Venus in Aspect To Pluto: “Somebody Kill Me Please”

Since SaDiablo inspired me with her comment on the Betty video, here is another song for Venus square Pluto, “Somebody Kill Me Please”. Notice Mars is in Libra and he says please!

This one of the songs the soldier has for how he felt when we broke up as kids. He brings it out when I tell him he left me and I pretty much shut up. You can get a hit on Jupiter in Capricorn here too – This guy’s misery is funny!

8 thoughts on “Venus in Aspect To Pluto: “Somebody Kill Me Please””

  1. Yes, *please*, somebody kill me too!

    It’s so cool the way you two communicate with music. A song for every feeling shared 🙂

    You know, it’s so interesting to me you both think it was the other who left! Two different perspectives, both make sense, and start and end at the same point.

  2. yes, pretty pretty please. I’m really excited to take my brand new painkillers tonight. *justkeepswimmingjustkeepswimming*

  3. good luck satori! i’m on some new medication too, not painkillers, acid inhibitors for the worse stomach issues I’ve had since I had a parasite in 1998.

  4. Yeah, Drew Barrymore. Here’s a bit of trivia: I have had FOUR people tell me I am just like her in 50 first dates. Er… and they’re right.

    See, there is so much you guys don’t know. 😉

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