
Learn about Saturn in Libra from many angles…


Libra Burdened By Saturn Transit: Dealing With The Deep Divide And Political And Moral Conflict In The Collective

I’ve started writing about Saturn’s transit through Libra (tag), so far focusing on general affects in the collective. Saturn is exalted in Libra and while this goes a long way it is not going to spare Librans from shouldering a burden with Saturn in their sign and I am starting to get some ideas how


Venus Saturn in Love… And The Three Little Pigs

Saturn is exalted in the Venus-ruled sign, Libra so it does not make sense that a person with Saturn in the Libra-ruled, 7th house is going to go begging for love. The problem is in how love (Venus) is defined (Saturn). Take the story of the 3 little pigs. So what if you can throw

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