Saturn square Uranus

the thinker

Events Or Decisions That Fundamentally Change Your Life

With Saturn squaring Uranus people everywhere are imploring other people everywhere, to WAKE UP. Uranus is considered “the awakener”. Saturn is a father figure pressuring all of humanity (Aquarius). It’s pretty interesting. I think people are waking up all over the world. What they are waking up to is individual.  How they are waking up is […]

planet postcard

What To Expect From Saturn Square Uranus 2021-2022

 I keep hearing the phrase, “controlled chaos” used in various context. It’s a good description of the clash or the contact between Saturn which is known for governance and Uranus which reliably upsets the status quo. I’ve been talking to clients about how we can see this playing out in the collective. It can’t be

nuclear bomb

When Will The Social Unrest End?

When will things calm down? This is what everyone is asking me. I can’t claim to know but I can present the astrology.  It’s not pleasant. That’s my Libra-remark on this. First, the Jupiter Saturn and Pluto conjunction will be sustained for the rest of the year.  You can compare this to a storm cell

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