
How do solar returns work?

Five Years Of Solar Return Charts

In the old days you had to either calculate a chart by hand. In the early 90’s, I lived in the city. I could go to the local metaphysical chart and get a chart done by a computer for about four dollars. They’d hand me a sheet of old time computer paper, with the chart

sun by john

Interpreting Your Solar Return

I wrote a piece about solar returns in 2009 – Solar Return: As Far As I Can See, They Work Beautifully.  I had a cardinal grand cross in my solar return at the time. That was the year this blog became a structured business. My current solar return is also pretty heavily cardinal. Next year’s

What Is A Solar Return Chart?

“I quit high school on my birthday. It was my senior year and I didn’t see the point. This was 1962, and I was ready to make music.” –Barry White Every year near your birthday the sun returns to the same degree of your natal sun. The chart of this moment is called the solar

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