
Learn about the 8th house – sex, death, inheritance, psychology, pathology…

How Death Affects You

I deal with death, pretty much every day. I am at an age where a lot of people you know die,  I work as an astrologer, specializing in counseling people who are despairing or dealing with truly horrible things. I also visit the hospital where I often meet people who near death, as well as […]


Going To Funerals

I once knew a man with five planets in Scorpio. His mother was also a Scorpio. She loved going to funerals. She’d never miss a one, within a 50 mile radius. She always brought a casserole. She was church-y (his description). He said she had a funeral to go to most weeks, so these casseroles

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I was reading about suffering last night. I made me aware I’ve not suffered in a number of years.  I’ve suffered in the past, that’s for sure. But I’m not suffering today. It’s almost curious. It’s definitely good. It leaves me available to help people who are suffering. I know a lot of them and

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