
Information on Saturn in Sagittarius, by transit or in the natal chart…

Restless bill mather

Sagittarius – How Restless Are You?

Sagittarius is a restless sign. It likes to move. Moon in Sagittarius feels at home, traveling. Mercury in Sagittarius has a mind the runs. Jupiter in Sagittarius does not want to be confined, etc. When Saturn hits the sign, people who have planets in Sagittarius will feel pressured to take responsibility for their restlessness. The’ll want to work […]

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Limited Energy, Beliefs & The Big Picture

I was leaving this comment on the “Internet Mommies” post. I realized it was broadly applicable to Saturn leaving Scorpio (limited energy) for Sagittarius (beliefs and the big picture)… Most people (including me), eventually look back at something they invested a lot of time and energy in, and wonder what they were thinking at the time.


Saturn In Sagittarius Square Neptune In Pisces (The Veil Drops On Pisces)

I spot trends early on. I think this is due to the Jupiter Uranus aspect in my chart, and the fact I work with so many people around the world. Patterns emerge, they’re hard to miss. I strongly suspect that Pisces is going to have a struggle with their upcoming Saturn transit. This surprises me

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