
All about Saturn in the horoscope…

High Price Of Safety And The Icky Feelings Lurking In Your Subconscious

This is one of those risky topics. It gets into people’s un-comfort zones. Fact is, you’re uncomfortable whether I say anything or not. You just don’t know it. If your icky feelings are subconscious, this does not mean they don’t exist! The stuff that lurks deep in your psyche drives your behavior. It manifests as

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Superstitious About Karma

Recently, I watched someone do something wrong. 80% of people would immediately know the thing is wrong. The other 20% might think nothing is wrong or whatever. Let’s forget about them. I am talking about something clearly wrong to the majority of people. Something like beating up an old person and stealing their five dollars when

Saturn girl

What do you defend?

Yesterday someone told me about how their children defended their filthy rooms. If you have a teenager, you probably know what she means. The kid sits in the middle of all their crap and says, “But I like it like it this.”  Or they tell you that it’s their room. Anything to avoid having to

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