
All about the Mars in the natal chart…

Voice Of Mars: Why Oh Why…

The Venus Pluto square in the Cardinal signs sets of the soldier’s T-square (Mars, Mercury, Saturn) and the shrapnel in his legs is bothering him terrifically. “Why, oh why didn’t I just get a job at Walmart?” he asked, sincerely.

mars head

Military Families – Are There Markers In The Chart?

“Curious if you have ever discussed on your website Military Markers or Children of the Military. Astrologically – I am 47 and it has taken me forever to settle down – that is because I have moved 20 times due to my fathers career (air force pilot). I was sitting there musing the other day

Voice Of Mars: On Marriage

“Do you think we’ll ever manage to get married?” I asked the soldier. “I wonder sometimes if it will ever be possible.” “Well yeah we’ll get married. I’m willin’,’ he said. “Willin? You’re willin?” I started singing, Little Feat, “If you give me weed, whites and wine….” I belted it out. “I’ll be willin’! To

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