The Reason I’m Not Here

gardenSorry, I’m scarce. I knew this week would be something; it has been but it’s not bad.  My husband had surgery, yesterday, on his birthday. He is a Taurus with a Scorpio moon, same as yesterday’s full moon. Then we had Jupiter Uranus and I don’t even know what else. Point is, my husband’s surgery was out of town so we were sort of off the grid.

neighborMy husband is fine, so no worries there.  The weather is warm though. Most know I’m an avid gardener so I’m getting my tomatoes in.  I’ll be planting the rest of the week, off and on. It’s my favorite time of the year.

I’m available for consultations but will probably wait another day to write. This is because all the topics in my head are great (some from the “ask questions” thread). I don’t want to hack it out. I’d rather wait until I’m not distracted.

Also, some of my topics need some research. I prefer to dig in the dirt.  So everything is good here.  My mental focus is very good, in conversation. I just want and need to get my garden rolling, for my own peace of mind.

I’m really on top it this year; set to have a terrific season. I don’t want to lost my footing with this. We all know how hard “traction” is to come by, in this era!!

Edit to add, the second pic. My neighbor came over with his tractor, to help me out.

14 thoughts on “The Reason I’m Not Here”

  1. My daughter married on April 20 under the Uranus/Jupiter conjunction. It was just awesome but the lead up had its share of freak outs. I’m home and I don’t have this fabulous moment haging over my head. I can eat a piece of cake and start gardening. Can’t wait.

  2. Hi Elsa, glad to hear your husband came out of surgery well. My dog had surgery too, yesterday. He’s never been under the knife before (he’s 12), so it’s been a new experience for sure. I am awaiting his biopsy report. They said it can take some time bc of back-up. My mom goes in for surgery next week for cancer. Lots of mental preparation over here.

    I’ve been wondering what type of seeds I can plant in my own life recently to fill my depletion. While I don’t have that type of green thumb, your tomatoes sound like a metaphor for a ripe birth. Hoping things clear up for myself when all is past this bog and fog in my personal and inter-relational life.

    Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us– the pocket droppings you’ve been leaving here resonate deeply with me recently. Especially the ones about friends disappearing, difficulties of finding new ones, reminiscing about the past and such… I’m in my early 30’s, single for a long while now… it’s hard to find people to connect to socially and romantically, so I’m grateful to come here and be able to connect in general.

    It’s truly a wild time we’re all living now.

    My mom always says, if everyone were to throw their worries into a pot, you’d probably reach back in and grab your own.” Although things aren’t easy right now, I keep thinking “it can always be worse”. I’m so thankful for the last standing very tight-knit people I have in my littlebig Scorpio world right now, just can’t help but feel intense loneliness and lack of intense connection I really need sometimes. I realize my internal process is unique and complex within itself (a lot of Scorpio/8th house, 6th house and mercury- Gemini Rising, Virgo Moon)

    Anyways, thank you for always having a real, raw place to land on in the interweb. Happy planting and a smooth recovery to your husband 🙂

    1. Hi, JRS. You’ve got a lot going on! I your dog news is good and your mother’s surgery goes well.

      I appreciate you encouraging me. Thank you.

  3. Gardening is good for soul healing. Something about earth and growing things touching your skin. I used to have lots of flowers until I had health issues about a decade ago, fought my way back to good health. Now all my flower beds have been seeded in grass or overgrown with perennials. I need to start over, if work ever lets up. I at least got to sit out on the deck tonight and watch the bunny and squirrels for awhile.

    It will be a bit before my 6 th house Aries cools off, so it might be next year before I undertake reviving any flower beds

  4. Ps…..I’m happy to hear your hubby is doing good . It’s hard when strong men face an issue with their health.

  5. We saw the 13 ducklings swim with mama on the pond ,and go this week. Spring miracles are outside. Starts started.

  6. Hi Elsa, I’m very glad your husband did well in surgery! Your garden looks great, I only have pots as I live in an apartment but will start next week to plant my annual cooking herbs. Uranus made for a crazy time at home but it seems it will start slowing down finally. Hope your husband makes a good recovery and you both enjoy your time off

  7. Glad to hear your husband’s surgery went well! Thank you for sharing. I am soooo behind on my gardening, but had other things going on. Knew it would be this way this month, but had unexpected things happening. My brother who is 92 passed at 1 am on April 21. I was there, as his daughter had called me 10 days before to tell me he wasn’t doing well. Hopped in my car & drove the 700 miles as I just knew I had to be there. ( I am a retired RN, 72) I am the only girl after 4 boys. My other 3 brothers have passed on. He is a Scorpio, as were 2 of my other brothers: other was a Capricorn. My oldest brother whom I went to see has a wife with severe dementia, my neice watching her also. She had a birthday April 11- 89th. She had no reaction with his passing and slept through the whole process ( we had hospice care at house) she doesn’t seem aware. I wonder is her spirit out there somewhere? Where does the mind go. I cared for her while there and watched her and wondered. They just celebrated their 70th anniversery in March. She was very attached to him, wanting to sit next to him all the time. When she got up that morning she got up and smoothed the sheet over his empty bed, then walked out of the room. I wondered is there a connection in astrology with dementia? On that long drive home I pondered many things. Thanks Elsa being there. Have a great week gardening, as I am, The Farmers Almanac was right this year.

  8. Glad your husband’s surgery was successful. Hopefully recovery time is short.

    I am going to call you the “Garden Goddess”

    🧚‍♀️ 💝

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    This sounds funny but I’m gonna say it anyways. When I read this last week about your gardening, I came across info that may be yours. A lady was explaining that someone was gardening and a older man, maybe a grandfather type person was with you while you were gardening. I immediately thought of Henry.

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