
All about Saturn in the horoscope…

old saturn girl card

Saturn: Guilt, Regret & Sorrow

Recently, I spoke with someone who feels some combination of guilt, regret and sorrow about where their life has taken them, or where they have taken their life.  I felt bad for her, because I don’t think she’s done anything to feel guilty over. I notice how some people are inclined to think they should  […]


Deprivation Has It’s Upside: Making a Case For Saturn / Capricorn

I have a friend who is associated with a man who finds women everywhere he goes. He finds mother substitutes, specifically and it’s just uncanny. He finds these women (or they find him) and they pretty much form a line waiting to meet this man’s is nothing you can do about something like this

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Old astronomy poster

Saturn, Karma and Consequences

I have a friend who is cautious because whenever he tries to shirk anything, he’s typically caught and the consequences are generally severe. I, on the other hand, get away with almost everything.  When I am caught the consequences are what would be expected some of the time,  but frequently they are light and even

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