Special Forces

Various sundries…

Mercury in Aries vs Mercury in Libra: On Death and Dying

Scorpio Moon chatting with a packed 8th house. This is the retired Special Forces soldier and I on the phone. He’s the Scorpio Moon, with Mercury in Aries. I’m a packed 8th house with Mars Mercury in Libra and death and dying one of our favorite topics. “I hear all that crap on TV about […]

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Mercury in Aries vs Mercury in Libra: Love of Taboo and My Criminal Mind

These are excerpts from the other night’s conversation with my ex from almost 3 decades ago, the career Special Forces guy. He has Mercury in Aries opposite my Mercury Mars in Libra. He’s a Scorpio Moon conjunct Neptune. I’m a packed 8th house. “Well it was just like lighting a match. And we’d both just

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Scorpio Moon Conjunct Neptune – Redux

Regarding the Moon Neptune in Scorpio post, Eme remarked: “That’s awful. What would be an example of the good side of Moon/Neptune in Scorpio?” Eme – There is no end to the upside of Moon in conjunction with Neptune in Scorpio. First, when that happened Neptune was in Aquarius, transiting square his conjunction in Scorpio.

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