
Music posts of all types…


When Your Dreams Die

Hi, Elsa. My dreams are dying, the calling is still there and I’m trying to be okay with this. I have a dream of going around town singing with a small jazz band. I would love to be surrounded by music and musicians 24/7. I’m quite good at it as I’ve been told many, many

Mexican standoff

More On Power Struggles In Relationships

lunairy wrote on The Cold War In Your Marriage Or Relationship: “This post definitely subtly hints of libra mars talking…. [it seems so obvious & common sense to us!!] …. i have learned it is not the case for others…” This is a great observation and I don’t deny I prefer to get along. But


Astrology & Music: Aspects in Charts of Musicians

DEGREE INFLUENCES IN MUSICIANS & COMPOSERS Peter Morrell writes: “In summary, from this we can see that any planets in Leo and Aquarius tend to be linked with musical ability, especially the middle and end degrees. We can also see 13-19 degrees of any sign can confer musical ability especially those in cardinal and fixed

venus marlene

Music: Venus and Her Tastes

My daughter was a teenager. Try as I might, I just didn’t like the music she was listening to in the era. I thought I could and should love whatever (and whoever) my kids loved but as it turned out, I couldn’t manage. The truth came out instead. We were in the car with her

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