and so dropped him a line, which got the ball rolling.

I’m really glad I did initiate with him, because he’s not all aggressive and player-y and he seems to be someone I might actually like to be in a relationship with but here’s the rub: We are meeting for the first time in person this Thursday – right after mercury retrograde has started. I haven’t discussed astrology with him and don’t feel comfortable putting off the meeting for another three weeks on that basis.

Any advice about how to handle this? I’m not quick to the sex part, so that isn’t an issue, but what about a first kiss during mercury retrograde? Is this doomed by bad timing?

United States

Dating, I would note Mercury retrograde. But I would never ever postpone a date on account of it.

For one thing, dating is not a Mercury-ruled thing.  Plans may go awry. Someone may be late but something like this will never stop love.

I say, swear off gloom and doom astrology and go have the time of your life!

Anyone else?

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9 thoughts on “Should I Go On First Date With Mercury Retrograde?”

  1. I would tend to avoid a VOC moon more than anything…but I don’t think about it too much. I think it’s best to put it out there and hope for the best.

  2. I started dating a guy during Mercury rx and had no problems in the relationship (missed calls, mixed plans, and cell phone trouble for both our parts during the first couple of weeks but that all cleared up when mercury went direct). We dated for six months and have remained friends up til now, three years later.

  3. Like Elsa said… Mercury doesn’t rule over dating. Mercury retrograde is a long process anyway, way more than three weeks, and it happens three times a year. Despite what a lot of pop-astrologers might have you think, it’s not something to plan your life around or you’d never do anything.

    Mercury was station (not moving) this weekend, mere hours from turning retrograde, and I spent several hours in transit – nobody was late. And I’m a gemini, apparently at mercy to whatever Mercury’s doing, AND Mercury’s in gemini right now. No. Just, no. I’m doing the same as I always am – just fine.

    Also, technically you may not have met in real life, you’ve already “met” this guy. Meaning, the original encounter was you introducing yourself to him.

  4. people are afraid of merc rx, and i used to be, too, but it’s not so bad if you don’t fight it. it’s an excellent time to clean house, declutter, and finish old business. i like to look at it as clearing out my life of old stuff to make way for new stuff.

    and as far as dating goes, i don’t think it matters much. be patient and don’t take any delays or miscommunications personally (which is true whatever merc’s doing, really), and it should be as fine as it would any other time.

  5. Glad this has been addressed, because geez, it’s like you can’t move at all because of freakin’ Mercury retrograde. We need to be clear on what it rules and what it doesn’t, because actually, some things won’t be affected at all, right?
    No need to hide inside and draw the curtains!

  6. WEll mercury Rx is nothing to be afraid of. You may skip a beat here or there. But i think it allows you to step back and evaluate a situation before you jump in which is never a bad thing. Like pressing the pause, rewind button. lol

  7. agreed. what is this, “doomed” talk? energy is energy is energy. Play with the retrograde. at least you’ll come prepared with patience and a sense of adventure…

  8. And from another point of view, in my life I’ve had computer issues, travel delays, cancellations and misunderstandings, relationships and contracts falling apart, when Mercury was NOT retrograde.

  9. I started dating someone during mercury rx…they very unexpectedly (reportedly for both of us) broke up with me during the next rx…

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