Wedding Day Stellium

wedding stelliumOur wedding anniversary is Friday.  We got married with a stellium in Libra in the 7th house.

Venus and the Moon square Pluto in Capricorn. Uranus is conjunct the ascendant of the event chart, opposing Venus (and Saturn in Virgo). We have a great marriage. It just goes to show you, not to be afraid of this stuff.

We specifically wanted permanent situation. We got it!

We recently paid for a single niche in a columbarium.  We plan to rest in peace there, together.

Is there a stellium in your wedding chart? How’s your marriage?

23 thoughts on “Wedding Day Stellium”

  1. Yes, on our wedding day 12 years ago, there was a stellium in virgo in my 3rd house: Jupiter (on sun/moon midpoint) conjunct sun and venus and mercury retrograde (conj. natal IC)…and in my husband 4th house.

  2. Interesting!

    Yep. Our wedding chart shows: Mercury, Mars, Sun, Jupiter, and Ceres all piled up in Virgo in the 9th. (We’re from different cultures!) In square to sleepy Pluto in Sag in 12th. (We didn’t fight that day but he did say something as a “joke” to his friend that I haven’t quite forgiven him for… It erupts on occasion in arguments we have) Saturn and Venus (too wide to be conjunct!) both in the 7th house. AC in Cap conjunct Juno (shows a subdued affair in front of a courthouse with a few friends and family) and DC on Cancer (we got news we were expecting during the engagement!) Venus in Leo square Moon in Scorpio (I, Leo rising, had to practically beg my secretive hermit mother to attend!) NN in Taurus in the 4th show that we got married outdoors and reiterated the private theme.

    Not without rough patches along the way, our relationship is solid, despite some of these precarious transits on that day. The stellium itself I’m sure has a lot to do with it. Virgo = duty. And marriage is a lot of that! ?

  3. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband may you have many happy years to come. I didn’t do an event chart on my wedding day. We were married 2 days after Christmas in 1997 I do know we have a Capricorn wedding day but little else about it. Never thought to do a chart on it. To date things have been good we completed raising my 2 children and his 4 it has been an interesting adventure so far.

  4. Happy Anniversary!

    Our wedding day chart is sun conjunct Saturn in the 7th, Virgo. It has Mars, Venus, Mercury conjunction in the 8th, Libra, and a Scorpio moon in the 10th.

  5. Yes, Happy Anniversary on Friday.

    Our wedding day has Jupiter, Mars and Sun in Virgo with MC in there too 10th House. We have a marriage that grows over time. With a trine to Cancer in the 8th, and a square to Pluto in the 1st. We do feed each other’s identity deeply with that square. Keeping us honest and aware of the sacrifices asked of us. That 8th House Cancer supports what we are leaving before — the legacy.

  6. You know, I had never even thought to look. (Common-law) [5min later….]
    Two stellia: Scorp moon/sag venus merc mars in 3rd house [Sag intercepted!]; Cap NN Uranus Neptune/Aqu Saturn in 4th house.
    Asc Libra.
    State of the union (lol!) – part of me wants out, but I don’t know how to manage that as his health is crap and has no income. :/ Sex life non-existent. We do love each other but the stress has taken its toll. :/

  7. Happy Anniversary!!! ?

    Mine and my husbands Marriage Chart has the Sun and Mercury in Cancer H7 with Venus in Leo H7. In H1 we have Jupiter conjunct Moon in Capricorn opp. the Sun and Sun and Merc. Uranus in the Event Chart is conjunct my Natal Sun, trine the Event Sun/Merc in Cancer H7. Whew.

  8. Wedding day was Solar Eclipse. Sun 29 degree Capricorn. Mercury Aquarius 2 degree and Neptune 3 degree. Sun, Mercury and Neptune are in 5th house.

    Pluto conjunct Chiron at 3rd house.

    I didn’t learn Astrology at that time.

    15 years of marriage is just full of fighting and event. Too much ups and down. Minimum sex. Do we love each other??

  9. Happy Anniversary! And many more to come.
    I like what you say about your marriage – it’s very uplifting.
    I’m glad this workds out so well for you, it’s avery good thing.
    No wedding chart info for me, I’m still a bachelor.

  10. Happy Anniversary! My husband’s and mine is Sunday and we will be married 18 years. Our Sun is conjunct Mercury in H-10 and we talk about anything and everything. Our Jupiter and Uranus and Uranus is conjunct in H-2. That makes sense because when we got married we had a truck full of gifts from family and friends. And we have Saturn in Aries opposing our Sun and Mercury, we have had tough times as well as good, but then again, doesn’t everyone? :o)

  11. Happy Anniversary!

    There isn’t A Stellium on our Chart, but there was a Libra Saturn. So, I looked at various dates in Summer 2011, there was one Saturday could have Moon in Libra and Libra Rising, not conjunct that Saturn, and that was good enough for me.

  12. Elsa! What a revelation! I am amazed that I – and so many others on EE – never did a wedding chart! Impossibly, I just did it and learned our wedding chart has a big stellium: Saturn, Mercury and Uranus in Sag conjunct Sun, Neptune, Vulcan and Juno in Cap. All conjunct in the 8th house!!

    No way in the world would I have married if I’d seen that! But it has been a miracle marriage, happy, strong and solid all these years. NOT would I would have predicted if I had seen that chart. Boy am I glad I didn’t! Sure gives me something to think about. THANKS and happy anniversary to you Elsa & Soldier.

  13. Avatar
    Cheryl Peterson

    I had to run a chart for our wedding day too. No stellium for us but Sun, Jupiter, and Merc in Cancer, 7th. 37 years and still going strong.

    Happy anniversary to you and your husband, Elsa!

  14. Happy anniversary, Elsa!

    I’ll have to go look at the chart for me and my cat. I do celebrate the day I adopted him as our anniversary. He’s my husband, best friend, partner in crime, you name it.

  15. Well, yes, Mercury, Sun, Venus, Mars and NN in Jupiter conjunct MC with Pisces Asc. We married in a foreign country and, although it was planned in advance, only my mother knew in advance.

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