
Alcoholism, sexual addiction, etc…

Have You Overcome A Drug Addiction?

I had a client today, involved with someone who has an addiction.  Saturn and Neptune are squared off at this time. I talked to her about plans or a commitment (Saturn) dissolving (Neptune). It’s nothing extraordinary. Most of us say we’re going to lose ten pounds or clean the garage or whatever. Doesn’t mean we […]

Threatening To Amputate: Scorpio, the 8th House and Alcoholism

Surviving crisis – life, death and alcoholism – NC-17 content. This was filmed Dec 22, 2007 during one of the peaks of Pluto’s transit to my Moon. To update, sadly this friendship did not survive. I’d known the gal and her family for 9 years… Related: What’s The Deal With Scorpio Freezing You Out, Or

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Coping With The Current Saturn Neptune Opposition: How It Plays In Relationship

Whenever there is an opposition in the sky or in a chart, you can see it play in relationships. Someone is on one end acting one energy and the other person acts the other end. With the current Saturn Neptune opposition this has been wildly apparent not only in my life but in the lives

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