The Mega Capricorns Born In 1990, 1991, And 1993

There was large stellium in Capricorn between 1990-93.  Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune were all transiting the sign. The faster moving planets joined them at various times. Consequently there are people out there with their Sun, Moon, Venus or Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune all in Capricorn. Some of them happen to be Capricorn rising as well!

Having a Capricorn rising myself, I was very aware of this period when it occurred. Those planets all crossed my ascendant. These transits changed my life most profoundly. I’ve given a lot of thought to people who were being born with this stellium in their natal charts.

I started working with this the parents of this group in consultations about ten years later. Ten years after that, I started consulting with them directly.

This group is now heading into their Saturn Return.  This will be a phenomenal time for this group. Make or break. Personally, I think most of them will make it. I can’t wait to see this group come into their own over the next three years.

Are you a mega-Capricorn? Do you know someone who is? Tell us!

192 thoughts on “The Mega Capricorns Born In 1990, 1991, And 1993”

  1. Avatar

    My friend is a Mega-Capricorn with a Cancer Rising, so this huge stellium is left inside her 7th house.

    What’s worse is, she also has Pluto in Scorpio inside her 5th house, just to make her that extra bit obsessive in relationships.

    She’s depressed at the moment because she has nobody.

    I am a little bit too, not as badly, for same reason as her.

    1. I’m a Sagittarius sun, cancer ascendant with Capricorn stellium in the 7th house and Scorpio in 5th house and Leo moon. Emotions are extremely intense due to scorp and cap makes me way too home grounded to be the natural Sagittarius. Relationships are based on loyalty and honesty and I’m obsessive and possessive of what’s mine. Even if I’m far away I can go crazt just thinking of loss. Makes me go into depression often as I’m a loner most of the time

  2. Yes, two of my kids have the stellium in Cap. My younger daughter has Uranus/Neptune/Saturn all piled up in her 6th. My older son has Moon/NN/Neptune/BML/MC/Uranus in Cap./9th. This trines his stellium in Virgo, and makes his 5th house Leo Sun that much shinier; I think.

  3. Ascendant, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn, but I was born in 1989. Every planet was in retrograde at the time…

  4. Damn, forgot to log into the correct handle; Saire = me.

    Anyhow, all of my Capricorn planets are in opposition with Jupiter, but in trine with my conglomerate of Virgo planets. I fall into the typical pitfalls that Capricorns experience a lot more than I should. i.e. self-doubt, hesitation to make the leap of faith, procrastination (major!).

  5. My daughter, born in 2002, has sun/moon/venus in Cappy. All in the 7th house. She’s a hard-worker for sure, the model student. Very, very hard on herself, though. When she was in first grade she got her clothespin moved to “yellow” for not lining up after recess right away. It was the only time she’s ever gotten “in trouble” at school (and it was not even really “in trouble”, and she cried herself to sleep that night.

    She’s in 4th grade now, and so boy-crazy. That full 7th house is gonna get her in trouble!! 🙂

    1. I have a full Seventh house, although far away from Capricorn. So I can tell: A full Seventh house definitely means trouble! Lots of enemies! It is usually said that a full Seventh house means many close relationships, but how many close relationships can somebody have? But for enemies there is no limit and the Seventh house shows also open enemies. Women probably have an advantage here because they usually don’t show if they are enemies, so a full Seventh will probably rather hint to stalkers and such kind of trouble…

  6. Avatar
    curious wanderer

    This is my sister – Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn in Cap, Moon conj. all of them in the 8th house. Her Moon is at 10 degrees Cap, so the shit is hitting the fan for her on at least a weekly basis, and will only get worse for awhile. I would so buy her a consultation, but she only wants to hear about astrology when it’s time for her Solar Return. Otherwise it’s all “doom and gloom.” :/

    I was 11 when she was born, so I remember that time period well. I have a Cap Sun, and those days were quite tumultuous for me.

  7. i have cap ASC, neptune, uranus , NN in cap and saturn in my first house in aquarius though but ‘he’ is aspecting almost all of my planets- opp mars,jupiter, venus; trine sun, merc

  8. This is so interesting. This might be a beginner question, but do people who have that much capricorn in one’s chart lean towards depression?

  9. Rachel, maybe. If the Moon is in Cap or if the stellium is in the 4th, this would tend to indicate that but I would not make that assumption. For example, if the stellium is in the 9th – it would tend to NOT indicate that.

    1. Hello would love to hear from anyone who can maybe help me with my chart , Neptune and Uranus 9th house Capricorn as well as Sun, Moon, Venus and Saturn in 10th house Capricorn . Thanks , look forward to anyone who might know something to reply

        1. Thanks as I began to read the other numerous requests I figured I too would get this response but I don’t know what forum . Ill try another I suppose , thank you !

    2. Hi. This comes in very late but I have that exact stellium in my chart. I have Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Moon in Capricorn in my fourth house. Life has been horrible for me for the past couple of years. I have dips but nothing that leads me to depression. At least not medical depression. But I also have a stellium in Virgo. My sun, Mercury and Jupiter are there. You could say I have a little bit too much earth. But I’ve come to realize that all the planets in my stellia help me overcome problems and achieve things because at least they are trine aspected the only difficulty is that those things are done in an earthly fashion: Slow. Deliberate. Often requiring patience and steady. Which can be frustrating because sometimes things need to move with the force of fire or swiftness of air or with watery fluidity. But

  10. Avatar

    Cap Moon 8th here with Saturn in Aqua 10th…

    My mom and son are both Cappy suns…

    Whole lotta sea-goat in my family…

  11. The mega-Capricorn I know has a Sadge Mercury in the 8th House conjunct their Cap Sun, Uranus, Neptune, Neptune, Venus, Saturn, MC, and North Node. These 8th and 9th House planets square a 12th House Aries Moon, and sextile a 7th House Pluto Descendant.

    The person continuously reaches for their goals despite any fears and shadows, works hard, is artistic and courageous, very Cardinal, a leader, and as far as they are concerned, there is no greater joy than living in the moment of ones passion.

  12. I know someone with Cap stellium pretty well. She has sun conj.moon, venus, mercury and neptune on Dsc. At first i really liked her and thought she was cancer- she had a really warm and caring personality. But then this increased sensitivity became too annoying, she registered every mimic and jumped to conclusions thinking she’s done something wrong. I was also surprised how much she was talking- she could talk about anything, for hours, forgetting about doing her job. She also lacked clarity of mind- she had to write down a project proposal and it all sounded like abstract ramblings without clear, specific or critical arguments. Perhaps neptune conjunct mercury makes it all melt rather than stay if you know what i mean. She has great people skills though and is very beautiful and i am sure she will do very well in life because of her charisma.

  13. I’m 89, but I have this stellium as well.
    This falls in my 9th house.

    I like the grounding influence, but it’s somewhat hard to deal with at times because everyone who is around my age will have their Neptune and Mars opp. my Cancer Mars. :\

    And that opposition in my chart is at 12-14 degrees so I tend to get a lot of squares with the Aries and Libra’s my age.

  14. I’m 92, but I’m not a mega cap. Two people who went to high school with me are. They were born one or two days apart in January of ’93.They have their Sun, Mercury, Uranus and Neptune in Cap. The girl’s got a Cap rising as well, and Moon in Libra to square all that.She probably has a t-square because Mars is in Cancer.Lots of people from that generation have t-square involving Uranus and Neptune because Mars was in Cancer from Oct. ’92 to April or May ’93, plus Jupiter was in Libra.

    The guy has Moon in Scorpio. He doesn’t exhibit the typical Cappy seriousness and maturity. In fact he was one of the least mature people in the class. And nobody ever took him seriously because he only wanted to provoke and act out of spite.

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      Wow. Your friend has the same placements as I. Just one little thing different I have pisces rising. But everything even our moons are the same. I’d love to know more about.

  15. Oh wow lol… A few of my 19 dash 20 year old coworkers, who I love being a Virgo myself, are real sticklers to rules and company policies… Even I’m not as efficient I guess this would explain…

    Haha shout out to them!


  16. This makes so much sense…I am not a mega Cap but my 1st House is mostly Capricorn (late degree Sag ASC) and my Moon is there. Those years were very VERY confusing. A lot of people trying to define me, for myself (I was 13 in 1990).

  17. Like egijablu I’m a 89 also and I’m a Cap rising with Saturn and Uranus in Cap in my 12th house and Neptune in Cap in my 1st house.

    I’d say I’m pretty social (Sun in Libra) and also want to change things most of the time, even the things that can’t which drive me crazy. I enjoy being with older people and friends too. Choosing an artistic/spiritual path has helped me.

  18. I am 90 , i have moon, uranus and neptune in cap in my 10th house and saturn in cap in 11th house.Does that indicate that I focus more on career than other things in my life? Also I am very emotionally reserved and have very few close friends older than me.

  19. I was born in Dec 90, I have sun, uranus, neptune, venus, and saturn in cap in the 11th house, as well as my north node in the 12th in cap. I think all of this earth helps stabilize my pluto/mars opposition. I also have Moon in Aries, in an exact t-square with saturn and chiron. Lots of dynamic cardinal energy all around…

  20. I think that my pisces baby is a super capricorn. All in her 6th house she has the following planets, Uranus at 8 degrees cap, Neptune at 14 degrees cap, Saturn at 22 degrees cap, Mars at 25 degrees cap, and her Venus at 1 degree Aquarius. In opposition are her moon, chiron, and Jupiter at 10, 7 and 0 degrees Cancer in her 12th house. I think that she is extraordinary. She is a combination of sensitive dreamer and hard working realist.

  21. one of my sisters. but i never would have thought of her as all cappy. being a cancer/aquarius/virgo. (everything but the sun the same as me.) but, dang, does she have a work ethic. working herself sick, sometimes. like me :/

  22. I am a mega Capricorn–uranus, sun, neptune, saturn, venus, nn– born January 1991. It hasnt been a fun experience. Pluto isnt making things any easier. Any advice for mega Caps trying to survive this long transit?

  23. I have a Stelium in Capricorn in the 12th house…ouch! I dont like my Sun there, Saturn & Mercury!!
    What is your take on these planets here??

  24. I am one of these mega-Caps! I have 6 planets (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus & Neptune) plus my ascendant in Capricorn. Jupiter in Cancer. Moon in Libra. Pluto in Scorpio. Mars in Sagittarius.

  25. I also have one pretty damn big Capi stellium, even though I was born in ’95: Sun, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Uranus, Juno are all in Capricorn, in my First House (Ascendant in Capricorn, too) (except Sun that is in my 12th House, making a tight conj. with Jupiter in Saggitarius)

    And indeed I seem to be very “capricornian” 🙂 But the strange thing is (and maybe due to my Sun house position) I am VERY intuitive and sensing (especially when it comes to what others are thinking) and sometimes I’m getting “tickling” sensations if something good or bad in going to happen… funny, indeed ;)) that’s my little secret though. Also, I DO NOT have any squares, opposites or retrogrades, but A LOT of Conjunctions and Sextiles and one Trine. Is this common? :)))

    1. Your sun and Jupiter are in the 12th house. Of course you are intuitive as they come. You must have incredible psychic abilities.

  26. I believe I am of the mega-caps that you are talking about. Born in ’90, my sun is in Sagittarius, but my mercury, venus, saturn, uranus, and neptune are all in Capricorn. On top of that I have my sun, mercury, venus, uranus, and saturn in my 12th house. And oh, did I mention that I have a Capricorn ascendant?

  27. Hey, I’m a mega capricorn too, born in January,1st, 1994,in Brazil. Sun,Mercury,Mars,Venus,Uranus,Neptune and Fortune Part in capricorn in the 8th house.( Venus is in the 7).But i feel a stronger scorpio personality on me,cause the stellium in the 8ht is increased by Jupiter and Pluto and Scorpio (5 and 6 houses.I don’t know if i the guilt is from capricorn or scorpio, but i’m completely crazy about power,ambitious,kinda underground, passioned by music,also i write songs.And the 8th gave me the obssession by sex,tranformation,and other plutoniam themes. I’m sorry about my english, but as i said, i’m brazilian. Good to see other mega capricos in here. =D haha

  28. I’m new to all this and was doing some research after I read my birth chart. This topic is so close to what I’m seeing on mine! However I was born Jan. 29, 1992. I’m an Aquarius with Capricorn Ascendent, and a Sagittarius moon. I have Mercury (at 29 degrees right on the cusp, I know), Venus and Mars (within 10 degrees of each other), Uranus and Neptune (within 2 degrees of each other, and Mars and Uranus are less than a degree from each other) all in Capricorn! Whatever the Mean Node is, it is in Capricorn also. So I guess I have 6 ‘planets’ in Capricorn?
    My Sun and Saturn are both in Aquarius aswell (only 1 degree apart), pretty neat, and I got lucky with my Pluto being in Scorpio;)

  29. I believe I am a mega Capricorn I was born January 15th 1991 at 22:57 GMT been recently investigating this date as i am taking a Mesoamerican Studies class which has sparked my interest in astrology
    If you know anything interesting about my birth let me know =] thanks

  30. i was born on january 14 1991 and have six
    planets and the node in capricorn
    i hardly trust the zodiac parts of it are not honest by nature
    my life is amazing the day i was born affects
    what i know and how i act and think
    it also helped me aquire much talent too

  31. I met a Capricorn mega stellium girl. She has her Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars (in the early degrees) and Uranus, Neptune in the late degrees of Capricorn. Yesterday I found out she’s Cap rising too!

    And, to spice things up, she has a Cancer Moon who opposes either the first 4 or the last 2 planets in Capricorn.

    What a chart!

  32. i have mercury mars neptune uranus saturn sun and venus in ist house capricorn here born ian 18 1990… happpy at the moment and never been alone but loner my self hahahaha

    1. isaias merlin, if you ar *not* a bot, are you aware that your reply seems like one? If you are a real person, I’m sorry. Please, create a username & post your question, along with your chart, in the forum called “Astrology”. 🙂

  33. Avatar
    Richard J Danner

    Im a mega cap 🙂 born december 27th 1991. At 8:54am im defiantly unique and dont think like anyone iv come accross lol. My email is [email protected] if you have some cool info on my chart, im always learning and would welcome any info or wisdom, ps i have almost laser like insight and high emotional intelligence (not saying it like braging, im more of a loner because of it) it seems, maybe from my chart?

  34. I’m a Mega Capricorn too born on December 31, 1990 also born with 27 degrees 28 minutes Capricorn Ascendant and 27 degrees 51 minutes Moon in Gemini. I have a stellium in Capricorn in the 12th House. I wonder how would this affect me, and its true I’m in the service oriented profession (I’m a Nurse) as how the 12th House stellium would describe at the same time the Third decanate of Capricorn Ascendant is being described.

  35. Avatar

    I have a stellium in Capricorn of all retrograde planets!! Uranus 5.36 (R) Neptune 11.51 (R) and Saturn 18.50 (R). I have another stellium in my Sun sign Virgo. Venus 4.18 Mercury 12.46 (R) and the Sun at 17.50.

    However Capricorn doesn’t actually fall into any house of mine? Some say my first house but others put Saggitarius as my 1st and 12th.

    How will these energies correlate?

  36. Hi, I am born on the 4th of January 1994,
    I have :
    Sun 13° 51′ Capricorn in 11. house
    Moon 06° 27′ Libra in 7. house
    Mercury 14° 13′ Capricorn in 11. house
    Venus 10° 50′ Capricorn in 11. house
    Mars 11° 43′ Capricorn in 11. house
    Jupiter 10° 10′ Scorpio in 8. house
    Saturn 27° 16′ Aquarius in 12. house
    Uranus 22° 33′ Capricorn in 11. house
    Neptune 20° 04′ Capricorn in 11. house
    Pluto 27° 00′ Scorpio in 8. house
    Vertex 22° 57′ Virgo
    East Point 20° 32′ Pisces

    Could you please tell me is having 6 planets in Cappy in the 11th house good or bad, I am new to astrology and I am still learning, soul searching and trying to know myself and build self confidence. Thanks in advance :)))

  37. Hi i am a capricorn born 15 january 1991, i dont really know much about how the planets were the day i was born, simply that there was an solar eclipse that day.

    Is there any way i can find out about this and perhaps even what it means?

    🙂 Hope i can get an answer from you.

  38. Hi!
    I’m a Capricorn rising and an Aquarius sun. A ’92 baby! January 29th… So Saturn is one degree within my sun (at 8 and 9 degrees)-in the first house. Mercury is at 29 degrees of the 12th house but forms a conjunction to both. I don’t personally cons

  39. I was born on Feb. 17, 1992. Aquarius with Capricorn rising. In the first house I have Capricorn Uranus conj. to Neptune; Capricorn Venus conj. to Mars and also an Aquarius Saturn opposed to Moon (7th). I have very hard time to cope with life!

  40. I think I’m one of these mega-caps. :O I was born on 06/11/1990. I have Moon, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune all in Capricorn (either in 8th or 9th house depending on house system). Blah…to top that all off, I have Mercury and Venus in Taurus (in 12th house). I’m like so earthy I sweat out mud.

    1. Are you attractive at all? Does paranormal stuff seem to happen to you a lot? And is studying/learning/knowledge/travel important to you honestly?

  41. if you work hard, and try something a little different through that uranus, you and your generation will change the way work and business and corporations will function compared to the recent past.

  42. perhaps you will become a very important but original scientist,or business profesion, connected to friends or science.innovative in practical constructions.

  43. Hi,

    I too have Saturn, Uranus, Neptune with Mars all in Capricorn but i am 1988 born. Unfortunately ( i guess) these 3 planets are in 10th house with mars being in 11th

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