The Power Of Believing (For Good Or Ill)

fenceMy sister has a Sagittarius moon conjunct Jupiter.  She’s blunt with the knowledge. If you’ve read her, running her mouth in one of my stories, I’m sure you’ve noticed.

One day she was pontificating about “beliefs”. This was a long time ago. I  had never given the concept so much as ten seconds of thought.  She was explaining how a person’s beliefs trump everything.  I was about eighteen years old, and suspicious of this claim. Still I was going to hear her out. She’s my big sister?

She said, when someone believed something, it was nearly impossible to move them. It could take, years,  and  they would probably not budge an inch.  I found ideas like this, hard to swallow, due to projection.  I move very quickly – others are me, right? NO.

That’s a whole other bead. I mean to say, when she said this, I thought it was sus. Maybe because I did not have any beliefs myself. None that I knew of anyway.  I thought I was beneath such a thing.

Anyway, she told me this. I like to credit people for things like this, because she was exactly right.

“Your husband is cheating.”

“No he’s not. My husband would never cheat on me.”

See, that’s a belief. Good luck tearing it down.

She explained, people don’t like their beliefs messed with. I’m recalling this now, for a couple of reasons, but here’s the one that is most important and related to my recent posts.

If you work with a practitioner of any kind and they believe a trauma victim will always be compromised, you are going to be working under a ceiling.  You can only be “better at being a trauma victim”.   You can’t heal completely. God knows, this would cross their beliefs.  They’ll have you contained in their paradigm and not even realize it. I know this because I have worked (briefly) with therapists like this.

“You can’t do that, Elsa.”

“The hell I can’t!

I believe you can hop the track and leave the trauma in the dust. I covered this in 2014 and many times, since.

Can You Overcome An Abusive Childhood?

This is real and it comes into play as a matter of routine.  I work with a lot of people who have heavy trauma. The time it may take is variable, but there is no way, you’re cursed and destined to live in what is essentially, a flashback.

Point being, I would not choose a practitioner will limiting beliefs, provided you want to heal. If you do, you will have to work against them and what would be the point of that?

That’s my sister and I, pictured. We are pruning an ocotillo (living) fence. I wanted to be on the ladder, can you tell?

7 thoughts on “The Power Of Believing (For Good Or Ill)”

  1. As a Sagittarian, moon, Venus and Ascendant I have changed my belief many times. This usually has been about religion. Jupiter in the 9th house Maybe? Now I don’t think one can change their core beliefs. I admit to gravitating to people that think like me and believe like me. I guess as I get older, I am just not up to the challenge it presents otherwise.

  2. …a person
    can NOT go beyond
    a decision
    they’re not willing
    to make.

    true victims or
    the latter are all the rage today
    follow the money…

    …a person
    can NOT go beyond
    a decision
    they’re not willing
    to make.

  3. The world and our existence don’t make sense really so we create belief systems for meaning or to try and make sense of it. You mess with someone’s ‘security’ and you can get a a wicked response!

  4. Lee Lehman, a prominent astrologer, once said that the reason astrology works so well (she’s talking mainly about horary astrology) is that most people don’t exercise free will…In my experience, that’s pretty accurate, but Elsa DOES exercise. free will….

  5. I think we are all constantly moving between ‘seeking security (actually it is safety)’ and needing to ‘expand = learn’. That means leaving the illusion of ‘safety’ behind and stepping out. Now, if you predominantly seek safety and you are digging your heels in to ‘change’ of any sort, life itself will bring ‘change’ because it neither stays the same nor goes back in time. If you run ahead without taking the past into account, life will do the same and remind you that there are ground rules that no one can escape.
    In some way that is Saturn/Jupiter stuff, no wonder that the conjunction was seen for centuries as a herald of a new ‘Ruler’ – it means that if you manage to be neither a Saturian nor a Jupiterian but manage somehow to ‘conjunct’ them, you ‘rule’ – also in your own life, not just over countries and people.

    Why ? Because you will be able to live well with the ‘contradiction’ of ‘I want to stay where I am and who I am (young? happy?) and change means suffering per se’ and ‘I want to wander around and search for my new identity forever (rich? famous?)’ and change in itself is always better.

    Beliefs are a way to assure ourselves that we are ‘safe’ or ‘better’ or ‘more deserving’ – even if a belief expresses in ‘hate’ toward other people or circumstances. Especially then! A belief can not be shattered by explanation, intellectual insight etc., my observation tells me that people will only change, evolve and tweak their beliefs in two instances: Either they experience trauma (a state of helplessness that they thought would kill them but it doesn’t) or they find people who are truly ‘safe’ from every angle, non-judgemental, kind, loving and supportive no matter what. Both experiences will put them on a track that enables them to look at the big picture and find themselves in the ‘grid’ of that picture – ego is a scared one, always defensive, trauma shatters it, love and kindness makes it possible to lay down the weapons.

    That’s not a one time life event, it is many – and on many levels.

  6. before knowing i was a sagittarius moon, i was raised having a very religious mother, who was extremely strict; she taught me alot about the value of belief and God and the divine. It really influenced me from birth. My connection to the divine is pure and strong, my beliefs have never changed from childhood and i learned alot about moralty and ethics and being good and close to God. I always believed and never stopped believing. (i thank my mother for this very much) Plus i have double Jupiterian influence with 12th house there (Pisces being co -ruled by Jupiter)
    then when i learned astrology and the influence of both parents (sun & moon importance) i nodded my head and thought.. why i’ll be damned. lol

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