
All about Pluto! Aspects, transits, position in your natal chart…

a man's shadow

Learn About Integrating Your Shadow, Pluto Transits & Projection

There has been some dialogue in the comments on the Effects Of Pluto In Capricorn On Cancer / Oppositions In Astrology piece. Korellyn asked: “So how does one go about digging into the psyche, barring professional therapy?” I responded: “When you think “they” are horrible, just make sure you’re not EXACTLY like them… and when

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End Of Pluto’s Transit Through My 11th House: Randomness Of War… Loss and Death Etc.

We’ve got roughly a week before Pluto turns direct. If you are tracking this blog you can see people are falling off it like flies for reasons I don’t even remotely understand.  There have been three this week and from my perspective it’s ghastly.  I watch all these war movies with the soldier… I have

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